It's the year 1999...

It's the year 1999. You're minding your own business while a time portal suddenly opens up in front of you and shows you this video:

You are given the knowledge that this is what a Zelda game looks like in 2017.

How do you react?

Other urls found in this thread:

I wonder why my peepee is getting hard for boypussy

I wonder why my peepee is getting hard for Lynel boypussy

I would be blown out of my fucking mind because it still would look impressive. Do you guys remember the jump from 6th gen to 7th gen? I remember thinking that 360 graphics looked photorealistic.

Jump through the time portal before it closes, look myself up, see whether I exist in that world (i.e. it's a different timeline), or I had vanished off the face of the world (i.e. same timeline), and finally solve the big timetravel question.

>that many hearts
so they made the game casual as fuck then.

>How do you react?
I cum buckets

Impressed by the graphics like any 2017 game. Think it's gay as fuck when I notice the art style, like Wind Waker, and the gay ass Link. Correctly judge it as worse than Ocarina of Time and move on with my life. Only way this doesn't happen is if kid me has the shit taste to like open world "games."

>it's 1999, you are given the knowledge that this outfit in the game is locked behind buying a physical toy in real life and scanning it into the game against your controller, except Nintendo only made like 50 of the toy in question so you have to hit a reseller site and buy one for 10x the cost if you ever want to see the outfit in game
>how do you react?

I wonder why my peepee is getting hard for boypussy

I would say why this shit from 2017 looks like shit instead of Real life graphics

cell shading and bright, contrasting shine?

is that whats supposed to attract me to inventory-manager 2k17?

well if you think about it in classic zelda you only get hearts for accomplishments, so that just means they added more to accomplish. like more secret puzzles, minigames, more boss foes to battle for heart containers, etc.

>How do you react?
Commit suicide.

I would be kinda sad cause 2017 game running with same frame rate of 1997 one you know

Were you always such a fucking pussy?

I'm not gay but I'm pretty attracted to BotW Link

Cry and shit my pants because I was a year old

No, but you must be if you seriously enjoyed and continue to shill for Flop of the Wild.

I remember the good old days when GTA IV was considered one of the most graphically impressive games of it's era.

>Continue to

I don't even own it. But nice try.

>It's the year 1999

It's 2017, OP. Have you been living under a rock for the past 18 years?

>Cry and shit my pants

That's a typical Sup Forums reaction to most games anyway.

how far are these cemu people with their emulator ?

I'd be way more into this video.

Not him but how autistic do you have to be to unironically try to convince people that something that has clear commercial and critical success is bad?

I am high as fuck but still impressed and begin to wonder what PC Games look like in 2017.


didn't care then didn't care now

>oh hey the game has items from Ocarina of Time, how do you unlock them? what? you have to buy a rare mcdonalds toy? oh...
>that enemy is pretty cool, the other enemies must be pretty great too, right? no? that's the best one? and the enemy variety is extremely lacking? oh...
>so that fight looked pretty easy, that must be because the player is so skilled right? no? the game is just that easy? oh...

Epic post XD

Be disappointed in the lack innovation with the graphics. Looks fun tho.

Try harder.

It was only a commercial success because Nintendo very clearly and obviously paid off journalists to write rave reviews for their shit gamme and generate fake "hype." If you seriously fell for that shit I'm sad for you.

>LOL amrite guys

yet you cared enough to post in this thread

congrats dumbass

Implying what exactly?

except it's not lmao
OOT was 20fps

>nothing but flurry attacks
he's shit
the future is shit

Implying you didn't get a prerelease review copy.

>Why does this game still look like it's on the N64? Is the N64 still going strong?

BoTW is most of the time. It's still a fun game though.

oh cool

I'd be about 6 years old then, and I'd assume that I was just daydreaming.

>mfw pokemon is going to start dealing with this shit soon

But the game would have sold well regardless of the reviewers it got.

>It was only a commercial success because Nintendo very clearly and obviously paid off journalists to write rave reviews for their shit gamme and generate fake "hype." If you seriously fell for that shit I'm sad for you.

I know that this is probably bait like these posts always are but if its not I'm genuinely asking you, how can you actually believe stuff like this? Has this fucking cesspool of autism seriously brainwashed you into believing this meme, or do you just hate nintendo enough to convince yourself of it?

Why is the world so empty?

for such a great game, they really blew it with the UI

everything you want to do in this game feels like such a chore, because of poor UI.

has nintendo ever heard of radial menus? why is there no autoequip option? why cant i doubletap Right Dpad and go directly into full weapon menu. also why do i have to scroll ALLLLL the way left, then ALLLLLL the way right on my weapons submenu.. why cant i just get back to the 1st item in the list after pressing right on the last item.

who the fuck approved that shit? its 2017 get your shit together please. everything UI related is so fuckin clunky and annoying. its a shitstain on an otherwise amazing game.

its so bad i feel like half the playtime is spent navigating this shit menu.

>Oh neat! I sure hope fights and AI have gotten harder, the combat has become more interesting, and I get to main many different kinds of weapons instead of a big goron sword and the master sword. I bet you can even temper them to make them stronger at a blacksmith. The dungeons must be even bigger and better with the tech they have in 2017! The future sure looks bright!

nitpicking, the 1.10 patch fixed most frameissues and the game runs at a solid 30 except in the korok forest

I think the most impressive thing would be how huge the game looks. Back then OoT was impressive so BotW would be mindblowing.

wow that looks like shit

lol, look at this retard

he doesn't know about the patches.

