REEEEEEEEEEEEE how the fuck do I beat this game? On easy I get crushed by the flagship

REEEEEEEEEEEEE how the fuck do I beat this game? On easy I get crushed by the flagship


Learn to mitigate risk, I dunno. I've won 70% of the game I've played on normal and probably close to a third on hard. I don't know if I've ever lost a game on easy, at least not since release week.

I have 248 hours in the game but it's been a long time since I've played it, if you have any specific questions I can help but in general just git gud.

You need to have the ability to shoot while cloaking, preloaded weapons, hacking, and the ability to set fire maybe.

Start the battle, cloak, target the weapons system, sent a hacking hacking drone to the shield generator and time it for your next attack. Take out the weapons again and cloak as soon as possible.

If you set fire to the shield generator and you leveled your hacking to max the doors will be locked. Which is great if you did set fire.

The next stage of the fight is more difficult because of the super weapons of the flagship. Like when it starts firing a huge burst of rockets or lasers you have to time your stealth cloak as the projectiles are half way between the flagship and you everything will miss.

What's important to know is that you can win with almost any build as long as you've optimized it and know what you're doing. A boarding build, an anti-crew-weapons build, a drone build, any variety of straight-up weapons build, they all work for the final boss.

You have a few priorities that you'll have to balance depending on what your build is. In general the most important targets are the missile launcher, shield, and ion launcher. If you can take those out and keep them down in any way you'll win. It's extremely helpful to kill all of the crew but one so that they're incapable of out-repairing your damage or fighting off boarders.

You should have plenty of tools no matter what your build is at this point, it's just a matter of employing them correctly.

If you kill all the crew members in the first encounter the flagship will be piloted by AI and put out fires and repair stuff automatically.

That's why you kill
>all of the crew but one
You only need one of them to stay alive.

it's been a while since I played but boarding is OP

Ah, sorry dude. I overread the all but one part. You're right.

>no weapons
>no shields
>no boarding
>final destination

Did you literally just stealth your way through the entire game user?

I haven't played it in like over 2 years but I remember using flak cannons and teleporting bombs into their shield and cloaking room. Just made the final boss a cake walk.

evasion, teleporters so pre-boss you get ridiculous amounts of scrap from captured ships, and flak cannons

And apparently used up all my luck for this life in the process

Cheat Engine is how I beat it... Enough time has passed where I don't feel as much shame, so I should try legit.


would be fun if FTL has a "fuck this shit" ending where you deliver the intel, then fuck off and get the bad ending where the rebels win

or just selling the intel to the rebels, getting a huge influx of scraps, and then the game is escaping the sector from the federation remnants hunting your traitorous ass down; which would be an endless mode with shit getting harder the more jumps you are in as you are going further and further from charted space, and the chaos of the post-rebellion gets out of hand.

But how do you beat the flagship with no weps?


Same as any permadeath game, you're supposed to get better at it the more you play.