When someone uses "Skyrim" or "Diablo 3" to describe a game and means it as a compliment

>when someone uses "Skyrim" or "Diablo 3" to describe a game and means it as a compliment

Nobody uses Diablo 3 as a compliment. Maybe Diabo but definitely not 3

that image holy shit rofl
the liberal paradise

I've seen it in steam "reviews" before. Although sometimes even an advanced memer such as myself can still be tricked. But then again steam "reviews" do seem a form of autism too powerful to be not authentic emotion.

There are only 2 times someone should use Skyrim as a compliment, 1. "It sold as well as Skyrim" given despite being shit, Skyrim still sold like hotcakes. 2. "It's better then Skyrim" used to describe an Average game.

while the problem was kind of boiling up with that socialist idiot running venezeual it only got this bad after he died and left his dumbass bus driver errand boy to run the country

Skyrim's biggest issue to me was the lack of enemies. I like the dungeons but fuck killing the same shit everytime.

I don't understand

The tv says national assembly conference or something like that and it shows the people dancing and outside there's protestors getting sprayed by the government.

Just imagine what Sup Forums will be like ten years from now.

You forgot "Souls" like.

This is honestly a bigger red flag for me than any comparison to Skyrim.

The people dancing ARE the government

this. I like the dark souls games for their unique combat where every weapon has it's own set of unique animations and all damage is avoidable if you are really really good. I tried to play dragon's dogma but had to put it down because I was too frustrated that I couldn't dodge any attacks


git gud

I am genuinely bothered by the gif. I have several friends in venezuela and the stories i hear from that place are fucking abysmal.

Even the previous communist piece of shit president did a better job than Maduro. And back then he was thought to be an absolute useless piece of crap.

This is what happens when you get someone who probably didn't finish highschool and dedicated his life to following his political ideology while driving a fucking bus as their main job actual power over people.

>game has tons of negative reviews

>"It's too hard!"

>tfw Argentina was headed straight in that direction but took a slight turn just before hitting the point of no return

I'm sorry for you Venezuelans.

No it didn't. I didn't like Kirchner but she was in no way as dumb as maduro or chavez.

>This is what happens when you get someone who probably didn't finish highschool and dedicated his life to following his political ideology while driving a fucking bus as their main job actual power over people.
No, this is what happens when you try communism.

Decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall many opponents of communism decided that now that the lesson was learned, any peoples stupid enough to fucking sample communism deserves to live with that decision because it's the only way they'll learn.

That's why the world in general gives zero fucks about the human rights violations and mismanagement that is happening in Venezuela. While the bulk of the military, espionage, and people who did the hard work to combat communism are long retired or dead, a sufficient number of people who were junior politicians during that time are still in power as senior politicians today and they DO remember what the fight was like - enough to know that any peoples too fucking retarded to learn the lessons three decades ago can fucking live with their choices.

This is not meant to be an anti-communist post. That's just the facts. Nations opposed to the soviets couldn't give a fuck about the people who refused to jump off the bandwagon; especially not now. I'm sorry for your concern but the people of Venezeula sat in their own shit for decades and are only now complaining about the smell.

>This is not meant to be an anti-communist post.
The fuck are you kidding.
Your post drips with pro capitalist anti communist propganda.

The country would be a fucking dump if it was communist or capitalist.

But here's the thing.

Most people there DO NOT like communism.

Dont you realize what's going on in venezuela? its not a thing about people voting for a retarded communist, is a thing about corruption and tiranny to get a communist in power.

Even with Chavez people were bitching that communism sucks. And with time more and more people began to pull harder and harder to the right.

This isn't an "oh well we shat ourselves". This is an "I'm fucking done with communism i'm taking action".

That's why i am sad to see what's going on in venezuela. Even when people want off the socialist bandwagon they wont let them.

Listen up, you replace the "communism" with "capitalism" and you get Russia looking at Western values. Russia says the exact same shit about antagonist nations that fucking flop over from capitalist fuckups.

The fact is this, nobody from the outside cares and there's no help coming because the mentality from nations that fought that fight years ago is, "you reap what you sow".

Again Russia thinks the same way about the EU shitting itself, Brexit, and all that. Everyone's just sitting there and thinking, "you reap what you sow".


Except, you know. That every communist country failed/is failing right now.