How come you haven't played this masterpiece yet?? hollow knight thread

How come you haven't played this masterpiece yet?? hollow knight thread

Looks like generic reddit tier plaforming pseudo-creative indie garbage

Im waiting for its ps4 release, ill be buying it immediately

I just beat it the other day op, I missed a couple areas I need to go back for but I had a great time with it after getting it on gog for 12 bucks

I have, it's a shit tier metroidvania. Fuck off shill.

Cool, I was waiting for a sale. Thanks for the heads-up.

I wouldn't call it a masterpiece, but it's certainly one of the better Metroidvanias in recent years.

I bought it, you can stop shilling this daily now.

I'm pretty excited to go through on hard in a couple months and see if I can suck less

But I did, I reviewed it


>that minute where you delete your other troll thread because people got wise to your false flagging antics

Well and truly pottery.

I started playing it yesterday and its pretty much this.

you can't delete threads

>that obvious newfag bait
deleting threads in Sup Forums wasnt possible for years

You're pathetic, Maze. Go back to your basement.

Be that as it may, the falseflag is strong in here.

You really think that's him?

Why is it so easy to make Sup Forums hate games

you try and force some game and Sup Forums will turn against it, it's not rocket science

why is it so easy to control mindless masses?

currently playing it

I'm at the green pathway, it's really good so far. I have a question, when do I get upgrades to my weapon/health?

The sad part is that he's going to make people hate both La-Mulana and Hollow Knight as a result. It's actually the real definition of a "troll" before normies got a hold of the world and started overusing it.

But I am.
I enjoy it.

I'm too busy trying to beat rain world.

That's the point, someone is overly praising it on purpose because he knows it will turn them against it.

should've though about that before making daily self bump threads every day for months and then suddenly shitting threads left and right

Upgrading the nail is possible after going to the City of Tears. Upgrading your health is as easy as finding those mask fragments scattered about the world, but typically they're in areas after bosses or hidden in difficult places.

>Im waiting for its ps4 release, ill be buying it immediately

Likewise, only for the Switch.

Health is by finding mask shards. Find 4 and you get 1 more hp. Basically a heart container.
For weapons it's in a much later area known as the "city of rain." Won't say anything about the area but once you are there, find a blacksmith and he will upgrade your nail.

Is it gud?

Is it really not getting through to you that the same dude shitting on the game is the same one making falseflag threads?

I was a PS fag growing up and recently picked up a PSP and starting playing the genre defining game Super Metroid. Will play HK after that.

it's been going on since release though, I figure the fanbase is just dog shit autism and that's all there is to it

like even months ago all the daily threads were these ''why aren't you playing this goty'' etc.

It actually is___ but I'm a professional gaming journalist so don't believe me.


You're fucking retarded if you can't tell the difference between legit threads and troll threads.

Waiting for the Switch version, really want to play it user.



There's no other reason. People who bought it on sale would not spam "LMAO BEST GAME EVA" on v after 2 days or so.

I remember how there was a great HK thread 2 weeks ago or so, we had fun even if that fedoralord tried to bait the fuck out of everyone.

But LaMulna is legit dogshit, fuck off LMF

The fact that all of these threads have a contingent of defenders means that you fags shill here either way.

I can't really tell the difference, no


The shilling for this one is off the charts though. They definitely spent some shekels on marketing.

I'm really not him, though. I enjoyed the game, but had to use a guide halfway through because it's too cryptic. The "kneel down" part or whatever is where I decided that it wasn't worth my time to actually use my brain for the game, but it was still fun even with a guide.
Whatever dude, I've played the fucking game for only two hours and I can see why it's something that should be about as liked as any other Metroidvania, which has always been a popular sub-genre here.

Pls no bully, I just like to write about vidya so I do it for the local magazine.

Or, people could see the bullshit going on and are calling it out.

Are you excited for free content pack?

it's ok game , nothing more, hollow shill

no you fucking shill

This. You're retarded,

Anyone who thinks this game is truly remarkable has no fucking clue about game design. The entire layout of the map and level design are terrible and only serve ONE purpose: To make the world feel huge. And it is huge. But why make a world huge when you don't have enough interesting things to fill it with? After the 100th copy pasted platform segment i got really fucking bored. Don't get me wrong, there's some really good things in this game, namely bosses, but it's all buried under so much shit design. And i'm saying that as someone who usually likes exploration in video games. The dull color palette, layouts and visual style really don't help. Exploring the same samey environments for 30+ hours (Did i mention the awful MAP system?) just gets stale. The only people who think this is good are people who think like this: "Bigger world = more content = more game = more hours, for 14,99€! = better game" but honestly this game would've been 10 times better as a more condensed 8h or so experience.

