What modern games will be remembered 20 years from now?

And by modern, I mean 21st century. Off the top of my head:

>Fallout 3
>CoD MW2
>Gears of War 2
>Assassin's Creed 2

Anything else?

minecraft, easy

other shit?

skyrim, nostalgia
GoW, AC, CoD that isn't MW1 won't
FO3 maybe, probably overlapped with FO4
oblivion, probably not since its not skyrim

For good or ill, I think Dark Souls is going to get a lot of recognition for changing the gaming industry. 20 years is a long time though.

Why didn't Demon Souls gets as popular?

>gears of war 2

don't agree with these. Skyrim more or less completely replaced Oblivion in vidjagaems culture, almost no one discusses Oblivion at all. It also wasn't that good.

Gears of War was also totally forgettable. Who do you know who still talks about that but oldschool xbros who weren't Halo fans?

It kickstarted the series. It sold very well, for a new IP PS3 exclusive that had next to no marketing behind it and a tiny production budget.

>screams internally

>>CoD MW2
>>Gears of War 2
>>Assassin's Creed 2

people dont even remember these games now, are you retarded?

>skyrim is a janky, unstable piece of shit with an awful combat system
>still somehow manages to sell bajillions

Where have people's standards gone

Gears 1/3 were genuinely good games. 2 was dog shit and the only thing i remember about it over the others was how it had a few unique maps and how it was unplayable for about the first week of release and would crash consoles all day.

The most popular / most played ones.

Better than Oblivion


Breath of The Wild
Dark Souls
Team Fortress 2
Smash Bros Melee
Half-Life 2
Portal 2
Resident Evil 4
Conker Bad Fur Day

Ok so here's my top 10
>The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
>Dark Souls
>Diablo II LoD
>Bioshock Infinite
>The Witcher II
>LoL / Dota 2

Kingdom Hearts
Persona 4
Mass Effect 2
Dark Souls


Deus Ex
Diablo 2
Dota 2
Warcraft 3
Half Life 2
Metroid Prime
etc etc

Gorillions of games 2bh. 20 years is not very long. 20 years ago was 1997, think of how many movies you watch that were released before then. Vidya will be the same.

there's no place for standards when it's the only series on the market to provide what it does.

beggars can't be choosers or some such.

GoW became the template for 3rd person cover based shooters, though; how could people forget something which inspired an entire game mechanic used commonly in games today?

Pokemon Ultra Moon

>implying Skyrim won't still be getting rereleased in 20 years making it technically still modern

Far Cry 3
Dark Souls
World of Warcraft
Half-life 2

classic games are rereleased all the time, that doesn't make them modern.

Oblivion is halfway there