Steam Controller thread?

Steam Controller thread?

Steam controller thread.

I've just started experimenting with using the trackpad for 3d movement (Using Sleeping Dogs as a testing ground.).

I'm surprised to say I actually kinda like it.

Other urls found in this thread:

>never use mine
>doesn't feel as comfy as XB1/DS4
> stiff bumpers
>software is overwhelming
It seems decent but especially cause I play PS4 sometimes idk why I'd use it over DS4


Steam controller is trash tier, Xbox one/360 controller is much better

The fuck is wrong with that thumb?

it's the same tier as xbone/ds4 controller
as in, I'd buy it if I didn't have either of the other two, but I'd never buy it to replace either of the other two

it's called nail polish you fucking virgin

Fuck off with your shitty controller shilling, disclaimer: don't buy this garbage, get a xbone controller or a DS4.
They both have built in support on steam and they're way better.

Cool controller but it's the most useless PC controller there is because it requires Steam to use it. If they eliminated this requirement I would buy it seeing how the majority of my games are nonsteam.

>ITT: The uninformed on Sup Forums insist the Steam controller is bad
Every fucking thread where this thing comes up. Goddamnit

Is it good though? I've never used it, but I am curious whether it's worth $35 or whatever it's on sale for right now. It would be pretty comfy to play Xcom 2 with a controller on the couch...

You can quite easily apply it to non-steam games, only gets weird with EA and Ubi stuff.

Great for first person shooters and stealth games, and being lazy and mapping all the keyboard inputs to all the parts of the trackpads and buttons.

Shit for fighters if you like using the dpad or twin stick shooters if your brain can't use the trackpad as a stick.

Without the Steam client? Because 99% of the time I don't have Steam running unless I play a game that requires the client to run.

It's very good, the most customizable controller period. Trackpads and gyro are a much more accurate, responsive, and faster solution than analog stick aimin. All of the extra buttons are nice. Trackpads can be used as mice, camera, movement, menus, buttons for gameplay (radial menus are a godsend for any game with an actionbar), mouse movement confined to a specific spot on the screen, the list goes on.
Excom would probably work great on a SC and the fact that you're interested in the idea of playing PC games with a controller already means that you'll probably get a lot of mileage out of it. For 35 (I assume that's still the sale price) I'd say it's worth considering at least.

The biggest issues people have with the controller are threefold.

1. Games need to be run through steam because Steam is used for overlays and stuff with the trackpads, totally justified opinion, I hate Valve too but just not enough to go to that extreme
2. People REEEEE at the trackpads and the need to set up a loadout before they spend any time with it or even get their hands on it. Totally unjustified opinion
3. It can't work as unanimous replacement for a controller or a keyboard. Fighters, games that need a dpad for movement and don't have serviceable stick support, and twinstick games don't really excel on the controller. (Outside of those 3 though you're generally looking at an improved experience for any controller based games). And PC games generally work but something like Starcraft 2 or Unreal Tournament is probably going to be too fast for something that isn't M+KB to work.

Appreciate the reply user, thanks. I'm definitely giving it some consideration.

But Xcom 2 has regular gamepad support

can you use generic controllers or xbone/ps4 controllers to move the mouse around, alt-tab, use the virtual keyboard, etc. yet??

because that's the only thing I use my steam controller for, with my steam link

Didn't know that...I always play KB+M. Thanks for the info.

>prototypes unironically had trackballs

Yes but the Steam Controller can have access to the full range of the keyboard/mouse on top of controller buttons. I haven't played XCOM but if it's a menu heavy game you could turn one of the trackpads into a quick menu with all of the possible places you'd need to go, whereas a normal controller would need to press start or select and hit the bumpers or something to get over to the menu you want. You could also still control the game with mouse controls (if it's a mouse heavy game, again, not sure), just on the steam controller with the other trackpad.

not sure if bait or actually retarded

Meant for

don't listen to that guy

The controller is shitty and uncomfortable in every way. The bumpers and grip buttons are very stiff and unpleasant to use in a real game. 99% of games will be better with a default xinput layout and steam lets you customize any controllers now anyway

>1. Games need to be run through steam
There's been third party config tools of GNU/Linux now for over a year. Is there still nothing for Windows?

Granted there are games where a traditional pad is better, but at $35 you can buy a pair of SNES clone pads and still be under the price of a more traditional gamepad.

Ordinarily you would be right

But, NuXCOM and by extension XCOM 2 were designed from the ground up with consoles/gamepads in mind, so there isnt really any cool keyboard shortcuts or bigass menus to peruse through

Now if you were playing the original X-COM then that'd be a different story

you got some fat fingers

>on Linux
Irrelevant post discarded

The bumpers are stiff but mine are already softening up after about 2 motnhs of use. The grip buttons are intended to be stiff so you don't press them on accident and designed for occasional use stuff like crouch or auto run, not mashing attack or something.

>The controller is shitty and uncomfortable in every way
>Names too minor gripes

trackball is dumb but a properly placed thumb ball would be GOAT controller

Whats the story behind this thumb?
Some kind of freak accident and you replaced it with a barbie leg, or were you actually born with a gimp thumb?

XCOM and XCOM 2 are not menu heavy games

All actions are reduced to 1 simple horizontal hotbar

I find that using them as jump and run is really useful in FPS games.
Usually I map the touchpad click to 'use' when moving normally, and melee attack when running.

Though using it for common actions does make using it as a function shift for the other buttons less useful.

I hope valve releases a version of the SC with no stick for those of us like me who are in too deep in the autism

I really hope they have 4 backpaddles (2 on each side) if they ever make a Steam Controller 2/pro. Every game that involves aiming involves me using up an entire backpaddle for gyro activation

I can't get used to movement on the touchpad yet, my thumb just kinda keeps getting lost

The prototype touchpad has rings you can feel, I wish I could get one of those and swap it out with the existing one, then I'd use it all the time

GNU/Linux is Steam's native platform now.

