Are there any good places to discuss video games beside Sup Forums?

Are there any good places to discuss video games beside Sup Forums?

Why are they so sensitive, like goddamn.

>good place to discuss video games

There's no such thing as a good place to discuss vidya anymore, it's all just different flavors of cancer


Even if they were, I would never recommend them here, Sup Forumsirgins destroy everything they touch.

there never was. video games just inherently attract shitty, developmentally-stunted people, so it's only natural that its discussion reflects that.

Sup Forums's gone to shit since Reddit and western gamers pouring in, if you find a better place let me know.

Outside of a few sites for fighting games and retro games, the old forum-based discussion of video games is pretty much dead unless you enjoy talking to lowest common denominator casuals and literal autists like the ones on Neogaf, Gamefaqs, Facepunch etc. And social media isn't really a better replacement.

My honest advice for anyone looking to discuss video games online is to find a quality teamspeak group or discord server that actually plays games but if you are the no-mic forever alone sort of fag then you're pretty much SOL. Also what pointed out is largely true, the problem with Sup Forums is that too large a portion of their posters are mind-numbingly dense. This is a problem for most video game communities.

***TRIGGER ALERT*** reddit subreddits such as games ***TRIGGER ALERT***

Literally every games-based subreddit is absolute garbage. I don't doubt there are good subreddits but none of them have anything to do with videogames.

it somehow got even worse than it was like 5 years ago.

Notice how some of those faggots know about Sup Forums, probably because they're the same obnoxious little shitbags who come here and parrot the "GO BACK TO Sup Forums" cuck bullshit whenever their delicate little sensibilities get offended. That's why you root those kinds of faggots out and make sure they know they're not welcome here.

Only half way decent one is /r/games, but it still inherits every issue with Reddit, (promotes group think, frequent shilling, and giving money to that prick in charge)

Several. There are a number of issues, though:
Firstly, you're all a bunch of internet newfags who have been using the internet for at most six years and have never spent any appreciable amount of time on a forum other than Sup Forums. Thus, you have no idea how to act, which means you get banned for being a dumb faggot like you do here.
Secondly, and this ties into the first, none of you can survive in a place that sees less traffic than Sup Forums. The stupidity here is allowed to fester because there's no way to address the tens of thousands of retards hellbent on ruining everything they touch. Reduce that number to one or two thousand, or maybe something in the hundreds, and it becomes impossible to hide, especially when there are more mods in those places than there are on Sup Forums.
Third, and probably the most significant here, those places are very well aware of what sort of cancer dwells here. Those communities are built from people who would much prefer to keep that out and so they're smart enough to not discuss such places here. This is why you'll never find good places for discussing video games through Sup Forums.

>That's why you root those kinds of faggots out and make sure they know they're not welcome here.
Yeah cause that's worked out well for Sup Forums over the past 10 years
Even if Sup Forums is better than Sup Forums for discussing video games that doesn't make it good.

>Those communities are built from people who would much prefer to keep that out and so they're smart enough to not discuss such places here. This is why you'll never find good places for discussing video games through Sup Forums.
This. The sad part is it wasn't like this several years ago. I found some of the best games sites through old Sup Forums that I would have never known about otherwise. Now Sup Forums is absolutely worthless for recommendations of pretty much anything.

Sup Forums doesn't even play games. Hatred made that clear as day. They just like to raise awareness.

Why do these people get upset over something that has no effect to them at all?

It's better than what the majority of retarded teenagers here are doing and welcoming that bullshit instead of rejecting it.

You literally saw people making that "low-hanging fruit" comment in threads here when the video came out, too. We have actual fucking Neofag refugees posting here regularly, it's disgusting. I feel like saying "nigger" and "faggot" even more just to make them squirm.

In other words it's better than Sup Forums for discussing video games.
Which as I said, isn't a high bar and doesn't mean it's good.

Should be a banner on Sup Forums desu

theres still alotta messageboards and sites long forgotten by the internet 2.0 where gamers survive unmolested

you really have to dig to find them though

>besides Sup Forums
Sup Forums is only a good place to discuss video games if you're discussing something only Sup Forums likes, like God hand, God hand threads are always comfy as fuck. DMC threads are good too.

Sup Forums doesn't like anything though. Anytime I see God Hand brought up it gets shitposted by casuals meming about artifical difficulty and jank controls or whatever

>It's better than what the majority of retarded teenagers here are doing
>I feel like saying "nigger" and "faggot" even more just to make them squirm


I've seen shitposting in god hand threads but they're people who are newfags. Godhand is the #1 Sup Forums approved video game. Except maybe

Most of Sup Forums is comprised of newfags. Sup Forums approved video games nowadays are like Overwatch and BoTW, because those are the only few threads that don't always get completely shitposted to death

The thing is that all the places for discussing video games you can find through Sup Forums follow the exact same structure. High moderation and low traffic might preserve a quality community in theory but in practice it seems to just lead to stagnation and power tripping mods driving out all the quality posters that made the community worth being a part of to begin with. So while it's true you'll never find good places for discussing video games through Sup Forums for the reasons you listed there has to be more to it than that.

