Ori is on sale

Ori is on sale

Buy it


it looks like generic shit but with beautiful atmosphere

But I already pirated the game and finished it

Already did. Twice.

$10 is not very competative considering what else you can get for that price.

Does it need a controller?

pretty much yes

Technically no, realistically yes.

Already bought it twice. Waiting for the new one.


do it and give M$ money you fags

I prefer Mouse & Keyboard actually, it makes the Bash move easier to use.

looks like shit for faggots and furries so its only for OP

They need to nerf the difficulty. This game is too hard.



>God Tier:
Ori and the Blind Forest

>Great Tier

>Good Tier
Valdis Story
Hollow Knight

>Shit/"I Forgot" Tier
Everything not mentioned

I love this game and it really does have some really good wow moments, the water tree part was really cool. Exploration is nice and the platforming is fucking tight as hell. Super meat boy plus power ups. Any one who says this game looks generic or for furries or faggots has absolute and utter garbage tier taste in 2D platforming exploration.


Ginso tree only works because of the difficulty

Ok user, buying asap

100%d on Hard, I fucking love this game. I'm excited as hell for the sequel.

Fuck off scum, buy it full price if you want to support these guys.

Looks like feels on wheels all over again too

MS didn't publish it on PC dumbass.

I had no idea it was a metroidvania. I thought it was like trine, side scrolling 2D level based.

Finished installing, pretty excited.

No wonder you have no (you)s, you uncultured cunt. How is la-mulana not even on there?

It's good but really different from games like Rabi-Ribi/Metroid/SotN/etc. It's definitely a metroidvania, but almost all the focus is on platforming rather than combat. It's unique and has some amazing graphics and movement. One of the best games of the decade.

Explore everywhere even if the game doesn't tell you to.

>Ori fans

I never considered it a metroidvania, it's a great game regardless.

i bought it on xbox one day one. never finished like most of the games i play.