This is Aloy

This is Aloy.

She's sad because her game didn't do very well, so say something to cheer her up!

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She'd look fine with a normal hairstyle

What happened? Did her sales numbers take the breath of the wild out of her?

I like her game and she's cute.

Nah, her game did well enough, it really didn't deserve it tho.

I really never understood how anyone found her attractive. It looks like she bit a beehive.

Too bad Ashly Burch is on """"strike"""" now

not everyone finds attractive/likes the same thing you know


>tribal game with cute main character that collects outfits

>not one barefooted costume

>cute main character

Don't fret Aloy, I'm sure you still did better than ReCore

>her game didn't do very well
Is this the new delusional thing retards are spamming, like with Bloodborne?

t. PCfag

But Nelson it did well

Why does her face make me so upset?

>her game didn't do very well
Almost 4mil for a system seller it's quite good my friendo

>try running across the map barefoot
>ow, oh, ouch, ow, aw, fuck

I still don't understand how Guerilla got Horizon to look better than Witcher 3 on ultra on the shitty PS4 hardware.

post her penis

can I find bunkers for the ancient armory anytime, or all of them are discovered through story missions?

>this comic: the game

story is contrived bullshit

God she looks hideous.

Almost all of them are discovered during main game, one of them in one of the latest main missions.

They did a lot of tricks, and reduced the draw distance. You'll notice that Horizon probably doesn't look as good as Witcher 3 in landscape shots if you start getting real picky. But they used some good tricks to cover it up.

sey bro
shut the fuck up bro

you can do the override bunkers once ya learn it, I believe.

haven't finished it yet, but there was not a single sign of any love interest so far

I want to choke on her bush.

it's a mistery, GG are truly tech magicians

Why westerners put so much effort into making ugly people?

>Hot white dudes
What did they mean by this?

>trains as a kid barefoot
>suddenly wants shoes at 18


Yeah draw distance was sacrificed for sure, still impressive. No frame drops either in my experience. Rise of the Tomb Raider on max settings is still the best looking game I've played.

there are none. just a couple dudes crushing on her but she's oblivious to it.


The still shots of Alloy at her best look 10x hotter than 2B desu.

thanks, one more question: will I be able to explore the map/collect stuff after I finished the main game?

its not hard to make weebshit attractive. literally just slap the same face on everything and change the color of the eyes, lips, hair

They're as bad at translating to 3D as Bioware.

No one will ever make a facial and body fix mod for her...
Th...thanks sony...

Ugly people don't affect gameplay unless it's related to a mechanic, so it's up to the discretion of the developer. So most western devs will just mocap some girl working at the studio and call it a day.

yeah once ya beat the game it just sends ya back to the last mission again. like other games do

her concept art was way better but eh

She's modeled after a real woman


She wanted to get BLACKED by the tribal dude from her village. Told him if he survived she would show him the world

So who was the male model for the jaw line then?

She has masculine cheek bones and thick eyebrows. Some men, especially from the east, prefer that shit.


I like her eyebrows

you don't at all remind me of a chipmunk

2B looks like a 31 year old single mother who takes her shitty children everywhere and yells at them in public

>tfw you'll never get a 10/10 cute Aryan waifu

4mil in a 60mil sold system is not much

Something about her face is very offputting.
I cant quite figure out what but i really dont like looking at her


Not really. She's a generic moeblob with great tits.

Go to bed A2.

I just don't know why they went with such a goofy face or horrible hairstyle.

>she's so cute
>She has a realistic face


The nigger, if you go to Roach tomb she will tell him how bad she wants the D.

4m for a new IP is a lot.

her cheekbones are too big


Real Person VS Silicone Fuckdoll
Gee you tell me

I really don't know who sits back and says "You know, today I really want to play as a fucking ugly character"

>muh realism

I tried going someplace and it said, "you're leaving the play area, turn back or your save will be reloaded"
I tried to climb over the mountain and just slide down to the objective, (sliding down is fun)
but now 40 mins was lost

Better a generic moeblob than generic ugly.

This, holy mother fucking shit what in god's devine name were they thinking. If they gave her a half decent hairstyle she would instantly look 500x better. At least give us the option for the love of fuck sake.

She looks like she's having an allergic reaction desu

Probably has something to do with the fog hiding the mediocre draw distance. Also 30fps gives you ton a room graphically. Still a solid 8/10 game. I haven't touched my PS4 since I played it and bought a PC back in March but I'll be playing the expansion.

Look at other games, 4 millions is good.
Expansion and sequel are on the way.

And it still looks like they put an extra effort into making her face even more uglier.

The game has a lot of really beautiful female characters. And I didn't even need that from Aloy. She just looks so goofy between the huge chin/jaw, too close together eyes and terrible hairstyle.

I agree. 2B > Aloy.

Shame 9S can't get that pregnant.

I'm really anjoying it. Also you would find her cute if you played the game. It isn't all about the face. I just got a purple costume that exposes the mid section and damn it's cool. Plus aloy is PURE

I don"t know who sits back and says "You know, today I really want to play a game, but only if the main character looks good enough for me to want to fuck"

>Thicc grills with even thiccer eyebrows


>great tits
You mean ass.

>you're leaving the play area
More like mission area, only some story missions do that.

>Didn't do very well

I mean you can love or hate the game all you want but don't lie to yourself like this

Her hair in that concept art looks literally like from that french ''comedy'' Rrrrrrr.

No, I wasn't doing any mission at the time. When I said objective I meant the next mission waypoint.

>I wonder why female leads are highly prevalent with a consumer base of mostly men

So many decisions went wrong here
>Scrunched her eyes closer together, making her head look huge
>Dropped the back of the jaw a good 2 inches, for that angular refridgerator look
>Raised and thickened her brow, making it more masculine
>Upturned her nose so you can see her masculine nosehairs
>Completely ignored the almond curve of her lower eyelids
>Did away with her gorgeous lashes

I don't understand what they were going for.
I am all about having more unconventionally attractive women in games, I'm sick to death of 10/10 models all the time, but why can't games find that happy medium? Why do we only get model-perfect fuckdolls or manfaced uggos?

>her game didn't do very well
It sold more than BoTW. A fucking GUERILLA game sold more than mainline Zelda.

It needed 5m to break even on marketing.

More of a tit man.

>her game didn't do very well


>4mil for a system seller
>system seller
I don't think you understand what you're saying.

>You can see her forehead wrinkles
Jesus H. Christ that gave me goosebumps.

No it didn't

It was predicted to be between 4-6 million in a year and it's already on 3.5 and that's only going to get higher with those e3 days of play deals

Alloah looks good in game, I don't know if you're trolling or blind.

You know you love her

the game did extremely well, especially when taking into consideration that it was a new IP. I can easily imagine it already being greenlit or 1-2 sequels in addition to having an expansion set to release.

>what is a system seller?
i'm sorry dude

Me too, but you just can't ignore one of the best posteriors in vidya.

t. Capcom

How's that 10 mil goal post you're having for your games recently working out for you?