Don't you care that Gaben has said he'll release HL3 when non-Windows platforms with Vulkan support are at 3% on Steam?

While they're at it they need to figure out how to reposition the bumpers to make them actually easily pressable

It's not just their stiffness that make them annoying

Do you have haptics turned up all the way? I find that it helps. I use the plus sign on the pad to orient my direction and haptics to orient my location on the "stick"

Rings would be great. Can't imagine why they got rid of them.

They should add back those buttons by the trackpads too from the prototype More buttons is always nice

Haptics dont really tell me what angle my thumb is in relative to the center

I really don't find any issue with the bumpers. I just picked mine up and tried clicking it everywhere on the controller, even pushing in on the bumpers from the side instead of top down, and it clicked every single time no issues.

They do though, the feedback for joystick move changes relative to how close you are to "maxing out" the stick, where you'll then feel a sort of pop and then no feedback, just maximum stick tilt, until your thumb moves back into range and the haptics begin again

You just have to reach your fingers up too far to press them

You also cant really press them if youre also pressing the triggers

Their new VR controller uses some capacitive technology to detect where your fingers are. I could see them keeping a single physical button on the back, but maybe give you the ability to change what it does depending on where you click it. Or give it side sensitivity.

What I want from a SC2 is:
> headphone/mic support
> usb c
> replace analog stick with d-pad
>reintroduce buttons above start/select

I bought one but I don't like it. At all, but that's because I'm trying to play Nier and that's basically a twin-stick shooter so perhaps that might explain why.

When I pick up another game I might give it another shot, but in the meantime I've ordered a Nintendo Switch Pro Controller.

You can make it work but I wouldn't recommend it as your first play. What other games do you have faggot?
>I've ordered a Nintendo Switch Pro Controller
Yeah you really do have brain problems

Well I'm probably going to buy a Switch later this year, and it'll be handy to have on hand at that time. Got it on sale as well, which saved me $30.

Also refer to pic.

These are my hopes for
>interchangeable analog and dpad
>double the start/select buttons and/or the return of the 3rd menu touchpad from the beta model
>4 backpaddles
>With a slight alteration to the ergonomics of the SC bumper you could easily fit a second one and make both bumpers more pleasant to use than the current one is

Also I want the option to have the 4 face buttons be screens that I can alter the displays of, but that sounds like more of a "Elite" model kind of thing.

Angle. Not distance.

>return of the 3rd menu touchpad from the beta model
I would love this
That way the movement touchpad and touch menus can be totally separate

Try any shooter on your list to get your footing.

You pretty much picked the hardest game to start off with on your Steam Controller.

Oh, angle is the problem, gotcha.

Yeah the whole crooked things a bit weird, not sure what they were thinking with that one. But who uses the same finger to hit the bumper and trigger at the same time? Just bring another finger up from the back.

It's just easier to hit the button that way
Not necessarily that you'd want to press them both at the same time
But more that if you wanted to hit the bumper you would barely have to move your finger at all

If you find it awkward to push both at the same time you have options.
Like binding the final 'click' to be trigger + bumper
or re-binding the bumper to a less commonly used action and making the grip, or the touchpad click trigger that instead.

I'd use it more if it didn't mess up when it moves the cursor and clicks out of game
Tho i just use it to browse while im in bed

It's good in games that don't support controllers
Since you can map stuff or use the community presets for any game
But if you are looking for a gaming controller for anything that supports one. Better off going with 360 or Dual shock
I like it in certain games like civ and browsing the web while im in bed since it has a desktop mode

Honestly I love how the controller feels in your hand after a long period
Xbox and Dual shock controllers hurt after while in certain games
Too bad I have problems with non fullscreen games with my multi-monitor setup

Using one trackpad for movement and one trackpad for camera feels orgasmic.

If nintendo had actually figured out a way to make touchscreen controls not retarded for video games with their mobile push it would have been cool but they didn't so I don't fucking care about gimped facsimile animal crossing with bad controls.

Fuck wrong thread

Oops, dropped something

I know they developed a cool way to input text, but I'd really like to see the next version to have a keyboard add on like the xbox one chatpad and if VR is the future it'd be cool if it could be tracked in Steam VR.

Anyone have a god configuration or emulator or something that will let me properly play SEGASONIC The Hedgehog?

Might be a good option. The Steam trackpad typing is really neat and everyone's initial reaction is to be super impressed with it. But even the people who are absolutely stellar with it get atrocious WPM

There was nothing wrong with the original Steam Controller prototype.

>we'll never get VMU 2.0

I think Valve should return to the basics.

I'm gonna assume born that way considering the other hand has no thumb at all.

>as in, I'd buy it if I didn't have either of the other two, but I'd never buy it to replace either of the other two

It's so weird right? At first glance you can tell something's off but you don't truly understand what you're looking at for a good few seconds.
Like it's not even disgusting it's just medically fascinating...

I quoted the wrong fucking person

I've never tried the Steam controller, but I like the idea of having additional buttons on the back of the controller. I think console manufacturers like Nintendo and Sony should at least consider the idea. Might make something like Devil May Cry easier to play or open up new possibilities for gameplay.

I know right? I've always thought the same but somehow they never catch on.

What the fuck is this thing?

put steam in offline mode you dingus

He must really need those 15mb of ram steam likes to hoard while active.

All Steam is crap.

The Windows 10 store is much better

Your pet pig plays vidya or you just have pig hands?

too damn small.

I wonder if he needs a special keyboard for those sausage fingers?