Other urls found in this thread:



Literally 90% of my playtime was on this map

Now I'm sad again

What happened to Wacky Races?

I miss the old wacky days the the internet

micspam culture as you call it
>edgy teenage punk was still a thing
>lolcats XD
>I can haz cheezburger
>sourcegames was the hottest thing
>all those custom gamemodes and mods

Stop reminding me that tf2 will never be as fun as it once was.

>all those old memes including all of the class card crushers
tears in the rain

>tfw all the craze is for muh esports matchmaking multiplayer now

>tfw you will never visit newgrounds again to play some cool halfassed flash games
>tfw you will never look up GTA San Andreas mythbusters again
>exfiles theme song
>tfw you will never visit quirky small forums again
>tfw you will never watch flash animations featuring your favorite video characters again
>tfw you will never look forward to a AVGN episode again
>tfw you will never join a TF2 custom gamemode server and be greeted by micspam from teenagers again
>tfw you will never laugh at lolcats again

hairline is getting worse and worse
the only thing he has going for him is his voice
getting tired of the sims

literally dead
his movie failed and his economy is fucked
doesent care about video games anymore

>Irate Gamer
now does minecraft toy reviews


nazi controversy
also tired of making videos
havent upploaded anything in months

>Metal Jesus Rocks
fat guy who hasnt given up on his long ugly rocker hair

>Brutal Moose
JUST hair
getting tired of video games
want to try new things but fans hate it

entitled sjw brat
annoying as fuck
humor getting worse and worse

has the ability to say 100000000 words per second
annoying as fuck
personality of a 12 year old
humor of a 12 year old

Stopped making videos
his lifelong dream of making a real life wrestling show (wich he spent 400 dollars on) was a complete failure and got less views compared to his wwe gameplay videos
now does twitch streams almost daily

is internet culture dying?


>no more laughing and calling each other faggot with a bunch of random bros over cs:s/07 tf2
>no more crooked cop adventures in classic garry's mod darkrp
>no more making wacky contraptions in sandbox with bro randoms
>no more stgggs
>no more looking up random poorly made "gmod random moments" videos made by inexperienced teenagers

Fucking let's players and e-sports literally ruined everything, I have a friend who likes playing multiplayer games just so he can win and talk shit to other players.

>tfw everything became reddit

literally this

everything got streamlined and stale
nothing is uniqe and quirky anymore

everything is pitch perfect and calculated with the help of execs

>thread is making me feel nostalgic
>i wonder if I can find some old funny gmod videos
>look up gmod on YT
>see this

I'm actually fuming right now. I want every let's player to be rounded up and executed, they ruined video games on youtube.

This map brings me back... I've recently visited the server I played it on and it was always empty. I still remember a few players from it one named Rena and the other Murdoch or something. Wonder if they're still on my friends list...

>Malcolm in the Middle

>yfw you first discovered the hidden rule 34


>the silly wild west internet culture of the early 2000's will never return

>2006 was fucking great
>2007 was fucking awful

Smartphones were a mistake.


>reminder that there is a forum dedicated to the early/mid 2000's internet culture

>it's top comfy

>mfw i only got to experience the tail end of it because i was born in 1997

This map got me back into Ministry

>all of the strange, deranged corners of the internet are getting assimilated into giant social media sites
>anything strange and interesting is being diluted with normality and changed in accordance with whims of the masses
>everybody that wants a small, niche community is being forced into their respective corners, unlikely to stumble onto each-other again
>the only hope left is for people being pulled into the mainstream to hold strongly onto their originality and strangeness

technically this makes us all internet hipsters but I really don't care

>ywn watch this for the first time again youtube.com/watch?v=uE-1RPDqJAY

At least we got to experience some of it, user, and we'll be the last ones to really remember it too.

>everybody that wants a small, niche community is being forced into their respective corners, unlikely to stumble onto each-other again
this is the worst part
back in the day, you stumbled upon strange wacky websites all the time

now it's only places like left
youtube isnt what it used to be
newgrounds isnt what it used to be

This is awfull, I kinda miss going to forums, blogs or just find random pages.

first thing I see is a banner of a roblox character singing Fireflies by owl city
I like it


>scatman will never come back

Does it hurt when you REALLY stop and think that you're not a teenager anymore?


>no more stgggs


>you're not a teenager anymore

>the entire subgenre of agk parody videos

I met stgggs on a FoF server. He was a cool guy.

What the fuck is Sam Goody


2007 was TEN years ago

both of you should check out this it's a time capsule of the early 2000's

>2000 was 17 years ago
>2000 kids will be old enough to post here next year

>it actually starts to sink in that you're not a teenager anymore
>you will actually never be a teenager again
>you will never get home from school to play cs 1.6 and fuck around in early gmod sandbox ever again

It's finally starting to sink in bros... it's actually over.

