Why does Sup Forums hate Uncharted?
I just started the Nathan Drake Collection and they are fun games, nice action and good platforming.
Why does Sup Forums hate Uncharted?
I just started the Nathan Drake Collection and they are fun games, nice action and good platforming.
Other urls found in this thread:
One, Sup Forums isn't one person.
Two, I like Uncharted as well. It's one of my favorite current gen franchises.
Cinematic elements despite them not being a detriment to the game.
Because Sup Forums doesn't play vidya. We complain about E3 and post hentai pics.
>It's popular
>muh casual meme
>muh interactive movie meme
I personally liked them as well, at least the first 3. Haven't played 4. The thing is, it's nice to have on or few games like that, but it shouldn't really be the direction for other games to follow when it comes to gameplay.
indiana jones but with an unsympathetic douchebag whose sense of humor and series' gameplay ages like milk as time passes
not to mention that the stories range from mediocre to plain bad
What I don't like about 1 currently is that I can only carry two weapons and always have to pick ammo. Hope they change it
4's ending ties up Nathan's story so nicely.
Controller aiming, bulletspongy enemies, 30fps (thankfully fixed in the ND Collection, but they went back to 30 with U4), easy puzzles, half-assed stories (the devs have admitted they think up the set pieces first, then write a story around them).
So, still Indiana Jones?
Also, bullshit. Great acting, nice easter eggs, phenomenal locations and graphics, local co-op in 3, good mp. And don't fucking offend Druckmann again on Sup Forums.
To be honest 30fps is fine for U4 considering how great it looks. I never got the complaint about sponge enemies, normal guys only take 3 pistol shots to kill on medium.
here's your (you)
>corridor shooter with bad platforming elements and "wait a minute that card"-tier puzzles
Pretty much this.
I've only played U1 and U2 but this really fits the description. Neogaf claiming these are 9/10 games isn't helping.
Because Sup Forums is full of contrarian fags.
But what's so bad about that? I mean I don't play Persona and then complain about shallow turn based combat and "muh teens muh bad adults" story.
>what's so bad about being bland generic shooter with bad platforming and stupid puzzles
Seriously, there are like 1001 better games. You can still enjoy these games but they are still nothing special. Try playing Vanquish or even Gears of War 3 and then come back.
nice meme
The combat has far greater depth than you'd first expect, which you'll only really discover at higher difficulties. 3 and 4 feature some of the best character interactions, voice acting, and direction ever seen in video games. Each part was visually far ahead of anything else at the time they came out on their platform. There's nothing remotely "bad" about them.
The 4th was a disaster
>press x to win
>"open world"
>stupid story
Exemple : Why the fuck couldn't Nate use his grappling hook to get on too of the wall at the end ? That's pure bullshit
Overall, I think the game was just a $60 cinema ticket.
It's alright man I love them myself it just isn't 20 years old and doesn't have an autistic monster fusion chart it's not for Sup Forums.
I don't hate Uncharted.
I just have an aggressive disinterest in it.
why is the first one revered as the weakest?
U2 by the end becomes a shooting fest and U3 doesn't offer much novelty either.
> 4 games
> only 1 decent boss fight
>half the game is generic cover shooting but you can do dodgerolls
>other half is climbing and "platforming" so braindead easy they make gone homo look fucking hardcore
>except in 4, there it's 30% gears of war but worse and 70% walking sim
It's basically a series for people who don't like video games and just want to press buttons and watch something awesome happen
shit gameplay
Uncharted 1 is not as good as the others only because it all takes place in the jungle
because it's press x to awesome shit duh
>30% gears of war
Ah yes, I remember going in and out of stealth in Gears of War and using my grapling hook to move swiftly across the battle area.
Sup Forums loved Uncharted 2 when it was released.
I was kinda hyped by Uncharted 4 and it bored me to death.
I don't think running in circles shooting and blue barrels was decent.
I wasn't hyped for 4 after 2 and 3, but I loved it. You're the problem here, it's a better game.
>they will never make a multiplayer game as good and simple as Uncharted 2's MP
>Ah yes, I remember going in and out of stealth in Gears of War
It's literally the same babymode stealth that's in every other TPS, Gears of War probably has it too
>using my grapling hook to move swiftly across the battle area.
>gimmick you can't even use most of the time
that's pretty misinformative. there was a bit of qte button presses, but the rest of the sword fighting segment was pretty brutal, especially on crushing.
The controls are pretty stiff, the enemies are copypasted, there's no real antagonist and the worst: it's all jungle
>The combat has far greater depth than you'd first expect
This is only true of 4, and only on the hardest difficulty. The enemy are constantly flanking or finding ways behind you.
Man those guys look pretty jaded.
>can't even use most of the time
Literally ever fight sequence has grappling points for you to jump around user. Are you retarded or something? That's the dynamic of combat in 4, you stealth around a bit, you get into a fight, you use the hook to run away, you lose the pursuit, hide again, go into steath and the loop repeats. Are you really too dumb for Uncharted 4 combat? It's fun.
Climbing sections are too linear and obvious due to highlighted ledges
Combat is unsatisfying due to mixture of regenerating health and enemies using hitscan weapons and the guns you have access to also feeling like pea-shooters
>Climbing sections are too linear
Not in 4, climbing is pretty free form there, can go a lot of different paths. 4 fixes pretty much everything Uncharted was hated for, but the average retardo from Sup Forums still hates it because Sup Forums told him to hate it I guess