What is the Golden Age for you?
What is the Golden Age for you?
The Birth and Death of FPS
17th century
Burning Crusade - Cataclysm
Whatever year RE4 came out was probably the end of it.
everything inbetween the black swordsman and conviction
the nakazato race in battle stage I think
volume 3 to volume 13 of berserk
For consoles the 4th gen for pc 1995-2006
best berserk arc
94 - 2004. It's literally the time when pretty much all of the good shit came out. Some really good shit came out before but never was there such a huge condensed and packed set of great games coming out.
1985 - 2004. It all went downhill after that.
2005. And yes it was easily... that year only 3 good games came out and after that literally fucking nothing.
>all these people jaded and unable to enjoy modern vidya
1977 - 1994
No 3D graphics to ruin video games. 60 frames per second was the standard, not the exception.
Snes and PS1.
Third and fourth gen.
Now- but it depends on how you look at it. Entire catalogs of games are openly available for "procurement". Modding tools and game creation are open to those who seek to go down that road. It's pretty much open season and if anyone wants to start up and play videogames, they have a lot of opportunities to access historical titles without necessarily needing an excess technological know-how and expensive hardware.
Though all I can say is that me and the PSX/N64 era and I have no lost love. I did not care for those consoles/ that generation for the most part.
First post more-or-less best post
2D had evolved past blobs and peaked in the late 90s. Meanwhile, 3D hit the scene and matured before being plagued by waggle, dlc, and pay to win shit of modern consoles.
too many games for me to keep up with
i never thought this was gonna be a problem
If only more than half of those games could maintain their framerate instead of constant drops
arcade days
Not as if the previous decade wasn't phenomenal, but I love the PS2 and GBA
From Sonic 2 to Gears of War
The correct answer
this tbqh
more or less this
Arguably 2000-2010. PS2 era that gently slid into Ninty domination and the whole slew of games that came for the NDS was an amazing amoint of games to experience.
When warcraft 3 custom maps weren't dead, and when the ladder had some new people instead of just smurfs i guess that was early 2000s up to 2011 or so.
Because you have access to everything that came before
*smacks lips*
this, coupled with overall portability thanks to PSP homebrew, marked 2011 a very good year to be a poorfag
Generation 7 ruined everything.
>Ancient times
>New era enlightenment
>Golden age
>Post apocalypse
When I was too stupid to understand how the world revolves around suffering and would just get up early in the morning to watch Looney Tunes.
video games
>console weeaboo trash
hello neo Sup Forums
This user gets it
Really? Armored Core? weeb trash? Kys you cynical generic v poster
what the hell? 08-12 was the beginning of the end.
change Renaissance to Apocalypse and that's pretty much good
The time before I was born
Started last spring. It's not just gaming, it's the start of a new Golden Age for mankind.
gaming died with the PS2
1997 was the pinnacle year for all vidya.
Are you me? Nostalgiafags deserves be exterminated
You're retarded.
Oh well, It can't be helped for some.
Right now, because its all that we have
The 90s. Pretty shitty era for every other form of entertainment though.
3D ruined everything
There have been multiple golden ages, but it sure as hell wasn't during the mid 00's. PS2 had a severely long drought and PC gaming was going nowhere.
Are you even old enough to be on this site?
>PC gaming was going nowhere
2004-2005 are widely regarded as some of the best years for PC gaming, ever.
It will start the day I die
although going back to as early as 1994 like is also acceptable
Things were much different back then. Everything was overpriced, from software to hardware, and the userbase was pretty sparse. Since there were few decent hosts, modding communities were limited to independent websites with only a handful of mods.
Depends what is meant by "Golden Age" then. I took it to just mean quality of game releases, in which case the region of 2004 takes the crown no contest
But if you're weighing things like "how comfortable were the couches at my local internet cafe at the time" then yeah it broadens the competition a bit
>2004 takes the crown no contest
1998, 1999 and 2001 want to have a word with you
WC3 custom maps multiplayer
wow bc
The 2D bronze age : 1989 - 1994
The PC golden age : 1995 - 2005
The high definition era : 2006 - 2010
The video game downfall : 2011 - 2015
The great gaming depression : 2016 - today
>The great gaming depression : 2016 - today
2017 is rivaling 1999 in terms of quality
i want to go back
Imagine having tastes this shit.
2000 - 2007
he's just young
hmm. Hear hear.
1980 - 2000
>2017 is rivaling 1999 in terms of quality
Name 1 game that has the same amount of impact as CS, System Shock 2, Shenmue, THPS, Pepsiman, or Planescape: Tournament.
Why even reply to him? He's literally only capable of posting the latest consolewar bait or whatever the latest "game" that people want to call art is. You already know he has nothing to say.
He's saying it became less diverse tho and he's pissed about it. It's a good point all MC's are usually generic white dude. Then the sjws come in and we get the occasional generic black dude. Why can't we just have good characters of every race?
>that year only 3 good games came out
Battlefront 2
the Warriors
Chaos Theory
Republic Commando
X-Men Legends 2
God of War
Timesplitters FP
128 bits era: tons of games coming every month, booth babes at the E3, sexy chicks in vidya everywhere. I still like some modern games, tho.
Can't argue with that.
doom and snes era
I already posted my golden age but nevermind that, this guy has it correct. I want to go back so fucking bad.
fking retarded couldnt help himself to mention pol, he's actually making fun of the generic white male protagonists movie '''''''games''''''''
Not him, but
>Nier, Persona, Zelda, Odyssey, Xenoblade, Rabbids, South Park, Wolfenstein, Battlefront 2, Hollow Knight, Cuphead, The End is Nigh, Sundered, Super Lucky's Tale, Frostpunk
> all that console trash
Standard hack and slash
3 and 4 were better
Still doesn't beat OoT
It's not fucking out yet
ahahahaha, sequels can eat shit
Literally just Xcom
>South Park
not out yet also it's a sequel to a game that played like thousand year door
Great looking sequel to a great game but it's not out yet and it's a sequel
>Battlefront 2
but Battlefront II already exists, is out, and is much better
>Hollow Knight
metroidvania i pirated because the dev wouldn't stop fucking shilling here
boss rush and not out yet
>The End is Nigh
oh boy a watered down super meat boy that also isn't fucking out
boring indie shit platformer that isn't out yet but it looks pretty. yawn.
>Super Lucky's Tale
not out yet, more furfag pandering, do we really need another yooka laylee conundrum?
pre rendered trailer followed by more grimdark edgy survival craft bullshit that's not even out yet
>generation 7
>includes generation 8
The 90s.
Not there yet, but almost.
>good force feedback steering with 1080° of movement and customs wheels to change from road cars to F1
>H pattern shifter without feedback from the clutch but good enough so far
>pedals with pressure measuremement for the brake
>analog handbrake
>head mounted displays with good resolutions so you dont stare at pixel
>simulators got better the last 5 years
As for flying sims is the same for all the screens, the sims getting better and the peripherials.
Now. Most of the big names from the 90s are still working games, new studios are created while the old ones mostly remain faithful to themselves. A few studios turned to shit but it's not that bad otherwise.
This isn't like the anime industry, where there's less than 10 good studios out of hundreds of them.
Pretty much this, at least for PC.
>Most of the big names from the 90s are still working games
Yeah, like...