Pretty bummed that i wasted 15 bucks on this shit.

seems to be rampant shilling of this game everywhere, getting to FOTM territory

its not that good
the discount on steam is garbage

people (pcfags) are buying it out of desperate of steamsale meme because they are desperate to cling onto something and praise it endless, because you know, pc gaming is on life support

> bragging about free content when there is paid shit on the way

Is this a good game to pick up during the sale if I've never played a metroidvania before?

Your pasta is getting stale, MaZe.

Why repost tho?

everyone is maze to you

It's cheap, and I hadn't really played any Metroidvanias before HK, so I'd say go for it.

>3 free content packs, each next is bigger than previous
>only one paid DLC that will be below 9$
>meanwhile Payday2 is literal dlcfest
hypocritical facetious piece of shit

Look how easy it was to trigger 3 hollow kike shills.

You are just upset someone is doing exactly what you do, only with no subtly on purpose.

>came out two months ago

really makes you think

That can't be maze, the autistic anime avatar isn't a cancerous blonde loli

Right, I forgot. Still though, he may dispense with them to hide his true form.

>shills shills shills kike shilling my shills triggered you lol
Are you ok?

I'd say it kind of was FOTM, there were daily threads that hit the bump limit consistently for a few weeks after it came out

>pc gaming is on life support

You had me until here. Thanks for making me laugh.

what happened was that threads in /vg/ dies, they almost died here too but just at the moment of death the shills kept self bumping the threads

Great game. Loved it a lot.

Could've used less Meatboy and more bosses though.

>there were daily threads that hit the bump limit consistently for a few weeks after it came out

>New Metroidvania from untested dev that's a surprisingly decent game is talked about a lot.

Really percolates my bathwater.

And this is the reason why he attaches anime smug picture to every post.

FOTM really only seems like an insult if the game is supposed to have longevity. People not talking about a 25-hour single-player game after a month or two seems pretty normal even if it is good.

yeah MUST be a shill am i right my fellow Sup Forumsro???

It's only on the pc. I don't play games on my pc. I'll wait for the switch version

I'm waiting for the Switch version in order to play it everywhere I go

>professional gaming journalist

I did, not really masterpiece but otherwise pretty gud.

Played it for a few hours
Looks great, plays alright, didn't grab me
Decent challenge, no weapon variety.

This game is allowed to exist in my book.

because it's a shitty game

Cause it's not on switch yet


But seriously, I want to work as a shill too. Can you give me directions om how to do it? Is there a websitet to apply? Thanks in advance, man. I want internet money to buy DLC.

my pb on steelsoul is 1:30 and I completed everything
It's a great game
9/10 easily

So is the upcoming stuff just extra crap (new modes, survival, etc.), more or less self-contained continuation (Witcher 3 expansions), or is it going to be little bits integrated into the main game? Trying to figure out if I should play this now or wait.

I fucking hate how every game nowadays you have to wait a year in order to play the complete package. Going back to a game months later to find and play a bunch of five-minute segments is the most pointless feeling ever.

speak for yourself free content in a fucking game is great faggot

I think the new stuff coming in the July update will be a couple new bosses and a new fast travel point. The Hornet update should be out by the year's end though.


more like late content

> implying Sup Forums doesn't do it for free

It just doesn't look appealing.

To all the faggot who jump on every Hollow Knight thread to call other people shill

Hollow Knight only has 150k sale on Steam at $15 while fucking No Man's Fucking Sky got on almost 1 million sale at $60.

This is the kind of atrocity that's killing good video game and you faggot are a part of it

>on hard

You know there's only normal and permadeath modes, right?

>we want the dark souls audience

you realize the fact that it has lower sales increases the likelihood that there would be people shilling it right?

there's not much reason to shill a game that's already a success

> b-buy this game i-t's for REAL gamers!

Which is harder, salt and sanctuary or hollow knight?

Because it's a bad game and Valdis Story does the same general ideas way better.

Metroidvanias are inherently bad lmao

>Hollow Knight
Can heal yourself from a meter that builds by attacking enemies, not just killing them or getting item pickups, attacking

CAN'T facetank everything and then heal afterwards

post hornet