How can we fix Skyrim's combat, lads?
How can we fix Skyrim's combat, lads?
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Directional melee attacks with a new blocking mechanic to work with this. Different hurtboxes on enemy limbs each with a hidden cut/break meter. Armor and hurtboxes with different weapon resistances. Improved weapon switching system. Removal of pause healing. Enemies engage quicker after detection. Enemies alert when seeing death or corpses. Magic is more support based than direct damage. It's something I guess?
DMoM&M my shit up
>tfw no mod will ever fix it
That sounds complicated and difficult to use, how am I supposed to sell that to normies for the tenth time?
Make it like Dishonored.
>Magic is more support based than direct damage
Had me until that. There's nothing wrong with being a fireball chucking pussy mage.
You show them clips of people's arms being cut off by a big sword. Blocking a big sword by angling a bigger sword to deflect it. Switching weapons to a bigger mace and breaking someone's helmet. Say it's the "Skyrim dynamic damage system" or something. Then people can post about how another game doesn't have it by name.
Make it exactly like Dying Light's
Dropkick based?
Make it like Dark Souls.
>Dodge button
>weapons actually have hitboxes, instead of being based on distance and where you are aiming
>better hit-feedback
>less sponge enemies.
This would make it much better overall, but it could be improved even more if perks were made like skills in dmc games, where you get crazzzy attacks that send enemies flying, or a dash-stab. Adding depth and more stuff to do would make everything 10x better.
I couldn't think of a good way to make casting fun because I never played it much. I can't think of a good way to make blowing shit up with magic seem fun and not completely broken compared to melee combat. Maybe make damage spellcasting slower with more destructive results. Add quick casting utility spells like knockback, area denial, and self buffs for spellsword styles?
Can't fix what isn't broken
It's already perfect.
integrate the mods into the next title.
>isn't broken
It's just barely hitting the bar of serviceable even with mods.
>less sponge enemies.
You know you really suck ass when you can't even make a decent character in fucking Skyrim
Maybe making spells have a somewhat long charge time could be interesting.
So for example, a spell can annihilate most regular enemies in one shoot, but you gotta charge it for 5-20 seconds while dodging enemies attacks and such.
But just making spells more visually impressive would but a big leap really, skyrim spells look like shit.
>Let Arkane make the next TES
>Let IdTech make the next Fallout
>Burn Bethesda to the ground
Leave Zenimax Online as ESO is a decent game
It's hilarious that Bethesda is the worst game dev studio under Zenimax at this time.
If you wanted to play an open world rpg with good combat just play Witcher 3
>Dark Souls roll fest
Yeah no
>not rolling
wow, that actually looks good. i'd play that
Just make it like dark messiah. Literally can't go wrong.
that looks fucking shit
The most fun way to do magic in TES games is to let the player create their own spells by mixing and matching, and make more effects available. Turning knockback, area denail, and self buffs into effects you can combine would be great. For example, you could craft your own self-buff spell and lower its casting cost by adding in fire damage so you end up with a self-harming berserker rage. The freedom and creativity to approach problems in different ways is what really makes you feel like a wizard.
that's a good idea
>How can we fix Skyrim's combat, lads?
Make Necromancy a official Skill Line. Stop making us mod it in every game.
but if player could make their own magic, how would they sell you magic mods?
But really, making your own magic in morrowind was super fun, I love to see the return of magic making.
so, just add a kick?
>Literally can't go wrong.
Todd: Hold my beer.
>next TES game has necromancy-based mage's guild quest line where you end up enslaving your comrades as undead and become a lich
First person melee combat will always be bad. No exceptions.
>implying mighty boot wouldn't improve every game
This guy gets it.
Same way you fix combat in any game. Make it Souls combat
Skyrim's Neloth sucks. I miss getting him arthritis cream because he was so decrepit and mean that he couldn't and wouldn't get it for himself. Skyrim has him spelunking dwemer ruins like a scrub a tenth of his age. He really should have people do that for him while he kicks back and does magical shit.