Yea newfags are from reddit and neogaf, they're mostly teenagers who came here to take down Sup Forums but found it impossible so they shitpost threads to death.

>preteen complaining about teenagers

>Sup Forums
>discussing games

If only, i'm complaining about teenagers because i assume that's what they are. is great if you want to read editorials people have put a lot of effort into.
the mission statement of the forum is its a magazine anyone can write for if they perform to the high standard required by the hardass editor. it is not a free speech zone, it is not a place to banter, the shit you write will only survive if you take games seriously and you take writing seriously.
my favorite place to discuss video games is Sup because thought provoking writing by people that know their shit cohabitates in perfect harmony with lad banter, calling each other fags and niggers, cracking jokes, chilling out, lewd anime girls, paling around, playing with the boys.
You guys are my treasure.

why do people find dunkey funny? fuck that dude

I don't think it's games I think the internet fosters this kind of discussion. You need accountability to have a real discussion. People need to feel like their opinions represent them.

Because they will forever be hypocrites with no self awareness.

>thought provoking writing by people that know their shit
>Sup Forums
Choose one

Also icycalm's site has a paywall now and most of the reviews are stolen from steam reviews. is a total shitshow compared to Insomnia 2.0 back when it was open to the public and Icycalm hadn't jumped the shark yet.

People love loud noises and gratutious expressiveness, because it requires little cognition.

So is it safe to say that those "go back to Sup Forums" posts are exclusively from neofaggers?

I bet this smart cookie screencapped his comment and sent it to his women studies 101 teacher for extra points.

Sup Forums is the same way.

No, you shouldn't be allowed to derail threads with reckless abandon just because you think anyone who disagrees with you MUST be from neogaf or reddit.

Counterpoint: Yes I should.

/vg/ is unironically a good place to discuss videogames, even the so-called cesspools. You'll get legitimate answers; you just have to be willing to straight up ignore all the autistic nonsense while you wait for replies.

I really, really wish there was an anonymous forum where people discussed video games. I love talking about video games but on Sup Forums most people only post because they want to act like retards.

I know it is, my question still applies.

Reposte: No you shouldn't. Also, you're a redditor. Prove me wrong.

Nah, I miss when mods were really free with public bans. I don't care if you call me 30 niggers but do it while talking about video games, politics are lame as fuck.

Twitch chat.

That's Youtube chat.

Counter Repsote: Yes I should. Prove yourself right first.

>implying anyone should give a fuck about politics shitposting on Sup Forums when you let reddit and casual shiteaters take over Sup Forums years ago


Addendum: You're doing it for me.

>pointing out Sup Forums turned to shit thanks in part to reddit proves you're reddit
Correction: You're actually proving yourself wrong

>/vg/ is unironically a good place to discuss videogames

I lolled, vg is only good for modlists.
Protip: Just because the OP is full of useful pastebins doesn't make the actual content of a general thread good for discussion.

Nah he has a point. Anyone who acts like you do considers Sup Forums their shitposting site and has their actual discussion elsewhere or isn't interested in actual discussion and should fuck off either way.

>go to /vg/
>general is always about waifufaggotry, 0 discussion about the game

Sometimes the blue curtains are just blue senpaitachi. Nothing big behind it.


The problem is that videogames have been made too surface level. When something appeals to everyone, that means it appeals to shitty people. Videogames have become such a broad thing that people need to fill in their other life aspects into it

This is why you can have nice discussions about niche games or old IPs that don't get updated anymore, but if you talk about something new, everyone scrambles to show you their shittiest side.

As such, any place made specifically for a subject is decent, as long as it's not too big. Going to get memed on here, but I could imagine subreddits for smaller games are comfy places, even if they might be so slow they get like 10 posts a day

Counterpoint: Nah he doesn't. The fact that you allowed redditors and casualfags to overrun Sup Forums is exactly why people like me act like we do and considers Sup Forums just a shitposting site now. You reap what you sow.

Emphasis on
>while you wait for replies

There's no discussion about the game at the moment because the sort of people who stick around /vg/ are currently interested in talking about waifus or some other nonsense. It's on you to proactively ask a gameplay-related question, but you will get genuine responses that unfucks the general for a good hour or so as people actually have to talk about videogames.

boy oh boy i sure do hate racism! Isn't that right everyone? I HATE racist jokes and LOVE acceptance of everyone of all colors!

You know, it just makes ME feel so good about myself when im helping other people fight against this racist misogyny. It just makes ME feel like I'M helping everyone in the world, and making the world a better place


>It's on you to proactively ask a gameplay-related question, but you will get genuine responses that unfucks the general for a good hour or so as people actually have to talk about videogames.

How is that any different than starting a thread on Sup Forums?

