>wanna buy 7700k
>it heats to 90c without oerclocking
>intel doesn't recommend to OC it
>K version
>can't OC
>wanna buy 7700k
>it heats to 90c without oerclocking
>intel doesn't recommend to OC it
>K version
>can't OC
I recommend using a cooling solution instead of running the poor thing naked
>heats to 90c
lol no you fuckin fag, just don't use a shitty cooler
It heats to 90c with Noctua you illiterate peasants.
You literally need to delid it to make it work like a fucking normal CPU and not a half-assed trash with some shit glued to a chip.
uh where'd you say noctua in the original post?
cause you fuckin didn't you stupid fucking cunt.
you need to kill yourself immediately and delete this thread
I recommend using cooling paste instead of slapping the poor cooler on the poor chip dry
Every indicator in this thread points towars the person in the front of the desktop being the issue, as usual
>It heats to 90c with Noctua you illiterate peasants
It's intel, of course it's a stuttery housefire piece of shit.
Noctua is shit
That's too weak, try some 400mm rad with triple fans
>it heats to 90c without oerclocking
Nice try AMD shill
>new Intel overheats more than an overcooked fx_8350
Can't even make this shit up
Liquid nitrogen is recommended when it comes to intel abortions.
Yeah.... not true, meanwhile Ryzen runs at 90C at stock
>that damage control of intel shill
Without a cooler*
>source: my ass
lel idgaf about intel vs amd
read the fuckin post you stupid faggot.
Get an Ryzen 1700 and OC it to 3.8-4Ghz.
I was in the same situation a couple of weeks ago and this video ultimately convinced me to go AMD this time.
The gaming difference is marginal in most games and Ryzen performance is also getting better over time if the devs care about it.
no it doesn't
>We appreciate the feedback you have provided, and your patience as we investigated this behavior. The reported behavior of the 7th Generation Intel Core i7-7700K Processor, showing momentary temperature changes from the idle temperature, is normal while completing a task (like opening a browser or an application or a program).
>In our internal investigation, we did not observe temperature variation outside of the expected behavior and recommended specifications. For processor specifications, please refer to the Intel Core i7-7700K Processor Product Specifications.
>Most motherboard manufacturers offer customizable fan speed control settings that may allow for smoother transition of fan revolutions per minute (rpm). Please consult your motherboard manufacturer’s manual or website for instructions on how to change default fan speed control settings.
>We do not recommend running outside the processor specifications, such as by exceeding processor frequency or voltage specifications, or removing of the integrated heat spreader (sometimes called 'de-lidding'). These actions will void the processor warranty."
The TL;DR version is that everything checks out on Intel's end and users should not overclocked their Core i7-7700K processors, which have unlocked multipliers specifically for overclocking.
>Existential Crisis: Intel i7-7740X
>Review: tl;dw Reaches 100c @5.1ghz with a 280mm rad at 100% fan speed
Where can I buy a special kit that makes 7700k a normal functioning CPU instead of a dogshit garbage that overheats to 90c without OC?
Delid it
What a time to be alive.
Just need to risk your dogshit Intel CPU to make it work like a normal CPU,
Yeah, you're taking the piss. I have an i7 7700K OC and it's doing fine.
Intel is doing the equivalent of "just install linux from scratch"
Most won't and will end up with a joke of a product
>got an i7700k to upgrade my PC, second time effectively building a PC
>had somehow never heard of needing a "Z" motherboard for overclocking
Too much effort to replace the mobo, after having to deal with after one of the parts not working, can still overclock it partially with this mobo though. I feel like such an idiot.
That's at idle, of course it's fine. Run a stress test for five minutes and get back to us.
It would be shocking to know that it doesn't even work with the browser you use to make your dumb posts on Sup Forums because it's pretty obvious that you have no games to play anyway.
>five minutes in OCCT/p95
That's not stability test, unless it runs for 24 hours your OC might as well be useless
user, I asked him to run a stress test so we could see the temperatures, which WOULD be about as high as they'll get after five minutes.
I know how to OC properly, don't assume shit.
>These benchmarks at the start and the driving game at the end
>All those CPU cores being used
That made me a little bit wet. I never thought we'd see the time a game would make use of 16 threads.
Is it worth delidding any older intel CPUs? I have a 4790k and if I can get a little bit more performance out of it that'd be dope.
If you don't want to sell it later then you can risk its life.
What a fucking retarded ass b8 thread.
Delete this, goy, games don't use more than two cores.
1600 is better for the money
>year of our lord
>buying a shitty housefire quadcore cpu
Either get it delid it turn off HTT and ram clocking.
>wanna buy a 7700k
>somehow know it overheats on the best aircooler
>fell for every meme on Sup Forums and posted his shill thread on Sup Forums
Well it works fine for me
so after reading that, do you guys leave your 7700k's at stock speeds or something? or just water cool it
>my idle is 35 maybe 40 sometimes
how do they keep getting away with this
Works for me. :^)
i fucking hate AMD shill they ruined the fucking CPU industry with their fucking fanboyism fuck fuck
>Amd releases good CPU's that obsoletes i5 and trash housefire quadcore
really made me think
>ruin the fucking CPU industry
stay mad, jive turky
Seriously, do we fucking need console war-esque shit within the PC world.
