Is there any hope for the MMORPG genre? FFXIV is shit and WoW is just not the same anymore. These games feel like a chore instead of fun, am I doing it wrong Sup Forums?
Is there any hope for the MMORPG genre? FFXIV is shit and WoW is just not the same anymore...
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Once again
>fapped to all of them
Feels good
No there isn't any hope. Its all been done before and literally nothing can be done about it.
What hentai is that DPS and Tank one from?
Play Black Desert
DPS is Geiger Counter, I forget the name of the one tank comes from but search ryona tags and look for a girl on a train wearing a school uniform that has a spear from her club
XIV is amazing if you give a fuck about final fantasy tbqhwyf
Wasn't it a bamboo kendo sword?
Did she die in the end or did she suffer a miscarriage?
People either love it or hate it.
I forced myself to play it for three months because I had some friends there from a previous game, and I was just bored to tears.
It's just WoW with weeb shit, and WoW is also incredibly boring at this point.
Dragon Quest X can save it but SE won't localize it.
Maybe? I remember spear
Maybe it was a bow?
I do remember the tard broke whatever it was
>when the dps pulls aggro
I recognize DPS and healer but not tank.
She died at the end from a miscarriage.
What MMOs out there where I can be an aggressive support, or at least a Priest? FF14 gave me many layers of cancer, somebody suggested me WoW and RO but >RO >WoW >2017
Didn't the tank not realize that raeping the loli was bad or something? I haven't read it yet.
>want to get into MMOs again
what are some good f2p mmos? also i dont want an mmo where theres class exclusive gears, i hate games with that
The kid was legit downs syndrome retarded.
Give 5 reasons why FFXIV is shit.
Protip: You fucking can't.
Can't marry Alisaie
I could list 100 yet you will pretend it's not bad
Tree of Savior
only if you play on a server that isn't the shitty global ones though.
Did they fix the ridiculous server lag/delay on multiple areas? I remember waiting up to 15 minutes for a single quest monster to spawn
>healers expect to be thanked for doing their job
nope, all hope is lost. you don't see this level of faggotry from tanks but god forbid you don't coddle the shit healer that walks into aoes
not that user but isn't that game dieing?
And yet here you are still sitting on a big fat goose egg.
But it's going to hatch pretty soon
Can you believe it? My own goose pet!
Oh boy.
yeah, that's why I said not the global one
if you can play on the korean or japanese one or whatever then it's fine
That fucking "tank" manga made me hate retarded people
rec me some mmos Sup Forumsros
Nah, it was a sword. The point was that she had a bell tied around it and lost it.
If it makes you feel better that situation is pretty unrealistic. People watch retards like a hawk, theres a reason you have "tard wranglers" and shit.
>it's a banana Cream Cake episode
Videogames are also feeling like a chore to me maybe I'm finally becoming a bitter adult
wasn't it a bow? she was practicing her yumi club in the lull after first encountering the tard
>updated 5 times a day just to make sure it's always the first result everyone sees
i still don't understand the ending of Tank, did the loli and her grandma died?
Here are the only worthwhile mmos you will ever find:
>Log in to sad panda
>It comes up everytime
>tard wrangler
How does one get this job? Do you work your way up from animal control?
I'll be playing Albion Online simply just to setup a shop and tax players for using my tools and shit.
>People make a big deal about the ShindoL doujin because the girl gets a bad end
>Finally get around to read it
>She acts like a total fucking slut from the first few pages and ends up liking every pounding she gets
No sympathy for her.
>There are subhumans that defens that piece of shit comic
No just traumatized.
I wouldn't mind it if the cover wasn't SO FUCKING UGLY.
I'm sickened I enjoy that
inb4 404
>fapping to chinese comics
>doing it to cartoon characters
mariogrant is that you
>pretty unrealistic
I've heard of two cases of girls getting molested by retards in my region.
Where do you live?
>Posting on a Malaysian pop-up book bbs forum
>masturbating to meme cartoons to fit in an Antarctic Bird Watching Forum
>he doesn't do urine therapy instead
Posting best DPS
Play Ragnarok
None of your gosh dang business mister
She was found by emergency services and they managed to rescue the life of her and her baby. The worst damage her daughter recieved was a little bit of a speech impediment. The final shot is her letting go of her last memory of the bad days as she readies herself for a happy future with her daughter.
good taste
I do it cause it's hot, I don't fap to stuff just because bunch of anons do.
Like the stuff in this thread for example, I've read it, but I can't fap to it.
Wait, I see the pattern
Am I right?
MMOs have been shit since the entire genre started copying Everquest/Diku-MUD. The problem is you can't create the same environment present in the classic games because everyone has a million options of what to play now.
For a really fun MMO to exist again there would have to be something that drew in a large number of players of different playstyles. You'd have to do something really batshit crazy to attract the lowest of autists (Star Citizen if that wasn't a scam) or a new gaming medium would have to come out that was popular which would reset the number of available games (VR in a generation or two, maybe).
>kinda want to read geiger counter because i want to know what happens after the fucking box cutter that everybody posts
>know that if i keep reading the story is just going to be a downward spiral of disgustingly sad shit and its going to ruin me emotionally
I'm more curious about the father.
would anyone marry a retard?
for real?
it's not like she's attractive or anything.
is a pussy truly feels better than using your hand or onahole?
i had an onahole before, it feels fucking fantastic
tell me, why would anyone marry a retard at all?
>there are youtube videos of how hard it was for people to read Emergence
>there were years
The weak should be culled.
Treating women like they're a special class of people that deserve to be protected at all costs is a sign of weakness.
Can't really recommend Blade & Soul since it's pay to progress.
Is Black Desert any good?
It's top tier korean grind
I need to know what healer is from so I can study it to become a better resto shaman.
>You will never protect Edda's smile
Emergence, she deserved it and dies at the end
You mean that akichick right
Isn't Shindol's real name Larry?
That sounds shitty
lmao no she died at the end
you can't prove it
Us there a word for the opposite of corruption porn? Like some trashy whore becomes better?
Shindol said it
>tfw love playing lucio
>can do my job as healer without even trying and fight people like a dps
This is the best healer.
private servers.
death of the author
>got her tummy kicked ten billion times
remove the RPG from MMORPG and you might have something.
until that happens, its just going to be the same old grindy shit.
fetuses have their own circulatory systems
>got her tummy kicked ten billion times
the kicks weren't that hard, and the womb is protected anyway
I'm hoping Pantheon will be good