Oh fuck, we made Akechi actually have a bit of a point about the changing hearts thing, people might agree with him...

>Oh fuck, we made Akechi actually have a bit of a point about the changing hearts thing, people might agree with him, what the fuck do we do?
>I got it, we'll turn him into an edgelord and make it so he was merely pretending!

what was his point I forgot

He didn't have much of a point given how crap Japans legal system is.

He didn't have one he just had daddy issues, then they tried to make you sympathize with him after you find out he's been murdering people for 2 years straight

Slippery slope.

Which he was right about going by the bad ending.

Atlus really fucked up Akechi, he sould've remained as a foil to Joker instead of Light Yagami.

still liked the idea and having him in the party, hopefully they do him some justice in the remake.

Brainwashing people is bad, and even if they are bad it makes a confession questionable in court.

Not like most of the would have ever been actually tried in court

I think they felt bad after making such a relatable villain like Adachi.

>Slippery slope

Belief only held by limp dicked little cucks that get their wives impregnated by bulls every night.

Those effin adults were asking for it.

You mean what they did adachi? Persona 5 is basically a Reimagination of 4. They even turn into an "investigation team" after Futaba's Palace

What was Atlus thinking to completely ruin potentially good character?

Sick buzzwords, bro.


Except other people made that point too, it just vanished entirely from the story once you were caught up with the present and notIgor appeared. Everything about his character was horribly rushed.

>He doesn't find Adachi relatable

You don't belong here

Akechi and Adachi are literally almost the exact same character. They're so similar it hurts.

No they're not. Akechi is talented. Adachi is a nigger

Wasn't brainwashing though, just removing from their hearts the things that drove them to act like horrid people. Even if it was brainwashing who cares? fuck em. Is there really any argument to letting people continue to do horrid things to people when you have the power to stop it.

He had no point. "Look these guys were raping girls and driving others to kill themselves and would have certainly done for muuuuuuuuch longer if the phantom thieves hadn't stepped in, but fuck those guys for stopping it they are just as bad"

He was right, they could have been using the other world to change people's minds to make them commit crimes.

He was doing exactly what he said they could be doing, proving it was possible but more than that, effectively discrediting them.

He was also murdering people and they weren't.

Yes, and? Does that somehow disprove his theory that you could go into someone's mind, kill their shadow and that would have adverse effects on the real world?

Yes because that area is grey as fuck. Honestly I think I'd be opposed to the Phantom Thieves if they existed in real life. That's too much power for a single group to have. Deciding who's "good" and who's "bad" is gray area as fuck, and what's to prevent the PT from becoming corrupted and acting out of their own selfish desires like Shido (which is what happens in one of the endings)

Fuck that shit

Through plot McGuffin luck only. They established early on that every time they steal treasure they run the risk of killing the person because they'd lose the desire to eat, move etc.

Every time they stole treasure they were basically saying "I mean, we hope this person doesn't die but if they do lol whatever"

That's ALMOST as bad as Akechi. Not quite there but that is fine-line tier

Well no actually it proves it because that's literally what he's doing. I just don't think a literal murderer should be taking the moral high ground

U wot
He was talented too, just lazy and depressed. It's more relatable than daddy issues

That's my point. He was discrediting the PT by stating it would be possible for them to commit crimes in that world.
The fact he's doing it himself is just more evidence that it's possible for them to be doing it and even provides cases where the PT could feasibly be blamed for it since there is no reason to believe the Detective Prince is the one murdering people.

They should've given us more reasons to care about him, they tried going the Adachi route again but failed because they forgot how they handled Adachi in the first place. Isn't it funny that the lazy, do nothing adult is a better liar than Akechi who supposedly actually tries to put on a good public face? Hell I think Adachi wasn't even that bad of an adult, seemed like he had talent but got so beat down by life that he stopped giving a shit.

I was so hyped up for Haru's dad, because I wanted to see the team's reaction to fucking up and killing somebody, but of course lol it was somebody else! you were good the whole time!

They only tried to make you care for him as he's sacrificing himself for you its fucking lazy writing

Atlus doesn't have the ball to possibly piss off Persona fags after P4 became popular. This isent Persona, P2, or even P3, telling a story is second . Making the player feel good is the most important thing now.

Yeah, I just felt like he was so fake from the very beginning, as opposed to Adachi who you actually had to think about his actions a little before you started to suspect him. They made it too obvious to think of Akechi as the traitor/black mask, as such it was impossible to really feel for or care about him as you halfway expect him to stab you in the back, which he did.