ITT: objective 9/10 and possible 10/10 games

ITT: objective 9/10 and possible 10/10 games

whats your pick?

Isaac is not a game.

I'm sorry but it's true

boi is not a game?

Keepin it indie

Its a personal favorite but doesn't come near a 10/10

this game shits all over Isaac

Reminder that a mod made by 4 people is better than Dteakmund and his entire indie companies game plus two shitty expansions.

The only truly perfect, 10/10 game is Tetris.


And they dropped it and ran away with all the donations you fucks gave to them.

does this mod actually get any updates?

if it's not Subterranean Animism, then get out of my face.

dark souls 1
diablo 2
ssx 3

There are many games in the same genre that are better than BoI, OP is a faggot


name 2

Heey went in the dark partly because they greatly fueld the justified hate for Steakmund's Afterbirth+ and their only coder realized he was worse at coding than he thought he was. Still Antibirth is better than Rebirth, Afterbirth and Afterbirth+.

I really hated binding of isaac
I understand the game is beatable with no items, but so many were shit
The whole appeal of a rougelike is getting cool shit but I just got use item after use item

Then play usable characters like Azazel until you unlocked a lot of synergy shit, and install mods that remove Strakmunds bullshit self crippling items like beans.


you made more than one mistake here kiddo

I respect your opinion, SA is a great game. Any mainline game except TD or DDC is good, though.

I do not fucking get the praise this gets. I just beat mother with Isaac for the first that it? How drastically does the game change after that?

Keep playing retard, do you not understand how Roguelikes work?

Risk of Rain
Pac Man

Dungeons of Dreadmore


Actually, he recently announced that getting the Updater to now just redownload the whole mod was proving difficult, so the patch (which will now include a content addition) has been pushed back.

if it ended at ornstein and smough I'd agree. The last half of that game felt like a mess

not one of those are better than boi


Nuclear Throne

how so? i never played it

nuclear throne feels like shit with the screenshake and 30fps lock


Bastion as well.

>still has a larger player base than D3

You can disable the screenshake at least

How did a mod manage to end up better than the base fucking game and expansions? What other game mod did this? The level of quality between this and Steakmund's Antibirth is night and day.


are you just naming games in the same genre? lol, there is arguably one game that comes close - and you havent named it yet

Antibirth is good, but it clear you're grossly overhyping the mod because you have some weird personal vendetta against Edmund.


Not Isaac, that's for sure. Way too many poor design decisions for that.

I've only played rogue legacy, NT, Boi, gungeon. Nuclear Throne was best tho

Long ans short:
>Fewer items added to game, but overall better/more enjoyable items that actually add to the game unlike stupid shit like Dataminer
>FAR fewer Trinkets
>An actually good use of Soul Hearts
>A wide array of interesting bosses that expand upon others in some cases and are unique entities in others
>A few shit changes and bugs and it's still a Rebirth mod and not an Afterbirth/+ mod, so it's missing a bunch of stuff, but it was damn enjoyable when I played it

Not only does he constantly nerf a SINGLE PLAYER game, he releases expansions that are incredibly half assed and boring, also thrown in are shitty items meant to clog up the item pool. You can't tell me that Antibirth's downpour with actual reflection physics is on par to Steakmunds flooded caves that's just blue colored caves?

Bastion is the most overrated "indie" game. It's the last of us if indies.

Space Station 13, the ride never ends

>ssx 3


yeah i noticed there's too many useless shit in the game and you're just restarting your run until you start with something decent
but you probably can't transfer ab+ saves to that mod and i don't feel like starting all over again

It picks up pretty quickly, actually.
>You'll only see new items and 3 new bosses initially
>Killing the 3 new bosses opens up everything else



Was it kino?

This game is literally perfect.


Metal Gear Solid 1-3

You lack good tastes faggot.

Bold choice but I respect it

You're not allowed to post 12/10 games, user
Save this game for one of those threads

Pic related is also disqualified because it's above 10/10


Pushed back 6 months isnt too much? Also source?

I can't think of a single bad thing about Shovel Knight, and it only gets better every update

>Resident Evil 4
>Uncharted 2
>The Last of Us
>God of War 3

>I have no taste of my own

1/5, awful taste.
Besides RE4, those games range from decent to shit.

The most hidden of hidden gems

I second this.
Who's your favorite? The Plastic bag? That's mine.

Pic related.
Sorry 4 Reddit, but it's the only place to find his shit outside of Discord, which I hate.

can you redpill me on this game?

Man, this shit is really good for what it is. The only bad part is the shitty grind for Credit, which they've made considerably easier.
Boss Rush was a great update as well and I am happy that I managed to get world's first all bosses killed in it.
TL;DR: Adventure game about a ball-creature getting kicked out of his home and going on an adventure to find a new home.
There is a surprisingLORE aspect to the game.

Enter the gungeon is fun

It feels a little short.

