Video game characters that share a name with you. If someone already posted one, find another.
>pic related
Video game characters that share a name with you. If someone already posted one, find another.
>pic related
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delet this
>Yfw when they're making a prequel to this trash with the worst character
Isn't Chloe a girl's name?
Only dykes keep making these shitty threads
Was Coach his first name or his last name?
The world may never know
show tits as proof
fuck off
There are no girls in the internet though.
no u
Kissy kissy
Really love him as a character too
Oh you're one of those girls (male).
Also of the hatcher variety
pls be my gf if you live in South Africa
your parents named you tracer?
no, it's worse Lena, but everybody says Lee
Oy got one fa you to m8
So if you cum inside her and she time rewind, does she still get pregnant?
im sorry you must have gotten bullied alot for that
fuck you
Well that fits..
does the cum travel with her or does it just like plop onto the table?
I can only remember a few times as a kid when people gave me a hard time about it just because it sounds like such a grandmother name
it has been weird to hear my name everywhere since e3
...does it count if I was named after him?
I'm assuming anything inside of her goes with her when she time warps, so if there's cum insider her uterus when she blinks, then it stays in the womb.
congrats, Ms. Mayor
Are you also a pudgy manlet?
Now post your name that your parents give you
>never seen a vidya character with the first name chandler
this maturity is why I come to Sup Forums
I hope you get banned, shithead
Implying proxy fags care
>sharing name with her after mtf
feels good. feels right.