ITT: games only you played

ITT: games only you played

teräs käsi means steel hand in finnish

what console is that "playstation"? I only played on N64 system back in the days, the most popular console by far


Damn I forgot about this! I used to play it all the time as a kid.


Was fun

more like pretendo 69



Hyah! Hit em!

One of the few games that feature Mara Jade.

I wish she was taken into the universe better.

I played that. Was great with friends.

It was shit.

only me played ffvii remake

never beat it tho'


Have fun on your Phony Playshitstation nerd!

I rented it multiple times just for the rare (at the time) ability to play with lightsabers in any context. Also, Vader was a hidden character. At the time, there were many SW games other than sims.

>reddit spacing

Loved this game as a kid





You are not alone user

Here is my entry, since we seem to be doing PS1 games.

I have a friend who was a massive Star Wars fan, he had this game, and he made me play it and complete it to see what the endings were like. This game was absolute shit. I could really only complete the game with Luke/Vader simple because their dash attack would sideswipe an opponent for an easy knockdown, and the a jumping slash (attack at the bottom of the jump) would hit them while down and hit them in the back as they tried to get up, knocking them back down again. Leia had something similar, although not quite as good so I don't recall if I beat the game with her or not.

I rented Poy Poy from the local not-Blockbuster a few times. It was quite fun, although fairly random and so was hard to get very good at it.


Did you manage to finish it user?

Still have my physical copy. This game got really good reviews afaik but it always seemed to stay a bit cult-ey

Maybe I'll pick it up and play it when I'm free.

What were your thoughts about it?



As a finn I have always wondered why exactly they wanted the teräs käsi in the title

I've never even seen this game mentioned here before.

Top Tier

Acceptable Tier

Everyone Else Tier
>Everyone Else

Stupid fucking self insert Mary Sue tier
>Mara Jade

It was pretty challenging but fun.

Remember fun?

Played the fuck out of this game. Unlocking the Highwind was cool as hell.

I mean to play it. How is it as a stealth game?

Multiple threads when it came out and even when it was just a student demo/concept

>same thread
>same people
>same games
Is getting old.

It's pretty solid. Very Tenchu-esque. It's kind of short, though. It's an easy platinum if you're into that sort of thing.

I DARE you to name this game

Yup, the gameplay was kinda weird, but it was fun.

>It's an easy platinum
What does that mean?

It's in the filename, retard.

If you are playing the PS4 version, it's easy to get the platinum trophy.

Frozen Fruits.



this game beat my childhood into submission until i went full on insane and beat it.

Hoar was really good, but when friends came over and played

>Han Solo

People didn't l2sidestep

Sega Saturn beats all


I remember it being shit

Is this the /mämmi/ bread?

One of my fave games.
>never beat it tho'
One of the easiest console jrpgs out there.

Tekken translates to iron fist, and I imagine that's where the "steel hand" comes from. They just changed the language to something more obscure to avoid getting sued.