What if I want to be a good aligned necromancer?
Souls combat is a shit.
>good aligned necromancer
Does not compute.
Now if only the roll animation was a little slower and had more sound to it that would be a pretty solid mod.
Souls combat is a rip-off
What Dark Souls is this?
You start by switching to Dragon's Dogma...
Good and Evil barely even exist in TES lore, but Arkay is strictly opposed to necromancy as the patron deity of death and funeral rites. Using necromancy in Tamriel will get pretty much any crusader/paladin type to come after you.
>caring what some phony self proclaimed god thinks of necromancy
A firemage can use fire to burn down a house. Does that make all fire magic evil?
> only three attacks at a time
Yeah no
It took existing mechanics, polished them up and put them in a good game. May not have invented it but sure as hell popularized it
There is currently no better melee combat in any game that exists than souls combat.
>Does that make all fire magic evil?
Alright if we're going to argue about this, first we need to decide what form of magic we're using. If we're using Skyrim magic, then that doesn't require or alter alignments to use. In that case I guess you could be a good Necro.
Problem with that is you would need bodies to do your work, and even if you only use bandit bodies, Necromancy is seen as a evil in Skyrim anyways. You come rolling up to a small village with a dozen zombies doesn't make you seem like a good guy.
>Go to Orc graveyard
>Contact Orc spirit
>Make contract with him so you can stuff him in bodies and he gets to keep fighting shit.
Necromancy is only really evil when its nonconsensual or infernal in nature. Hello Morrowind had a wall of text about how you could buy parts from local necromancy shops
>>>caring what some phony self proclaimed god thinks of necromancy
If you don't care, then why would you care about being "good"? In TES lore, moral relativism is taken to the extreme where all the gods, aedra or daedra, are self-proclaimed "gods" and tons of them have completely conflicting value systems.
Like your burning a house down example. Plenty of the TES gods would love that, and some would only like it if you burnt down the house of their enemies, and others would see it as an immoral act no matter what.
hmm, now that I think about it the first shop in the game of Skyrim has a raise zombie spell for sale. So whatever.
Necromancy is only seen as evil if you suck at it.
If you can bring someone's dead grandma back to life just the way she was, you'd be hailed as the sequel to Jesus.
Was the house filled with Mer?
The highly educated or skilled don't seem to mind, as it's for an advancement in a field of expertise.
The common folk will frown upon it, as they'd view it as disturbing the dead. Superstition and Respect vs Knowledge.
Raising someone's Grandma as a zombie is usually frowned on.
Higher forms of necromancy can restore at least parts of someone's personality. If you're really fucking good at it, you should be able to bring them back fully, rather than as a zombie.
hmm, well I wont argue with it. Just make Necromancy usable in future Elder Scrolls games.
>There is currently no better melee combat in any game that exists than souls combat.
i can tell you dont play many video games
>rolls makes you invulnerable
>trivialize the entire game
so gud
thats not TES
Why is necromancy part of the school of conjuration, not restoration? You're not conjuring shit, you're bringing a thing back to life.
It's more like you're re-animating a corpse than bringing it back to life, hence the limited lifespan.
I think he's referring to the fact that bethseda's idea of a boss or hard enemy is just more health. Rather than any attempt to improve the AI or fight mechanics.
It has something to do with bringing souls back from another dream-dimension or some shit
This question is integral to the morality of necromancy.
Do souls, as the essence of who a person is, exist in the TES universe? I know there's souls stones that capture the living energy of things, but is that just a form of magicka, or an actual personal soul like Christianity has?
So you spent a ridiculous amount of time modding the game and balancing the enemies, to end up with a knock-off dark souls. Why not play dark souls then and save all the time spent modding? Genuinely curious
which is TES nowadays
What mod makes the camera look like that during combat?
Black soulgems are the only ones who can hold a sentien soul, isn't it? And they are banned in most of the contient.