Wow you are heating up!
>retards don't know that watercooling generates more noise and works less effective than air cooling
more like reduce intel's lineup to 2 SKU's
>Bentium G4560
>i7 7700k Housefire™ Edition
It's not facts and Ryzen is not a good CPU
Why would I buy a new cpu when I still have a 2500k.
Just get a 6700k if you want to stay with Intel.
Very similar performance to the 7700k, runs cooler, and you can use it on Windows 7.
>Windows 7
wew status: lad.
>buy ryzen 1700
>runs at 50C during gaming in the summer
>60C under full load while being pretty quiet
>with the boxed cooler
>wanna buy any GPU
>everyone out of stock because "bitcoins lmao"
Why would anyone come on the internet to tell lies?
nice damage control, Shekelchaser. talk about CPU's or crawl back into the oven.
Water cooling can be worth it if you buy a 240mm or bigger radiator
Except stress tests aren't for that since your CPU isn't under such load 24/7 you mongoloid
Fuck this shit, I don't know where the Intel shilling ends and the AMD shilling begins. Fuck both of you. I'm switching to IBM Power or SiFive.
>Why would anyone come on the internet to tell lies?
AMD's boxed cooler, Wraith Spire, is actually really good. performance is on pair with Evo 212 while being a bit louder. thats a 20-30$ cooler.
Water cooling is worthless garbage and is only "useful" for "aesthetics".
Basically for people who put their fucking PC case on the desk and watch their RGB LEDs.
People buying the 7700k are pretty stupid
I'll take twice the multicore performance + 30% lower power consumption + much easier to cool + slightly cheaper + don't need an expensive Z270 board to overclock over slightly better single core performance any day
Jesus christ
Why not just take a refrigerator cooler and stick it in there
I don't have enough resources to talk about CPUs
>calls people retarded
>calls a Phase Change cooling a liquid cooling rig
If you want to overclock as high as possible you will need one
But for general usage its a waste of money
Just grab a decent air cooler, or use the boxed one (the Wraight Spire that comes with 1500x, 1600 and 1700 is pretty good)
The only reason why it's good is because Ryzen is so low-powered.
buy Pentium G4560 (
>Still sitting with an i5 Devil's Canyon.
>Don't OC often because only on a z87 mobo.
>Still can play whatever I want on whatever settings I want.
Only rocking a 212 coolermaster also. When I do OC, I just do a bit above 4.1Ghz at 1.2volt. Ran Prime95 for 24 hours with it. Temp didn't exceed 68.
I have my i7 7700K clocked at 5.0GHz with a artic freeze v3 cpu fan and artic freeze thermal paste. I also have a good airflow system for my PC. It's never gone above 75C
It is a pretty nice cooler
Quiet fan and with plenty of headroom for overclocking and hot summer days
Won't compete with a 25€ tower cooler, but its enough
I want Sup Forums to fuck off back to their containment board where they can wank over Linux and AMD poos in loos all they want.
It can potentially provide more cooling than what you can get for a tower heatsink without going for the retardedly huge heatsinks. A 120mm rad is a pretty shit deal, though. Same performance as a mainstream tower cooler for more money.
>The only reason why it's good is because Ryzen is so low-powered.
because Zen Core's are mostly aimed at the server market, efficiency is king. GloFo's process is called Low Power Process for a reason.
as you see in some jewtube links, R7 1700 performs damn good while lower clocked.
>he didnt delid this
>he didnt get the 6700k when it was being sold off
35c @4.8 in summer. literally no need to upgrade for the next decade unless you want a workstation.
if you are buying new right now, ryzen is the way to go till intel get their shit together.
I have an Asus Z87M-Plus motherboard and I have my 4690K OC to 4.6GHz core and 4.2Ghz uncore.
along as you have good vrms what does it matters if you run a z87, the only thing you're missing is M.2 and some other SATA gimmick.
Can I buy i5 7600k instead?
nope, get a R5 1600.
If u can afford 7700k i7 then u can afford water cooling. Eventually u can buy Ryzen.
X chips had 20 degree intel uses cum as tim so the 7700k actually runs hot if you dont delid
weeeeeee these threads are stupid
This is a laptop
Thanks, but I'm getting new PC soon anyway, pretty much everything is there, but GPUs are out of stock in most countries and if they aren't then the price is like two times higher than a couple of months ago. Everyone is mad at coinniggers.
Yes don't listen to the AMD shills in this thread. It's taken AMD 10 years to catch up. Even then Ryzen is honestly disappointing as fuck.
Delid the 7700, cost a bit more for the machine but it can lower temps 10-30 degrees C
>but GPUs are out of stock in most countries
i feel you, user. had to buy a new GPU but RX580 is out of stock ever since. got a MSI 1070 quicksilver oc for 360€ + ghost bacon: wildlands. can't complain with price/performance ratio.
Are you stupid? Get the R5 1600 or 1600x if you don't wanna overclock.
Don't buy i5s
Just get a Ryzen 1600
Because they're obsolete.