Now that you've seen extended gameplay, will you still be getting A Hat in Time, Sup Forums?

Now that you've seen extended gameplay, will you still be getting A Hat in Time, Sup Forums?

Maybe on a sale.

Is this game STILL not out yet?

This is coming out for the Switch too, right?
I might get it if so, from what I've seen it'd take some real impressive shit for me to get on board

Depends if the girl gets naked or not

I want to fuck her.

Fuck no if anything I'm even more put off by the game

How can I buy a game that will never be released?

Looks better than Yooka-Laylee, so probably.

>PC exclusive
Fuck no. Why would I buy a platformer on PC with a Switch and a PS4?

It's a lazy shitty business practice


Fuck man, they started and completed development on Yooka Laylee in the time they've spent making a Shat in Time.

They want to release it on the Switch
They couldn't get devkits

looks good i like it

And boy does it show.

Go from
>Shitty prototype blocked-out level
>Appealing and warm looking style
>Somewhere in the middle of the two
Why did they feel the need to make worse assets after they made perfectly fine ones?

Yeah, it YL seems to be more polished and have more focused with a managed much better than Hat in Time. I mean, that is if this game even manages to come out.


>it YL seems to be more polished and have more focused with a managed much better than Hat in Time

It still looks like it's gonna take another 3 years.

The final build looks much better and I like the Mario Sunshine vibe.

Which game is this? The one that was supposed to come out five years ago or the other one that was supposed to come out five years ago?

NO. I'll just do porn of the girl.

The game looks mediocre as fuck. It is just another budget 3D platforming with trinkets to collect.

I get it, you guys want to fap to the character. That doesn't mean the game will be good, nor is good.

>blurry and poor quality is "appealing and warm"

The game is running off of Unreal and it looks worse graphically. The quality doesn't reflect five years worth of work. More like two.

Do not fap to Hatkid, she is adorable and pure.

>what is a low quality screenshot
you're just pretending to be retarded... r-right?

Console optimizing.

Hell no

It's like their art director got cancer in the head.

Look at the wooden planks, they're different style from the ones on wooden boxes have. The overall style of the game looks like they had a few different art directors or everyone did whatever they wanted and now it looks bad. Sorry.

It's only one guy with zero past experience.

I should clarify, I'm trying to use that to explain why everything looks shit. Not to defend it. Dude has no idea what he's doing and tried to jump on the Rare Revival hype train that was going on at the time.

more gameplay came out or something?