Am I the only one who is perfectly okay with gaming at 1080p?
Am I the only one who is perfectly okay with gaming at 1080p?
Poorfag here, "running not shit" is my perfectly okay.
I play all my games on my pc at 1600x1200 and have for like 8 years. I don't even know what's happening in graphics right now.
nigga I believe anything over 720p is superfluous
I have two 1080ti's and play only at 1080p 60 FPS
I want to eventually evolve to a higher standard. I'm cool with 1080p but wish to see 4k become the standard.
Companies are pushing for 4k displays to become the next big thing. That's 3840x2160. It will happen eventually.
1080p 144hz/120hz lightboost for comp shooters. So gud.
Nope. The worst part is, the only reason the 4k meme is brought to vidya is because of what the film industry does. They begin using cameras capable of capturing in 4k in order to catch up with movie theatre projectors, most of which support 4k by now. I don't think most average people who play videogames beyond the occasional CoD/Madden match actually care about post-1080 resolutions. It doesn't really matter either in my opinion, because in videogames the rendering will need to catch up to the point that most models will look near-realistic without sacrificing a 50+ Framerate. We are not to this point yet, so worrying about 4k in vidya is pointless, especially when plenty of games don't even try to be photorealistic.
4k is too expensive for me. Plus all my animus are 1080p
I have a GTX1080 and I use a 1080p 144hz monitor
I still play PS3 games at upscaled 720p or even PS2 games at their native resolutions still, so long as its fun I dont care.
Can I tell the difference between an enemy and a tree from 15 feet away? If so, the resolution is fine. I played Tomb Raider at like 320x240 on my shitty PC, I'm ok with less than ultraHD.
It depends on the size of the screen fuck nuts
Yes OP. you are the only person out of the 60 million people who purchased a PS4 who is okay with gaming at 1080p
>have the option to game at higher than 30 FPS
>decide to limit to 30 FPS anyways
I don't like how it looks.
I have GTX1070 and I also play in 1080p
This. 1080p 144hz is the best. 4k is a meme
I also still play PS2 games in their native resolution, on an old tube tv none the less. I have an hdtv for my hd consoles though
Of course. 4k isn't going to be standard for a few more years.
I used to have a 16:10 monitor
switched to 1080 because not enough games properly supported it
the only reason why I would want a higher resolution monitor is so I can look at ultra high res art that people post on pixiv
seriously the full size drawings get up to like, 20000x20000 sometimes and like, I can't see all that shit at once without making it into a tiny ass rectangle
I'm fine with 480p to be desu
1080p 60fps is my ideal. 4k just seems like overkill, but I probably would have said the same thing about standard def vs 720p.
Antialiasing > resolution
I have bad eyes, so it doesn't mean jack shit to me. I can't tell the difference between 720 or 1080, and I don't game on PC, so it's all looked the same to me for the past 10 years
There's an adjustment period when changing frame rates. It took a few hours to get used to Horizon Zero Dawn's 30fps after playing Yakuza 0 in 60. I would prefer 60, but a solid 30 is fine, especially given how detailed HZD is.
i'm okay with 1080p because i don't own a higher res display, but if my 1060 can handle higher resolutions, i'll downsample just for fun
why not 144 fps?
If a game's not at least hitting 45FPS consistently there's no reason to not just cap it at 30. At that point you're just introducing unnecessary judder.
>mfw have my PS4 hooked up to a 720p TV because I'm a cheap bastard and don't want to buy a new one
I got a 1080p one, but I'm holding onto that thing until it breaks.
Do you like wasting processing to combat jaggies?
Imagine if M$ and Sony invested in machines that could handle all games at a constant 1080p 60fps instead of this 4k garbage trend
720 would even be fine if they would just focus on what's important. Not going to happen though. 4k 20-30fps with 8gb day one patches is the future
I have no idea what is a big deal with that "p" and frames per seconds in games. Always assumed it is some sort of placebo like audiophile diamond cables.
Something about progressive versus interlaced or whatnot.
Nah, its fine. As someone who plays a lot of stuff in 1440p and 4K, 1080p still looks fine to me.
720p though, on the other hand, looks like garbage unless the screen is really small (ALA the Switch) or there is enough AA and other effects to mask how low the resolution is.
I can't tell the difference for framerates higher than 60fps. Is it just a monitor thing?
4k is a meme
Yes, you need a monitor that is higher than 60hz to see past 60fps.
I play all my games in 1280x720 windowed mode so I can split my time shitposting on Sup Forums.
If your monitor is 60hz anything above 60fps is just wasted frames
720p is still fine by me
1920x1200 master race here. Don't plan on changing for a loooong time.
>used to be 1920x1200
>every fucking game had black bars or stretched the game
>upgrade to 1920x1080
>no more problems
not enough games support 16:10 and it's fucking bullshit
1080p is alright but 30fps is not.
>not gaming at 800x600 with smilky smooth 10-15fps
Get away from me you fuckin casual
>look at prices of monitor higher than 1080p 60 fps
yeah nah
>look at prices of video card to justify my expensive potential new monitor
oh hell no
>paying out the ass for hardware that will be outdated by the time 4k becomes the industry standard
no thanks fampai
I'm okay with 1080p too, mainly because my eyesight sucks.
55" 4K TV + PS4 Pro
>by the time 4k becomes the industry standard
Not happening considering higher Ks are around the corner.
4k just looks like it has diminishing returns for the price. The difference between it and 1080p from a purely visual perspective has always looked smaller than between 1080 and 720 or 720 and 480
that's my m8
i like playing in 640x480
I can game easy even at 500p but low frame-rate makes my eyes hurt. And it's particularly bad on games like Uncharted 4 and Witcher 3.
Horizon at least has some nice high quality motion blur that makes the juddering and flickering look kinda natural but Uncharted 4 and Witcher 3 have some of the most godawful blur effects on PS4, so you're pretty much forced to turn that shit off and make your eyes suffer through the nasty shit that low frame-rate brings with it.
tfw 1440 by 700