Is there a more anti-consumer video game company than Nintendo?

Is there a more anti-consumer video game company than Nintendo?

>constantly releasing underpowered hardware with gimmicky peripherals and toys (usually sold separately) at outrageous prices
>these consoles are then phased out a few years down the line by a NEW™ version of the exact same console with VERY minor alterations
>support for the previous version is dropped instantaneously, forcing you to buy the NEW™ console if you want to fully experience the already lacking video game lineup

Then there's the rampant censorship, resale of ancient games at high prices, cease and desist orders on fan projects, etc.

Worst aspect of it all is that the Nintendo fanbase is so rabidly tribalistic that they refuse to believe their beloved company can do anything wrong. So they'll keep getting away with it and everyone, especially fans of Nintendo games, will continue to suffer.

Don't forget
>You can never transfer your virtual console games between systems, you have to buy them all separately on Wii, 3DS, Wii U and Switch


EA, ubisoft

Keep crying sony pony.


You're talking about Nintendo and their 3DS here or Sony and PS4, PS4 Pro etc.?

>>these consoles are then phased out a few years down the line by a NEW™ version of the exact same console with VERY minor alterations
>He says as Microsoft and Sony are doing the exact same thing
Jeez user, at least have some originality in your argument.

Both of them have managed to clean up their act, actually. Their DLC practices are much better, games are being supported well into their life cycles, their distribution platforms while unnecessary are functional and inoffensive

They're still shoveling out mediocre and uninspired games, sure, but that's another matter.

Then Bethesda

EA changed, Ubisoft didn't. Though EA are still a bunch of dirtbags for how they handled the release of Titanfall 2.

No, there isn't.

>EA changed

How did EA change?

Sony, Ubisoft, EA, Activision.

The Switch isn't backwards compatible and you also can't use pro controllers from the previous gen with it.

Nintendo were the most powerful on the market until the Wii moron. N64 was the most powerful PC in the world into the year 2000 in fact.

Hell, per its size it was probably the most powerful for a few years later too.

Actually, the difference between Xbox One and Xbox One X is rather significant.

At least compared to Sony and Nintendo. Microsoft at least has a leg to stand on. Still no games, though.

Wojakposting should be a bannable offense.

Well, somewhat changed. It's kinda sad actually, because at one point they published some pretty niche stuff, like Mirror's Edge, as well as Dead Space and Skate. I would say that they're slightly better, after helping fund stuff like Unraveled and whatnot. They seem a bit more open minded than they used to be.

And? The PS4 and Xbone aren't compatible with PS3 and 360 devices either.

so does Sony, hell PS4 is not backwards to PS3 simply cause they fucking dont want.

try to put a disk reader in teh switch faggot

At least they don't make you pay for internet twice and have big brother watch over you.

what is it with Sup Forums's hateboner for Nintendo?

>And? The PS4 and Xbone aren't compatible with PS3 and 360 devices either.

>"hey guys sony has no backwards compatibility checkmate!!"
>neither does switch
>"psshhh who cares??"

E3 let in a bunch of Sonyroaches from Neogaf.

The Switch also doesn't have a disc drive, while the PS4 does. There's no excuse for the PS4 not having backwards compatibility, considering even Microsoft made it possible for the Xbone.

>At least they don't make you pay for internet twice
Oh honey.

They are a the biggest anti-consumer company of the three console manufacturers.

Sony Playstation Store:
>You bought game by mistake for wrong platform you dont even have or someone hacked in your account somehow and bought things you never wanted? Or it's No man's sky or any other game with tons of lies about it?
>Have you bought game with a really low price tag that was set by mistake by one of our employees?
>We gonna revert the purchase and delete it from your history to make sure you wont sue us. :^)))

Literally this, the second one happened to me when I bought FFXV with like -80% wrong price tag.

>PS4 Pro
>The only worthwhile exclusive until this year was Bloodborne, now there is Persona 5 and Yakuza 0, however these 2 are available for PS3 as well
>Shit dualshock controller battery and durability

I own platforms of Sony and Nintendo, but ultimately Im PCMR, I still believe that Nintendo isnt the worst, sure they have many issues, but it didnt left me such a bitter after-taste as Sony did.

Their games work, they provide a pretty insane amount of continuous support for their (admitably small) video game selection, they stopped forcing hundreds of skins and other small cosmetic microtransactions into every game, origin itself is a solid platform that lets you demo the full game for several hours and even has a great refund policy, especially in regards to technical issues.

It's really impressive honestly. Worst thing about them now is that they aren't really providing any unique games after they fucked up all their past developers.

Don't fucking change the definition of anti-consumer you dumb fuck

Too bad the consumers are dumb enough to buy it

>The Switch also doesn't have a disc drive, while the PS4 does. There's no excuse for the PS4 not having backwards compatibility, considering even Microsoft made it possible for the Xbone.

There is also no excuse for you not be able to download Wii U digital titles you bought onto your Switch and play them.

There is also no excuse that the Wii U couldn't play Gamecube Games considering it's already been shown to be able to run them natively.

>Having to pull this much shit out of your ass just to try and make yourself look like the smarter one in the argument
Oh honey.

The discs in the gamecube are different you dumb shit. Also the only digital part screws over physical collects to hell and back, and is even MORE anti-consumer since it actively says "FUCK YOU" to physical owners

this is what really burns me

Are you sure it's so bad? The company is full of honest, ethical people.