Youtube gaming channel devolves into having a gf/wife involved

>youtube gaming channel devolves into having a gf/wife involved


I fucking love that image. Post more damaged Nico.



Stop this

Who even comes up with this.

Poor Jerma, if only he could've found himself a cute blond to feed him chicken wraps like Ster.

>anime girls getting brutalised
Instantaneous erection, please post more

What's going on in this thread?

>Girl gets involved
>She has no synergy with the guys and her "bants" are just genuine insults that make everyone feel awkward

Only dude I ever watched consistently hasn't changed at all in the last 7 years.

You can't have "bants" that are not genuine insults.

>Q&A video
>Does your wife/GF love games?
>No but she loves to watch me play them! *Forced smile here.*


Hah~ The feeling of punching a tiny girl's abdomen must feel nice. Seeing her trying to cover her mouth and struggling not to vomit and cough up blood is a wonderful result.

>streamer breaks up with his gf to spend more time gaming

>Gonna switch over to the Alt to play with the Wide.



Tfw you will never be ster and have a fun wife and a dog

desu that's how it started with my girlfriend as well. And now she has more hours into BoTW than I do.

>tfw Nico is still more popular than a majority of the other girls no matter how much people insult and ridicule her

feels good

>Sup Forums thread
>its littered with Sup Forums and /neogaf/ sony shit

erry day niggaz

Is ster's girlfriend cute? I remember hearing her in a TF2 video and she sounded cute/dorky

E-celebs aren't video games

Not a knockout but pretty cute. Plus a 10/10 personality.

Nigga!!! she's kawaii as fuck. I wish I could go suck ster's dick in congratulations!

This fat autistic fuck got laid, and you're still a virgin.
What's your excuse?

I don't consider it a bad thing when a girl has ryona art.

How is Star doing? I haven't watched his streams.

First shes watching you playing games.
Then your watching her fuck other men.

If you ain't doing activities together from the start there ain't no point to the relationship.

>Youtuber gaming channel starts livestreaming on twitch
>Starts uploading less frequently
>Only uploads his unedited 3-5 hour stream
>Thank you _______, for the donation. Every 6 minutes

i don't know how to talk to ppl

they are so boring

I pretty much avoid watching northerlion whenever he has his wife on


He's still his cynical ironically grumpy self, started playing ping-pong and plays D&D on the regular with other streamers. He is however the unluckiest Overwatch player in the world.

Who did this besides lobos?

did jerma and star have a falling out or what. Nigga dodges the questions whenever I ask on stream

Her voice is so fucking squeaky, both of them are going to sound barely pubescent well into their 40s.

>Post vocaroo
>People tell me to do videos
>Stream some
>Hardly advertise it because I don't feel it
>Doesn't get much attention
>Don't feel any worse

Delete this you sick fucks.

god I wish kim would fuck off shes going to ruin jerma

wtf is this picture

why do they both have smooth bubbly, baby faces

Is her womb going nico nico ni~?

>GF becomes part of the usual format
>People get used to her
>Relationship goes to shit
>So does the channel because it attracted more cucks that lusted after her than people that wanted to actually watch normal vidya content

Every time

Yea, Kim needs to fuck off, and she sounds and seems like a total whore


>D&D streamers
What? That exist?


>shes going to break jermas heart after she bleeds him dry

>games that let you hurt and bully qt anime grilles

just played srb1 after playing srb2 a few months ago, both pretty good. Kinda like studioS titles but far less intense

Overwatch streamers who happen to play D&D with each other.

bants are insults done knowing the recipient knows it was not meant to actually insult or harm them

therefore it can't be a genuine insult

>tfw jerma's downfall started from him moving to only streaming
His "The Movies" videos are funny

>the gf is better than one of the other channel members

>Yahtzee still hasn't found a new cohost so he can resume Let's Drown Out
>instead he just streams with his annoying girlfriend
Why can't he just go back to Australia?