>Playing World of Warcraft in your spare time, not trying to raid but explore the world
>Finding a friend and fishing with him while talking all day.
>On the run
>no cares in the world
>having a mental breakdown after seeing cp for the first time on Sup Forums (when it was fucking rampant back then) and playing tf2 all hours of the day to try and run from your fractured psychee
>getting slightly aroused by loli as a permanent scarlet letter of how your budding sexuality was warped and destroyed.
>just eternal summer.

Honestly better times

>2000 kids will be old enough to post here next year

I unironically loved this back in the day.

I-I miss it...

>all these barely 20 year old kiddos having babby's first existential crisis
>blatantly non-vidya thread

Grow up, Jesus.


>tfw you cant act slightly autistic and goof around with your friends anymore
>tfw you now have responsibilities
>tfw you try to act tough and adult
>but on the inside you just wanna have fun and be a kid again

>Ctrl F ytmnd
>0 Results

>tfw took this knowing it would be historic

>yfw a mod will move this thread to Sup Forums.


I want to go back...

>join red
>rocket jump to the top of the building
>spawn camp blue

Good times.

/trash/ is the designated move board.

>literally dead
>his movie failed and his economy is fucked
>doesent care about video games anymore


I think it's cool and I appreciate the effort but even if it takes off it's hardly going to compare to the actual interesting things about the old web, you can make memorials and discuss old stuff but an online forum isn't going to bring back the sense of wonderment and anonymity the whole internet used to have
If anything I have better luck explaining chat client games and whatnot like WORLDS and Activeworlds because they're treasure troves of hard to navigate early internet content behind a clunky old interface, which really does a better job of emulating old fashioned web trawling.

>ITT: We're 2007-era emos
check out this epik pic i found online!!! do u lik it???
sorry heheh just me bein r@nd0m again :))

heh... cute

You get to save one thing from the past internet age, what is it and why?

The old gods of media die, bringing form to new people.

the angsty underground Sup Forums internet culture circa 2004

>tfw you will never return to the "LOL over 9000 internets"-age

fucking zombie master

that was my fucking shit

>tfw still stuck in 2011

>If anything I have better luck explaining chat client games and whatnot like WORLDS and Activeworlds because they're treasure troves of hard to navigate early internet content behind a clunky old interface, which really does a better job of emulating old fashioned web trawling.
that reminds me
i've been wanting to download WORLDS for a while now

Never change.

sometimes you have to let go

>the hotel mario ytp

>born in 1985
>drop out of school late freshman year
>been a neet ever since

And I'll have a glass of Kill SONIC I mean apple juice

holy shit I remember

so you've actually been here since the start and seen the evolution?
would you consider yourself a true oldfag?

I encourage you to check out Saint's videos on WORLDS, he has some advice on navigating the game and in the comments he helps a couple of people out with getting on the game.

Why couldn't YouTube just look like that forever

>Tfw you will never watch an epic stick man battle

>This thread


It's funny. I've been thinking a lot about those days lately. I've been hitting notes of that nostalgia a lot, just for moments here and there in my hometown. It doesn't feel like it's been any time at all.

Sort of want to write something about it, a story, a song, just a tribute at least. But it just makes me feel tired. I miss that better world. Dearly.

Will the internet ever get its innocence back? I remember back when Sonic OC flash animations were the coolest shit but now people can't enjoy anything without being called "cringe" or "autistic" by 10 year-olds.

Wacky Races servers were scarce years ago, now you can't even find them anymore. People hate fun.

>this is a video response to: Nirvana rapes Pearl Jam

This was once the most responded video.

>Sort of want to write something about it, a story, a song, just a tribute at least. But it just makes me feel tired. I miss that better world. Dearly.
do it user
w-we can help you

go to this site www.yourbrainoninternet.com
they're all dedicated to that shit, they'll help


XP was a good boy. He didn't hurt nobody.

The guy changed the title to "Nirvana is nice to Pearl Jam" now.


Honestly it's always been a thing for kids to try and act older than they were while still being horribly naive and innocent, everyone might have realized how silly sonic OCs are (excluding Deviantart) but it's hard to pretend there's not a similar culture of confused kids surrounding things like Minecraft nowadays.

because everything has to be minimalistic these days...

Not that I like how google butchered it, but that design was horrendous user, way too cluttered and complex for a video sharing and streaming site.

>tfw no one will make a game about internet archeology


don't worry man, jerma's streams and stream highlights are pretty fucking good

>tfw you will never discover Chris Chan for the first time again

>ctrl+f xenon
kill you are selfs
posted by someone who is definitely not xenon
harbl hotel was fun

I found it once, then I could never find it again. I'm convinced that version of the map is gone.

Objectively the best TF2 map.

I found out about 4chinz through SA. Starting losing interest around 2010 and browsed less. I missed a lot between 2011-2015 when I moved innawoods and tried to get off all technology.

I don't know what this graph is in reference to exactly but I really, really want to find out.