>Do souls, as the essence of who a person is, exist in the TES universe?
You can literally go to some of the afterlifes and find people there after they deaths, what do you think?
You're better off asking on /vg/, I got that from there.
What mods? I'd rather play a shitty Dark Souls than the garbage this is Skyrim combat.
Yes. Although when you die you normally go to the Dreamsleeve and experience the afterlife you believe in while your soul is slowly bleached of memories to be reused later.
That's not entire true though, if you play on a decent difficulty it's way more about the damage they deal than their health. It's all about getting behind cover vs dragon breath, dodging centurion's steam and getting the fuck out of the way of a 2 handed warhammer wielding bandit doing a charged attack.
The "sponge" effect only appears when you keep getting levels by using many different kind of weapons or crafting garbage and you end up fighting a high level ennemy with a shitty weapon and a shitty skill level
I wasn't sure if that's just an ethical issues because they use the lifeforce of the "higher" races, but apparently the souls retain consciousness, so I guess that settles it.
That's not necessarily because of a living soul, though. It's just how it usually works in fiction because Abrahamic religions work that way.
So if a necromancer was able to specifically resurrect someone using their own soul, would that be considered less evil?
You can still be officially sanctioned as a legal mage so long as the province you're in and your organization doesn't outlaw necromancy.
However, I would expect that a "good" necromancer would keep animating corpses and summoning skellingtons under tight reign, and probably use their talents most whenever the local clergy of Arkay can't get the job done by themselves. Though there's probably lots of room for good necromancers in magical research.
>No parrying/blocking, using special weapons for certain enemies, using your surroundings to your advantage, etc.
>just roll, attack, roll ad nauseam
>This is good combat to soulsfags
>don't like roguelike games
>ToME is the only game where you can become a Lich
Swen, please save us.
>The "sponge" effect only appears when you keep getting levels by using many different kind of weapons or crafting garbage and you end up fighting a high level ennemy with a shitty weapon and a shitty skill level
Autoscaling enemies are shit.
Google Skyrim Undeath
That's what's needed if you want players to be able to go anywhere at anytime and still maintain a somwhat balanced progression
>The most fun way to do magic in TES games is to let the player create their own spells by mixing and matching,
Spellmaking in Morrowblivion was just another shitty gamebreaker where you only ever made meme spells that gamed the system to amplify an effect at a lowered spell cost. You did not "make" any spells, just fudged the numbers.
Fun magic in Elder Scrolls is literally using any school other than Destruction. Skyrim's magic is by far the best in the series. It cut out a bunch of bloat without removing a single meaningful spell effect, at the same time making Alchemy and Enchanting more valuable by making many effects like Fortify exclusive to them.
What if people can go anywhere at any time but some places are much harsher than others meaning that they will require skill if you want to get through them or perhaps just coming back when you're stronger, leaving the player curious about what is there as well as seeking to avenge their previous loses?
I don't like mods. Most of them feel pretty half-assed. Worth of try though. Thanks.
you mean like [every other fucking rpg]?
Make it more like Morrowinds where it actually feels like an rpg with stats that matter. The fatigue system in Morrowind wasn't the best, but it made you plan your encounters and bring along items that buff your abilities and regen whereas in skyrim you just run away and let it recharge in 3 seconds
>have actual animations
>have actual sound design
>make it so that weapons feel like they're actually doing an impact
>make weapons more realistic
>make close quarters combat more realistic
>make it look like something from for honor
Then you just go to a higher level place, kill shit by exploiting the ai and/or using all your accumulated ressources and you now have the magical sword of death that allows you to rape the rest of the game.
Morrowind has that in a sense.
you're a funny guy user
continuing: and if there's no better gear to get than you have no reason to go there which means you still end up following a pre existing path meant by the devs and you won't truly go anywhere at anytime
>replaced fudging the numbers on spells with doing the same with alchemy/smithing