It's the current year, why don't you main Juri Han?

It's the current year, why don't you main Juri Han?

I don't intend on getting into SF

Garbage design.

I don't play SF.

I like winning

But I do user

Shit taste.

No, you have shit taste.

you just put your self at disadvantage at beginning of the match when juri dont have charges making her quite bad for ranked play.

No, YOU have shit taste.

Because she's boring as shit in V.

QBD-__ when?


>implying I don't
I love this Korean fiend.

I mained her in SFIV, but they fucking ruined her in SFV, made another boring rushdown character. Dropped the game completely after her release, it's garbage.


>waifus constantly getting skins
>Rog, Bison, Sim and Rashid still haven't gotten a single costume since release
This shit is ridiculous, Mika has like 5 fucking skins already

Says the retard.



That's a big dick.

where are her teeth

People who play Rog don't care about looks and he already has good costumes
Nobody plays Rashid
One person plays Sim
Bison is uncommon

Meanwhile you get shitloads of cash because people like dressing their waifus

For you.

No, really, that's a big dick. Huge even.

Suck my dick

God I wish that spider was me

You'd like that wouldn't you.

I play Rog and I'd like a fun skin, like a holiday outfit or something. And you can't tell me that Mika's playrate is five times higher than any of those to the point where not one of them merits a single skin in the time since Mika's gotten five

Please tell me there's more art of her in that school uniform design.

I know most people here hate that kind of thing but I'm such a fucking sucker for that kind of look.

pic also related

Yes please

Too bad, ask your mother.

She doesn't have to be played, she just needs a higher rate of costume buyers

And the ones in that list definitely aren't popular enough for costumes and shit


I'm not one of them, Juri is just too good though.

I don't play Rog, but I'd pick him up if Capcom gave him that cheeseburger design.

Why is she good?

It's like, average, maybe slightly on the big side.

Because she has a bad move set in every game she's in and her design is shit and almost every piece of concept art is better than the final product

How come there are no juri figures of her latest look?

This is turning out to be a good thread.

I see a good number of Rashids and I feel like nearly all of them are using one of his skins. I see a lot of Bison and feel like they'd get his skins if his skins were actually cooler and not plastic coat or torn default outfit


Maybe you're right.

Please, suck it


Juri is my favorite function

Pic related is this whole thread



>Bison is uncommon

this is how I can tell you don't actually play the game

Fuck you.




Mika's gotten four costumes, actually. But that means that, including the initial Default/Story/Battle costumes everyone has, Mika's up to seven costumes with the schoolgirl one.

That places her in a weird spot where only Chun-li has more costumes than her (at eight) and the only other person in the game to currently have seven costumes is Ryu. Even Cammy is lower than that, at six.

Let that sink in for a moment. Mika has more costumes than anyone else in the game right now aside from Chun-li and Ryu.

I'd give him the benefit of the doubt. I'm in super gold and I see a fair bit of Bison but not nearly as much as Ken/Akuma/Cammy and the others in heavy play

Why yes, you do have shit taste.

Why are you stating your shit taste again?