>Its 98 F°/37° here
>Tomorrow it will be 105 F°/40 C°
How you holding up user? Hows your PC holding up?
>Its 98 F°/37° here
>Tomorrow it will be 105 F°/40 C°
How you holding up user? Hows your PC holding up?
Other urls found in this thread:
No issues over here!
>flat is on 7th floor, facing west
>sun hits the windows from 1 to 10pm
>average of 34° since a week
Good thing I don't mind the heat tho.
Thanks for reminding me to dust my shit out OP
Phoenix user here. Pretty good actually, considering anytime it gets a little warm my AC goes on filling my room with cool air.
>posting both temps
jesus how kuch of a fucking cuck are you. its 77° outside. im not gonna post celcius because i dont expect others to post Fahrenheit you fucking cuck. kys
This. Feels good not to be a Europoor/Brazilnigger.
My PC is new and i have an エアコン nearby
check this amerifat out. he thinks that eurobros give a fuck when we only have heat for max 10 days
>no capital letters
Now that was a useful post.
>no capital LeTtERz as an argument
My Fat PS3 blows hot air into the room while playing it. This is not comfortable. Might just try to sell it for a slim.
It's pretty temperate over here in PA for a week or two and then the heat is going to ramp up. But I have central air anyways so doesn't really matter. Sorry bout the heat poorfags.
Keep dying of unnecessary heat stroke on those 10 days then.
I'm doing great OP. Bought 2 Fans for each hand, never a sweat
>make a terrible, worthless post
>gets called out on his faggotry
>"hurr not an argument"
Keep going my man.
>OP saves Celsius users the bother of converting temps
>wooooow fucking cuck kys cuck cuck cuck
I don't understand why people keep making threads about this. Are all of you in third world countries and don't have central air or air conditioners? Me and my PC are fine. It's 72° in my house. We're cool as fuck.
oh no, heat
oh wait I live in a stone house so who gives a shit about heat
enjoy your air jew bill
>small desk fan pointed at face to keep me cool
>PC isn't a shitbox with a garbage heatsink
I'm fine.
And OP was specifically trying to avoid the Celsius vs Fahrenheit faggotry too but user still brought it up
I'm wearing a sweater, bit snippy over here.
My PC is OK, but I'm fucking melting. I hate temperatures higher than 25 C°... Being poorfag not able to buy A/C makes everything worse.
close your windows retard
>hasn't even hit 90 in Florida this year as the rest of the world is in flames
wtf is going on?
צֶלסִיוּ כ
But my windows are closed, which actually makes it worse, retard.
if you think it makes it worse, why are they closed?
take your ass to a pawnshop and buy a window unit.
The best time to buy them though is at the end of summer if you are okay with dealing with the heat this summer and preparing for the next.
>tfw Canadian
Not closed anymore, I was just trying if it helps.
you already let the hot air in sweetie of course it's not going to help
i bet your one of those pandhandler/north florida shitters. its hit 90° user.
Why would anyone live in a place where 0° is not water's freezing point?
Florida user here, I'm pretty much used to the heat here but holy fuck is it hot. Pc is holding up fine though.
Here's a tip. Put cardboard in your windows to keep the sun out. The more sun you let in, the hotter the ambient temperature is in your house. Put tin foil over the cardboard for a complete blackout effect.
>air conditioner
Maybe that's something you get used to, but most people I know including myself can't stand air conditioning.
Also we've easily hit 90 these past days near key west
That feel when living in the Blue Ridge mountain area actually pays off and it's only supposed to get to like 75 today without too much humidity.
>dat feel when jog regularly
Time to die, I guess.
How are your planes holding up, if at all?
Fahrenheitfags are barbarians and they belong to the gulag alongside Imperialfags.
Long live the Metric/Celsius master race.
Keep buying more guns to protect yourselves from the ravenous niggers all year round americuck.
>the high here today is 116°F
Just fucking end my life dude
Fahrenheit is so gay
>surveyor for a living
>outside all day, started turning 95+ with 70% humidity
It was horrible in May, and the beginning of june but now im used to it. Hooray for acclimation
You Euros are fucking weird.
>no AC
>no ice in your drinks
>no ice cream with your dry pastry desserts
Great advice, I would tell you to do the same fo those peaceful truck drivers, but then I remembered that europoors don't believe in defending themselves.
Hungarian here
>We have AC
>We don't like Watering our drinks, we cool it with the Fridge
>The last one is true
>tfw 306 K
Release me from this hell
How's Greenland going for you, user?
literally never heard anyone say they "can't stand air conditioning" until now
they have ice for sure, they just don't fill 80% of the glass with it. you get couple of cubes because shit is in the fridge anyway.
you're supposed to open them during the night and close them during the day
>he can't afford a 100$ ac
>tfw 22°C
>Suffering a heat stroke at 40°C
How the fuck do you fatties even survive? At 40°C you'd maybe start sweating here, at most. Just stay hydrated and open a window once in a while, jesus.
Feels good to not live in a complete shithole.
You kinda become immune to that shit when you work in a factory where 45 degrees is normal. That's with studded boots and jeans pants.
>purhase Rise of the Tomb Raider
>GPU reaches 82°C
AC just breeds weakness when you have to go outside of controlled environments and it's like hell.
Fine, it's called climate control pleb. My house is at a constant comfy 73 degrees
>Its comfy winter is Aus
Feels good
You mean air conditioning?
Canadian summers are pretty nice. Too bad winter lasts a miserable 6 months.
Why europeans dont have AC?
Some bullshit about muh "power consuption"?
Like how they banned incandescent bulbs because they offended muslims or some shit, and now the have to buy the bulbs in china
I fucking wish we had winter were I live. I'd be lucky to get a week of snow nowadays, the rest of the time it's like fall never ended.
>enjoy your air jew bill
>mfw the goverment pays my electric bill because my parents are illegal mexicans
>tfw it's only 71° in oklahoma right now
It'll probably hit 110° within the next week or two knowing this fucking state, but right now it's smooth motherfucking sailing.
Sorry I meant "myself can't stand air conditioning electric bill"
A week of snow is optimal; it wears out its welcome after that. Count your blessings.
fuck that, id rather be comfortable the 85% of the time im inside
>12º C here
>tfw live in Florida
>tfw have central air that I keep at
>tfw keep fan on me at all time while on pc.
>$100 for a game
This. Imperial was created by lords and kings to jew out their subordinates because shit like feet and inches varied from king to king, while Fahrenheit was made by some retard who had no idea what he was doing.
Also Phoenix user, thank god I work nights and just sleep during the day with AC and a fan going.
>no ice in your drinks
>go to mcdonalds in europe
>get coke with ice
>go to mcdonalds in america
>get ice with coke
>Accepting shitty memes into the stereotype
Retarded fucking monkey.
>tfw Michigan
>tfw lake effect
>warmer winters
>cooler summers
>not telling the wage slaves "light ice please"
but yeah ice will take up70% of the cups real estate
I remember visiting Duluth and it was fantastic because of being right on Lake Superior.
Are you some sort of SJW that gets offended by other people?
No, I just wish I was born in a better country with more self-respecting people.
Don't you dare pull your patriotic bullshit on me.