I only stopped playing anti because some planetary items were missing and red key crashes too much, good to know this.

Him constantly nerfing the game just means he still cares about it. The original Afterbirth was great. Afterbirth+ was clearly the weakest expansion, but was still good overall. Stop making it seem like Edmund is the stingiest game developer ever; Because he's not.

I stopped playing because Bethany and some other unlocks either didn't have their event triggers or just weren't added to pools properly, making them impossible to acquire. That and I beat Witness with literally everyone, including a pretty shitty Jacob and Esau run.


>Over the case of Rebirth, Afterbirth, and +, he made Krampus' head progressively worse while simultaneously making Krampus infinitely more annoying
>More charge time
>It has a chance to spin in either direction
>It can be an x instead of a cross since it was a 1:1 Krampus laser, turning a fucking amazing item into good at best tier
>Glowing Hourglass only has 5 uses
The man legitimately hates fun and wants you to grind your face off. There is literally 0 reason to force you to grind out 1000 pennies in the Greed Donation Box.
>Consistently jams within the first 10 cents
>Only appears at the end of the run after clearing that damage sponge piece of shit Ultra Greed
>Greed Mode itself is really mediocre
>Even if you get glowing hourglass on literally every run, if you manage to deposit 10 cents prior to each Jam, that's 50 cents a run, bare minimum of 20 winning runs with ideal results
That's not counting the fact you'll rarely get Glowing Hourglass.

Fucking doom 1993

All the memes and hyper autistic fans aside, when this game first hit the scene, you were hard pressed to find anyone having a single negative thing to say about it. There's a reason it's considered to be the most important influence of modern gaming history.
Then again, I might be biased because I'm half Swedish

Good taste.
Anything else: I either disagree or haven't played it.

I came here to post this. FTL is just so damn good.
I'll admit it's perhaps an acquired taste though.

Finally bought BoI. Gonna play it a bit over the weekend.

That might be why they have New Game+ and other challenges that crank up the difficulty in order to make it last longer.

Never met anyone that hated this game.




Rockstar has put out some good fucking games

Off the top of my head:

>Super Meat Boy
>Hotline Miami
>Mass Effect 2
>Fallout: New Vegas
>Batman: Arkham Knight (not 10/10 because of the bizarre inclusion of Slade and the over reliance on Batmobile fights near the end)
>Deus Ex
>Deus Ex Human Revolution
>Rainbow Six: Siege
>World of Warcraft
>Portal, Portal 2
>Binding of Isaac without Afterbirth+
>Undertale (before the fanbase formed anyway)
>Dark Souls 1
>Dota 2
>Civ V with expansions

This is objective fact, by the way

I consider the game as it is now, and update 1.8 turned the game from 10/10 to 6/10 at BEST.

Terraria. Always Terraria.

What game would that be?

Was that the official release? If so then I agree, I remember playing the game in beta and having a lot of fun, but hating it once the game was actually "released".

Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze is the pinnacle of Modern 2D Platformers

Rayman Legends ins right behind it only held back by a couple of annoying things where as Tropical Freeze's only real flaw is bonus rooms being repetitive

The inclusion of Slade/Deathstroke itself wasn't bad

The problem was his fight being a reskin of The Arkham Knights Car fight

I'm fine with him being in the game, but he showed up for no reason at the logical conclusion of the militia's storyline to take over when the Knight becomes Red Hood.

>Arkham Knight
Are you fucking kidding me? with that shitty rehashed ass creed combat? And the forced batmobile bullshit? And thinking that Deathstroke is a downside? Are you fucking high?
Jesus fucking Christ.

But other than all that I actually agree with you mostly.

Switch version of Binding of Isaac, a fantastic easy to pick up and play experience on a console/handheld meant for easy to pick up and play anywhere

Dark Souls 3, it easily drops off after the split but picks right back up at lothrics and Soul of Cinder was fantastic and this isn't even mentioning the DLC

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is the pinnacle of Mario Kart, the Fucking retards shitposting doubles items didn't play the game

Castle crashers during the golden age of Xbox live arcade

Injustice 2, fantastic variety, mostly great balancing, the details like interractions and customizations were very well done

Wonderful 101 is Platinum's Magnum Opus, even moreso then Bayonetta because his games draws from almost all of their games

There's literally nothing wrong with the batmobile

>rehashed ass creed combat
Best combat system in games rn. Plus, it was Asylum's thing, not AC's.
>Forced Batmobile Bullshit
I actually liked the Batmobile until the end, where it's clear they used it as a crutch instead of designing boss battles.
Almost on principle, really. That game is dangerously fun even when it's old as dirt.
Great story, unique combat, fun characters, interesting world. I had a ton of fun with it. Easy 9/10 for me.

I played the game on release on PC (that might have something to do with it), and everything involving the batmobile was buggy. And boring as fuck. Even the shitty ass creed combat was better than using that thing.