BG&E II gameplay
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After all this wait, It's nice of them to have invited a fan of the first hour on set.
Holy shit, this is gonna get butchered by release, isn't it? This is too damn ambitious for a release product.
I've never played the original but this looks amazing. I'm going to hover in a weird state of depression until this actually comes out because I'm convinced that this real time simulation thing will get dropped by the time it's on shelves.
That thing has been in development hell for years. With little bit of luck, what they worked on so far won't be wasted and we might get a complete game.
but yes, this game is way to ambitious. they literally want us to play the fucking universe.
>that ship control, though
Like you can here he is only using the control pad, yet it seems to obey its control flawlessly. That's at least one good part of the gamedesign locked down, there.
It's gonna be Beyond No Man's: Reskyeing
The very sound of the word 'biome' should ring to you that 99% of the game is going to be boring as fuck randomly generated empty """"""cities""""" and """"""planets"""""""
Eeh... Not exactly. Seeing as there, it's actually not randomly generated.
Didnt they say after the release trailer that they didnt even begun to work on the game?
That was just a rumor or misinterpreted words.
The game is in continuous development since 10 years, also Ancel is a very talented game designer
I think the goal is to have very empty spaces where there is nothing with some islands of civilization, a bit like a pirate game. Also games where there is a point of interest every 100m like Oblivion fucking suck, emptiness is good for immersion as long as it doesn't cripple the actual gameplay.
What I want to look at personnally are the cities, we know Ubi can make big detailled cities but it often lacks soul.
This looks like it could have been an amazing game, shame it's ruined by a nigger protagonist
>shame it's ruined by a nigger protagonist
that doesn't ruin anything.
Eh, I can't agree with that. Biomes are an actual thing and the world is clearly a static one based on the video.
Agreed, big empty spaces are necessary for a believable world. Most of the Earth is uninhabited. The important thing will be adding specks of interest that may serve no purpose beyond being interesting to discover (like ruins, etc) and making the populated areas feel purposeful and lively.
Yeah, I like that they seem to get that realism can be trumped in favor of good gameplay. Does it make sense that it can turn on a dime? Who gives a shit, it feels good.
There is only one black, I watched some interviews in french and he says you will play and have the choice between multiple characters.
Yeah it's as much gameplay as these videos..
>BG&E 1 is still one of my favourite titles
>lost hope that Jewbisoft would actaully release the game
>Want to know what happened to Jade and Pey'j
>The sequel's going to be a fucking OPUN WUUUURLD shit
Life is suffering
thanks jew
Does non-open world games even sell this day ? I mean outside of strictly multiplayer ones and indies ?
You say that as if there as anything wrong with it...
Out of curiosity, why did you quote ?
Didn't AAAAAARMS sell over a million in a week on a console that's only been out for three months?
>>The sequel's going to be a fucking OPUN WUUUURLD shit
Except for near the end, BG&E1 was also an open world.
It was literally a small town and the suburbs. The planet Ancel was showing was 10 times the size of Hillys
The era of openworld games has been presaged by everybody since the first Crysis
Yeah, but Ubisoft got quite the experience with it.
Should I still play number one? Always had some interest in it but never picked it up for some reason
They didn't being work on the game proper, but the tech is there.
Arms is a weird fighting game which main interest is multiplayer, it's not really comparable.
Last non-open world games I can think of are Quantum Break, Hitman and Deus Ex, (last two are still semi-open world/sandbox) and they underperformed, Prey, Doom and Dishonored 2 were okay without being a massive success either I think.
After that there is CoD but it's playing in its own class and lot of people these day buy it for the multiplayer (which wasn't the case in 2007).
I think the pleb just wants that.
As Ancel bemoaned when the first game was released, they wanted a bigger world but didn't have the tech at the time.
I didn't even notice, nice.
Final game will be nothing like this if it comes out at all. Also I'm getting Sean Murray vibe with his "you can do anything".
>interviews in french
Can we get a link?
Can't wait to play this in my self-driving car.
I played it last years by one hour session and overall:
>gameplays are simple but they all lack depths because there are too many of them
>environment go from great to meh
>universe is fun and original
The thing to remember is that it was a very ambitious console game for consoles in 1999, I mean you only really found this type of multiple faced gameplay with Deus Ex and System Shock on PC.
It doesn't take more than 11-12 hours to finish it anyway so you have nothing to lose trying it.