Shitposters should try not to use 2 month obsolete info.

It's 1999 what are patches?

I had a dream, back in the late 90's, of a mario kart game with an underwater tunnel, the option to use a bike, and other nintendo characters playable. When I told a friend about this he said that's stupid because it wouldn't be "mario kart" anymore, it'd just be "Nintendo Racing"

almost 20 years later and a game that fits all of those features exists. And it's still called mario kart. Life is fucking odd

Goo goo ga ga.

>assuming things that aren't in the video
You sure were one bright kid

I dunno, isn't there some weird way Pokemon works since it's Game Freak and the Pokemon Company as well? I feel we would've gotten some by now, like Pokken ones that act like Smash ones.

Wow that looks like shit.

>why cant i just get back to the 1st item in the list after pressing right on the last item.

the utter lack of cycling menus on various games and console UIs has been nothing but a huge goddamn frustration

>hey the PS4 home screen is one long horizontal line of apps, games, and other nonsense
>the full list of your library is at the very far right of the menu
>the menu opens up on the far left
>what do you mean, press left once or twice to get to the library? it's on the *RIGHT*

"beautiful playstation 2 game,i wanna play!"

thats exactly what me from 1999 would think

After playing Ocarina of Time, I expected bigger things with greater tech.

20 years later, and the latest zelda game with no dungeons, breakable weapons, and everything half assed is considered the best game ever. What a nightmare of a timeline.

As long as I don't see myself


Your self from 1999 was in for big time disappointment if you thought ps2 was gonna look like that.

>It's the year 1999.
i don't believe anybody in this thread was alive back then

Switch grafix are just PS2 but with higher res.

>Have oot amiibo
>Literally have to grind away every day to get the different pieces
Fuck that. The game burnt out about 20 hours in but that made me drop it right there.

keep trying, it's only been 4 month

>Flurry Rush Spam
Why is the combat such shit?

I dont have to try. Nintendo doesnt make graphically impressive games. Their greatest chance was with Twilight Princess, but that got ruined fast by piss filter and the most horrible bloom ever. Meanwhile, Halo proved you didn't really need any filter shit to make a game look good. Just good colors and textures.

>not even born yet


Is this you?

Wonder why the colors are so overly-saturated, why Link looks and sounds like a fag, why there's no magic meter or items, and why the combat looks worse than OoT.

I think 1999 me would've been way more hyped to see a trailer for Twilight Princess and know the game is coming out in 7 years compared to BOTW trailer and 17 years, even if by today's standards that TP trailer looks like shit.

Almost 20 years seems like such a long time, it's difficult to grasp what your expecations would be.

This, holy fuck was the TP trailer good.

We fucking pissed on the WW trailer after the GC tech demo. If we saw Botw in 99, we would have been even more angry that Nintendo chose to go the high saturated route

>nice proof of concept 3d animation

kep trying, i'm sure people will eventually be as retarded as you

TP is one of the best trailers ever. Shame the game was such a drag

People saying they wouldn't have been impressed by those graphics either don't remember what graphics were like back then or weren't alive at the time.

Keep in mind that just a year later, pic related was absolutely mind-blowing from a graphical perspective to Nintendo fans.

>inb4"looks better than shit of the wild"

I would just sit there and say, "thats it?", "thats what 18 years of computer evolution can do?", "just more grass? everything else looks the same?"
it would be a dystopian view of vidya future

People who are saying they aren't impressed are underage B&'s who's first Zelda was Wind Waker. Those who aren't are people who just grew out of nintendo and want an excuse to shit post.

It happens every time we have these stupid time portal threads.

Woah, the game looks pretty as hell.
But 18 years and the combat still looks like shit?

>everything else looks the same?

Did you forget what Zelda looked like back then?

It does though.

>you're either too young to know how graphics were back then or you're old enough but only saying bad stuff about zelda cause you're being contrarian

stfu faggot. Nintendo is not perfect. They weren't perfect back then, either, cause we absolutely fucked their ass for shit like WW on a console that was suppose to be the next gen against the PS.

I'ld be pretty disapointed tbqh... Eighteen years is one hell of a long time and things went fast back then.

Holy fucking shit a time portal
Maybe jump into it

Wonder why it's the same bullshit from 20 years ago

Except only the most competitive gamers gave a shit about framerate back then. Almost every single console game then had an atrocious, inconsistent framerate. Plenty of N64 and PSX games dipped into the teens regularly. And they looked like ass. BotW would have seemed like alien tech at that point. Even professional CGI movies(being the advent of that genre) looked like trash compared to modern games. We can now render 60 frames per second of what would have taken multiple desktops to render 1 frame per hour. BotW might not be the most technologically impressive game of this day, but to say someone from 1997 wouldn't be blown out of their socks and straight into a coma is asinine.

t. was actually alive in 1997

I remember that being the least impressive jump till the xbone/ps4 happened.

I was still impressed but just thought there was going to be more of a focus on multiple enemies on screen and larger levels instead just straight up graphical detail improvements.

The view distance alone would make you shit your pants.

Oh boy nostalgia just hit me hard and I just wanna play oot now

>why aren't there more enemies
>where's the massive huge temples. I want the spirit temple except at a colossus scale
>why are the graphics still cartoony?

>did he forget

>did you forget that the average Sup Forums is now born in 1998/99?

This board didn't fucking exist when WW was announced. Get the fuck out of here, you goddamn 14-year old sycophant.

>Did you forget what Zelda looked like back then?
looks about the same
