I want to get into Final Fantasy but i feel overwhelmed by the amount of games in the series, what game do you recommend to start? Preferably one i can play on phone or 3ds
I want to get into Final Fantasy but i feel overwhelmed by the amount of games in the series...
Definitely 8
i was in the same position like you a year ago
i got into 4 first (steam) it was hard as nails but rewarding.
from my prospective try 3 or 6 or 7.
I have the same question pretty much. Got a vita, DS, PS3, and I plan on getting a PS2, that I could play stuff on.
Was looking at the X and X-2 HD remake on vita, probably because it's physical, but I would need to get a bigger memory card to fit X-2 on which costs a crap tonne. Or should I just go for 7 or something on my vita?
Try the first one on your phone, the port on the play store. It was the first FF I ever got to play and I found myself really enjoying it. Not sure how it stacks up with the original though
Why did Cloud go to the anti-racist dentist?
>want to replay FFX
>can't bring myself to buy the remaster because of the remixed OST
Is there some link between all the Final Fantasy stories/worlds or are only some related or are they all separate and/or multiverses or what
4 and/or 5, some would argue 6, 7 and 9, but they're plebs.
4 is probably your best bet though, 5 is hella fun, but you'd probably need to know more about FF as a whole to get the most out of it
Just play the number which looks most interesting to you. 7 is nothing special so its not necessary. 6, 8 and 9 are also good. 15 is fun gameplay and world to explore but looks unfinished.
Forgot to add, don't even bother with the mobile ports, as they're hot garbage. Just emulate the SNES versions of 4, 5, 6.
4,or--the best one--first.Why do you think it's been remade the most for everything with a screen?
8, 13, 2, 15
Thanks me laters
They're all set in entirely different worlds.
What binds the games together is the recurring theme of crystals, and other aspects or names like Cid, Bahamut, Moogle, summons, airships, spells and magic (firaga for example) and so forth.
The games also progress in order of release from higher fantasy to more modern science-fiction type settings.
You can play all the games from I to IX on your phone with the appropriate emulator. I would recommend starting with the PSP version of IV or the GBA version of V and VI
I don't recommend buying any of the mobile ports (and VIII hasn't been ported). If you have a jailbroken iPhone or something you can pirate these ports but it might be worth the hassle getting a good emulator to work
I like FFII.
If you didn't tell me it was remixed I wouldnt know the difference.
Honestly I still can't tell the difference I haven't played or listened to the original FFX music for many years its not that big of a deal
Ow the edge
5, because of the job system (lets you combine knight/thief/mage skills etc.). No other FF game lets you customize like that.
Don't get the phone/PC version because it's butchered. Emulate either the SNES version (authentic) or GBA version (has a postgame bonus dungeon).
4,5,6 for 2d era
7,8,9 for 3d
If you played all of those you probably like the series enough to try the rest