General threads are recurring so you're usually talking to the same people. People become regulars.
Then there's the fact that the thread is general, so it must be up 24/7 for everyone to post in it. Then there's the pace of generals. Vague generals like jrpg don't move as fast because recurring users cannot engage in convseration constantly because there are too many games that could be discussed. However, this slowness is a double edged sword because a single subject can hijack the thread, including shitposters. A thread can become toxic until janitors and mods arrive, which defeats the whole purpose of even having a general.

/vg/oers love to remind us how Sup Forums is just a containment board for offtopic shitposting and /vg/ is the board for *true* game discussion even though they continue to discuss games here like FFXIV

>mfw starting to see waves of newfags shit on Sup Forumscore classics like Dude Sex and Thief 2

Apparently I'm a poser and nostalgiafag for liking games made before most of Sup Forums's current userbase was born.


Ironically, his need to transform mario or peach into something else, rather than just create new char/games, is the sort of social justice push that cause people to see such inclusions as political in any form, thus leading to things like spamming "wewuz". The played themselves, they became a meme and lost the populous by FORCIBLY injecting their politics into everything, preventing anything from naturally acclimating. Lucky for them their lackeys run the show, so they'll be able to force it anyway, in a top-down manner. See this e3.

Oh please.
People say "go back to Sup Forums" if you call a tranny a man. Its ridiculous.

it's only going to get worse, imagine what it's going to be like in a decade

Majority of Sup Forums's current userbase won't be here in a decade. They're mostly underageb& and casual posters who come here during recess or their lunchbreak to shitpost for like an hour, they'll move on from Sup Forums and the only ones still here will be left to suffer who aren't complete newfags

Yeah but Sup Forums will only be more exposed as time goes on, there will always be newfags and the newfags are worse every year.

I went to reddit to see what they had, because I'm genuinely getting sick of Sup Forums, and it's just memes. Some throw away post you'd see in some thread on Sup Forums trying to be funny and only tangentially about a game is the entire topic of the thread there. How is this better? Not only that, but I'd say the majority of the thread topics are focused on themselves, rather than the game.

>I just did this.
>Did I do good?
>My kids think I'm the final boss
>I'm ready for deployment
>Why I have anxiety as an adult
>My favorite dialog from MK.

Is there some secret board where reddit gaming is actually good? What am I missing?

NeoGAF's ok as long as you stay out of the SJW threads. Unfortunately they're not as obvious as the Sup Forumsthreads here so they are harder to stay out of.

Reddit is good if you stick to the smaller communieties.

Oh no! People disagree with me on the causes of gender identity! However will I survive!

Thegraykid? More like thegaykid

No it's pure dogshit, both the gaming one and the games one. If you ever try to go back, notice how every single time someone disagrees with someone they start the post off with
>"Nope" queue their retarded opinion
reddit is fucking worthless for any kind of discussion, this is the best place there is, and it's at least entertaining even if 90% of threads barely even touch on OP's subject

Stay away from defaults, they're nothing but dogshit. r/games is good as a news aggregator but sucks too much corporate dick. Game-dedicated subreddits vary wildy, the obscurer the better usually. Reddit has far less rules than Sup Forums, so if you're looking for a place to spew Sup Forums-faggotry you'll find one easily.

im gonna need to know the 3rd game in this image

>I could imagine subreddits for smaller games are comfy places
They tend to be pretty comfy from what I've seen lurking but I hate the way reddit is structured and rarely find myself actually participating.

>reddit is fucking worthless for any kind of discussion, this is the best place there is
What discussion? Brap thread #479324563264219? OLO thread #welostcount? Sup Forums bait thread #ohboydoihateniggers?
Go ahead, make a videogame thread, watch it get 0 replies and 404 in less than 10 minutes

>thought provoking writing by people that know their shit
Your average Sup Forumsirgin doesn't even know what 1CC is


>one idiot admin=all site is shit

Spacebattles has a good active gaming subforum. Just don't treat it like Sup Forums, mods will only tolerate so much shitposting.


Kill yourself.

OP, can you answer me this question? Why do you want somewhere to discuss video games? What do you get out of it?

Oh sorry, i forgot the Sup Forums approved way is KEK

Reddit is fine for games that Sup Forums is incapable of discussing without autistic fits of rage (CSGO, KF2, Bloodborne etc).

Any good 8 chan boards?

I agree. Nintendo needs to be more modern, stop living in the past everything is political
>But botw
Botw was political, Ganon and Drumpf got a lot in common

think its blazblue

The fact that people still think Odyssey is going to be delayed is hilarious.

>Say Sup Forums shit
>"But Im NOT actually from Sup Forums hehe ;^)"

It wasn't always this way. they used to be strong supporters of free speak, but now they ridicule it.

>>Say Sup Forums shit
What do you consider Sup Forumsshit?

Autism is real folks

Please let me know if there's some forum where I can talk about JRPGs

>3 year old draws a cat
>hurr this is political commentary