What does Sup Forums think of Silent Hill Homecoming?

What does Sup Forums think of Silent Hill Homecoming?

Pretty mediocre. Not the worst Silent Hill game, but it doesn't come close to 1-4. It took a bit too much inspiration from the movie.

I liked it more than 2.

None of the Silent Hill games are good

It's pretty trash.

Level design, enemy design, boss design are all pretty shit. And the story is garbage.

Great enemy designs, especially Scarlet and the final boss.

Neck yourself.

Its basically a combination of 1 and 2

Just without what made those games special

The best silent hill game if you're a retard

>Literally every western Silent Hill is a rehash of 2 with each of them even having their own version of Pyramid Head

It was Silent Hill the Movie the Game.
>shit characters
>muh repressed memories
>pyramid head for whatever fucking reason
>enemies, locations, and pacing
Pretty uninspiring

Only saving grace was the music and mcglynns godly vocals.

I was hype at first since it was literally silent hill 5 but then i played it and was like, what the fuck.

Anyway, worth a playthrough if you must but it will het boring quickly.

Alright for video game standards, but pretty terrible for Silent Hill standards. I liked it though. Downpour was much worse.


Story was just another SH2 and everything else was mediocre to bad. The combat in general was pretty bad especially the melee. Enemies were kind of spongy. Pyramid Head was there for no reason and didn't really do anything. Area design was nonexistent. Everything looked so dull and drab. The only thing I've give it some credit for are the bosses. Those were pretty fun and creepy. Especially Scarlet.

Probably the best one

Why is Origins so disliked?

Fuck... i actually enjoyed downpour a little more. In it i wasnt thinking, "when is this gonna be over?"

I dont have shit taste but i believe i wanted to like it legit but seeing as it was the series' last shot at redemption. Ironic that the name is what it turned out to be jist that

Is this official concept art?

>enemy design, boss design

All original enemies looked great, other then the fucking stupid actual human enemies

Not a bad game but certainly not great. I feel like it was the main games that started the trends of the MC being a "normal everyday guy" but is full on Rambo super soldier mode when in combat.

And yes I know the MC is ex-military, but he's still supposed to be a normal guy.

There was nothing wrong with the actual designs of the enemies/bosses, I thought they were pretty damn good. The thing is that in a SH game each enemy/boss is supposed to be a manifestation of some sort of past trauma in the MC's mind, which makes classic enemies like the nurses in SH2 make sense with the story. The enemies in HC are definitely creative, but they're just monsters. They aren't tied to any psychological story element like they are in earlier games.

Wasn't it revealed that the MC wasn't ex military at all and he just thought he was because he latched onto memories of his father?

Shit, I can't remember. I haven't played since it was new and that's been about ten years now. Maybe.

Still, that only furthers my point.

Because its a western sh game