Sm64 controlls discussion

continued from last thread. let's keep this up!

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who is the guy who does all those super spergy youtube videos about the technical details of SM64?

To user who thinks the game is unplayable:

What platforming do you want to see? I'll make a video of it.

SM64 is the only game where I feel like I'm the character and not control the character. Only game that came close to this sensation is DMC3


I played this for the first time when I was 17 and goddamn it got frustrating at times, when camera orientation was relevant

I laughed at the thought.

that's it, thanks

retards don't understand Mario has to slide briefly when he turns around so you can use a side flip, one of the most useful jumps in the game.

Also, try running as fast as you can and then stopping on a dime. See what happens.

i miss talking to that retard who thinks the game is unplayable. come back to me retard-user.

I broke my ankles, but it worked.


Maybe it's just because I've primarily played platformers in my life, but I admittedly never had trouble with this game. Maybe when I first played it when I was like 7, but I still finished it in 3 days and 100% it within a month. I even play this game about once a year/once every other year and can still 100% it in a few hours.

>Maybe it's just because I've primarily played platformers in my life
nah user, it just means you have spatial awareness and aren't a retard.

I have considered picking this game up as a new speedgame, but I've been spoiled with the GameCube controller for so long.

The controls aren't bad at all. They just take practice.

>I've been spoiled with the GameCube controller for so long.
So play it with a gamecube controller.

or a hori mini pad or something.

I've been told so many times to use the original controller and not third party. The original control stick is highly recommended over third party ones for movement based games like SM64, Banjo, and GoldenEye due to sensitivity issues.

The 120 star world record holder uses a Hori Minipad, so it's clearly a viable way to run the game.

The raphnet gamecube adapter fixes the deadzone and angle issues, for the most part. It's not entirely like using a 3rd party n64 controller.

Cheese is definitely an exception here. The only other person I can think of who runs without using a default controller would be rwhitegoose, who uses a steelstick.

Why worry about correcting the wrongs of a third party when you can use a controller that "just werks"?

If we're including steelstick under the "3rd party" umbrella, then Simply, Kyman, Taggo, and Bluebob all use one.

Yes, I would consider steelsticks to be third party. And if I was sent one for free, I'd sure as hell use it.

But that isn't the case here, so I'm going with the next best option. Sensitivity issues aside, it's seems pathetic not being able to pick up a new controller and expecting to compete with top times in the biggest speedgames.

Why are the physics of this game so fucking smooth compared to any other game I've played? Even Galaxy and Sunshine don't feel as fluid.

>Sensitivity issues aside, it's seems pathetic not being able to pick up a new controller and expecting to compete with top times in the biggest speedgames.
I'm not sure what you mean by this.
Casuals found it too "slippery" or whatever. They're retarded, though.

sort of related, but I've been playing through SMS again recently and the game still holds up fairly well. out of the 30 shines I've gotten so far only 2 of them did I think I had trouble with due to controls.

Wanting to run N64 but not wanting to use the N64 controller is laughable. Nobody worth their time is going to do that.

the controls are shit

>Nobody worth their time is going to do that.
The world record holder for 70 and 120 star does it.


DMC3 is stiff as fuck though. All of the DMC games are.

This is how you tell when someone is just bad at games. They call controls that require you to think and plan ahead "stiff."

Movement is stiff, yes. No amount of planning ahead will change that.

What is this webm trying to convey? Generic ice physics or is this someone actually struggling to play?


I was referring to the use of adapters, not third party N64 controllers.

So cheese plays with a third party controller. Can he play just as well with a different controller? Probably not right off the bat. He would have to adjust to its size, weight, how its held, button placement and feel, stick sensitivity, etc.

The entire point I'm trying to make is that if you are going to learn to use an N64 controller, why would you use anything but the original? There is no upside to third party usage.

>I was referring to the use of adapters
Scores of ocarina of time runners use gcn to n64 adapters, including the best players in the world.

And? GoldenEye makes use of using two controllers at a time. Unless I have two left hands, the GC controller is not going to help me.

well there's your problem m8.

What does that have to do with Devil May Cry? I agree that movement in Mario 64 is top tier.

I've just spent the last minute trying to understand what you meant with this post. I'm not sure what you are trying to prove by insulting that game..

>I'm not sure what you are trying to prove by insulting that game.
Not only is it a terrible speedgame, but runners DO use 3rd party peripherals. Take a look at Goose's "chimera" controller. It literally has a 3rd party joystick installed into it on one of the controllers lmao

Why would I use a frankensteined controller?? Hello??