Yooka Laylee

So what happened?

We basically ended up with a 3d platformer worse than Donkey Kong 64

I liked donkey Kong 64 more than banjo kazoo fight me

Same nigga. I'll join you

My nigga

It's a 'spiritual successor' to Banjo made by not even half of the development team behind Banjo-Kazooie who assumed that bigger means better. People forget Tooie didn't just increase the sizes of worlds. It introduced a ton of new mechanics and characters because the entire game in general was bigger.

What you get is a mediocre attempt at copying what all the N64 collectathons did at the same time. You get huge wastelands with collectibles awkwardly stuffed in corners instead of evenly coating the layout. You get a bizarre mix of musical styles that don't fit together due to how established the composers' styles are, with one in particular choosing to go for an atmospheric style that doesn't really work thanks to how cheap/plastic the game tends to look in Unity. You get multiple quizzes and minecart sections like somebody just glanced over that Rareware used to do and assumed "Hey, people want everything from back then."

You are better off just playing Kazooie, Tooie, and DK64.

w-wait for the update, ...it'll get b-b-better I swear!

>Donkey Kong 64
How can anyone not like a game where the final boss is an over-the-top boxing match?

This sounds fucking retarded but im waiting for the Switch version.

There's no excuse for the camera problem, which im hoping they fix.

Mario Fucking Odyssey is taking a Banjo-Kazooie approach and went back to open space with a fixed camera

If Playtonic can't get that fucking camera fixed they are going to be shutdown before they get a sequel


nostalgia doesn't hold up over time. Go get Psychonauts for a dollar instead

When the process of getting there requires ridiculous amounts of tedium then I can see why

You guys do realize Nostalgia as the excuse for the flaws is a terrible excuse now that Mario Odyssey is pulling a Banjo-Kazooie formula and doing it better without any of the flaws

You guys shouldve saw it coming from Day 1 when they announced they were using fucking Unity, NO way was Unity ever going to be good for precise platforming

Ionly found tedious to get the rare coin but I dont think that was necessary to do

It wasn't required. But switching Kongs every 5 minutes to progress in the level/get bananas wouldn't be so bad if barrels weren't placed like 6 miles apart

I pretty much agree with this, but I do think it's overstating the bad. Yooka Laylee isn't bad as a summation of its parts. It's incredibly tedious to 100% and the only real challenge is fighting the camera or controls, but that's about the worst you can say about it.

It's just... there. The arcade games and minecart sections though, I have no idea how that passed any sort of QA. If I was part of any team that shat something like that out, I would have some pretty choice words. That's honestly what's so baffling about the game-- there are certain things that anyone who spent any time with it should have pointed out.

ohhhh right now I see what people mean, mind you I haven't played it in quite a long while and also didn't know it was considered as such, but it makes sense

I haven't played yooka layle out of fear of complete dissapointment

You know what user? I'm playing DK 64 tonight.

Good night, jerkwads!

>>You guys shouldve saw it coming from Day 1 when they announced they were using fucking Unity
that and the fact that the wrong mayles brother was in charge. steve literally only did design shit for banjo.

Nostalgia was a bullshit excuse to begin with. Banjo Kazooie is a way more polished, varied game with better controls, camera, pacing, and just about everything besides graphics or sheer size. The shitty minigames beat the everloving FUCK out of Yooka's.

i still wonder what type of environment they had at playtonic while developing this game. seems like no one there would mention how terrible the "arcade" games were, for whatever reason.
and i would seriously rather race canary mary over the minecart sections in yooka laylee.

>worse than DK64

Not even fucking close. I'd say it's better than Banjo-Tooie, but worse than Kazooie, but DK64 is complete dogshit.

because gloomy galleon

DK64 is a buggy mess imo

I'm kind of there with you. Although most of the worlds design we're horrible.

Dk64 literally has better controls, better camera, and better bosses than Yooka-Laylee

>tfw when Jontron had the last laugh

>fighting the armadillo twice
>fighting the dragonfly twice
That's half of the game's bosses right there

Did the game flop after all?

Worlds were bland past the first one and too fucking big for how bland they were. 10 levels with 10 pagies each would have been better than 5 levels with 25.

Also maybe I am the only one alone in this but frankly for a collect-a-thon there isn't much to actually collect. You have pagies and quillies, thats about it outside of the one-shot collectables. Nothing like eggs or feathers spread throughout the world because of the retarded-ass energy bar taking place of everything. I am not sure if that would improve things but its definitely something I found myself noticing that made the levels feel so empty.

The people who were actually responsible for designing Banjo-Kazooie had nothing to do with Yooka-Laylee. They had some artists and hired the same dude for to make the music, but it was always disingenuous for Playtonic to suggest that they made Banjo-Kazooie.

But the second dragonfly is the best boss fight in the game aside from King K. Rool

You needed the Rare and Nintendo coins to get the last key. Also Jetpac was easy as fuck. Just go to the top of the screen on the first level and shoot. You only needed to reach a certain amount of points instead of beating a bunch of levels.

The Devs (who had nothing to do with BK) lacked the insight to realize that the originals were good because of the novel level design and characters and lacked the talent and creativity to make anything good out of the unimpressive level concepts they came up with.
Consequently you have a game with massive, bland levels where collecting boring shit is the main attraction, instead of exploring and doing fun puzzles.

Even mario 64 has more sophisticated and novel level design compared to Y-L.

Did people really not like this game?

It was short to be sure, but I really enjoyed it.

Did I miss out on some sort of bug that hampered the game or something?

Nah its a decent game.

I think a big problem with it was the whole 'expanding world' gimmick.

They should have squeezed in 3 more worlds imo rather then expanding the existing worlds.

They also should have not had the shitty quiz this time around.

Holy shit

pretty much this
people who worked on banjo kazooie are
>working in departments at Nintendo or Ubisoft
>established their own business
>still at Rare

playtonic had a guy who did environmental design for nuts & bolts, chris sutherland, the artist brother of the guy actually in charge of banjo, and grant kirkhope

if you look at playtonic's staff you'll see it's mainly artists and designers with some bug testing people

The biggest problem isn't necessarily that the worlds are bland, it's just that the game doesn't really give you any means of learning the lay of the land other than brute force wandering. Banjo Kazooie actually used notes as a way of leading you from place to place, giving enough to indicate the next direction to head but not so many as to spoonfeed you. As you were wandering, you'd then notice something off the beaten path that you could check out and not lose your place because there would still be an uncollected note trail. Yooka Laylee doesn't have this and exploration feels like more of a chore because of it. Because it feels like a chore, it feels tedious and boring and because it feels boring, it seems much more bland.

>not just playing GOAT conker

Even the fucking controls of the quiz were bad. Jesus, how do you fuck that up?

Apparently when you say you're making a spiritual succesor to a game you should try to make it as good as that game instead of riding solely on the general concept and nostalgia. Who knew?