League of Legends ruined the RTS genre forever

Just think. We will never get another good RTS because the most horribly designed video game ever possible is the most popular thing in the world.

Now everything is going to be designed like a wet noodle. Skill will no longer the thing that decides matches. There will be heavily streamlined playstyles with literally no room for variation. Matches will play almost exactly the same. Micro as a whole will be dumbed down or completely removed.

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Why u use pic of Warcraft III?

preach nigga. and same with mmos but replace league with world of warcraft. If blizz didn't sit on DotA for all those years until Valve remade it we woulda been golden nigga

>constructing your army on-site
this is the stupidest shit in every RTS game

at least in Warhammer you must get requisition points to drop in reinforcements

>RTS will never be good again

Ground control 2 also. The only structures are defensive/utility buildings, all units are shipped in via dropzone

>We will never get another good RTS

>this infantry is good vs armor
>this infantry is good vs light armor
>neither auto-targets the proper enemy

it's just really fucking stupid
it's like sending a squad into jihadistan to kill towelheads , 4 has AR-15's 1 has an AT equipment and the dumbfucks with the AR will shoot the tank, the AT guy will throw mines at infantry, ONLY because the CO wasn't telling the what to shoot at

Bullshit. The problem with RTS is that every single dev want "the esports audience" while RTS players want single player campaings, single maps, mission maps and jerk around with his friends in LAN/multiplayer, either casual team matches or crap like horde defense.

This is correct. RTS doesn't get big without a good singleplayer campaign.

its called micro stop trying to dumb down the genre

>mfw this post, whether shitpost or not

>why do I have to play the game when playing the game?!

Maybe that's the future of RTS. After SC2 "just attack ground near the enemy" they could release a game that automatically builds the base, trains the units and then send them to fight. After 30 minutes everybody wins because losing is toxic and makes 90's kids feel bad.

this is why it's dying, you need to jerk off to your APM
>implying playing the game is about fucking your workers all day
you're supposed to manage your army not economics

>t. haven't playing SC2 in the past 3 years

>you're supposed to manage your army not economics
Then play an RTT instead.

Jokes on you, I pirated LotV last year. I managed to stomach through the campaign but the epilogue was so bad that I couldn't finish it.

u literally do not need APM to assign different control groups and right clcik on units, how fucking hopeless are you?

>we hate ASSFAGGOTS because they are casual!

>most anons play only campaign/4vs4/compstomps

Really expands my territory

Just want a new rts that doesn't have hero units, this was the problem with warcraft, you level that bitch up and it's over.

Give us something that punishes tactical hit squads too, I don't care, I want my large scale battles and I dont want to play total war

the mistake wasn't the pic, but the text. It was WC3 (DOTA) that did it first.
So you can't blame it on an evil company, it was the fans themselves.

dumb nigger
>always have workers in training
>always assign workers for efficient mining
>minerals run out every 20 second or less

yeah the campaign is shit too, not jsut the epilogue
it's f2p now though, no point of pirating other than for the campaign

The aesthetics remind me of Metal Fatigue. God I miss that game, almost impossible to find.

Wargame, you fucking idiot

>tfw I enjoy league of legos and RTS

I remember a WOMAN linking me a DOTA video.

I didnt even know about it as I was still playing WCIII single player and wasnt aware of the cancer.


It's not even the same genre. What the fuck are you talking about.

If anything, it could boost the success of new RTS games because all these retard kids are at least familiar with the controls.

At least some games try to explain it.
In Spellforce the world has been destroyed and only tiny floating islands remain. It's your only choice to build the army on-site.

>Creative Director
>Chris Metzen

>we are in a timeline where MOBAs are considered RTS
Truly the darkest of times

That doesnt matter. The design philosophy of LoL is now all encompassing.
RTS games are ruined even if they are not the same genre.

>we live in a time where people have forgotten that MOBAs evolved from RTS.

what the fuck retard? you were talkin about units not attacking the units they are most effective against, not this worker bullshit, entirely different issue

if ur not the person that originally replied to me then fuck off retard dont got shit to say to someone as rude as you barging in on us not even letting it be known so rude go lurk a bit more ffs

are you a fucking retard?

are you? u do not need to an APM high enough to """""jerk off"""" to like that other fuckin retard said, to assign control groups, and right click on different units, to deny this would only make YOU the retard

or a scrub ur choice

The next great RTS should have turn-based macromanagement/nation-building similar to 4X, and real-time micromanagement/battles. In fact, eliminating macro from the realtime aspect will allow for greater scale and complexity on both macro and micro aspects.

4d rts user.