Pirate game

>pirate game
>10MB/s, game's downloaded before i have the time to take a shit
>buy game legitimately on steam
>caps at 300kb/s because servers are crowded

why did you reply then?

who the fuck has 10MB/s of speed for downloading? Are you in Japan?

I only get 1.2MB/s if I'm lucky, where the fuck do you live?

its fiber, aint gotta explain shit


Third world shithole please.

Do you live in a third world country?


i live in Poland i have 15-20 MB/s download from tpb

Not op, but even my 3rd world internet has 5mbps DL speed.

>Steam capping at 300kb
Kek where the fuck are you. I have not seen my steam drop below 1mb/s (My crappy telus can only dl like 1.5)

What this post should be is.
>Pirate game
>10kb/s because crappy poor br internet seeds
>Buy game on steam
>Done before I can get out of my chair to go take a shit.

Is that really impressive to you?

"third world" countries actually often have better DL speeds than first world countries because they have newer infastructure. take east europe for example, estonia/latvia/lithuania have amazing speeds.

I'm from slavshit country and even here 10MB/s is normal.

You underestimate how old most of America's internet infrastructure is. Where I live the tech was installed decades ago and hasn't been touched since then, and there is only one ISP which is a local monopoly with exclusive service rights for the whole region.

I have to pay $75/mo for 5MB/s down and phone service, because they ONLY sell services bundled with landline phone services and it's all completely legal.

Welcome to the USA.

shit man i get 200M/20M internet for 25 euros here

>I have to download games at 600kb/s
>even getting access to this internet access plan was incredibly hard

Living in a small city is suffering. The lack of competition in the market ensures that the same old company can keep the same old shitty service because there's no one else to blow it the fuck outta the park.

I always download from Steam with my max 9MB/s download speed. Change the steam server in settings if you're not just baiting.

Its probably the Steam sales. I've been downloading Dragon's Dogma all day and its currently at 103.7kB/s. And the fucking game is 20GB too. On piratebay you could download a repack that's 10GB and i would have been playing it for the better part of the day already.

In Russia I pay $10 for 100mbit up/down.

Same here, buddy. Florida reporting in. My fastest download speed at my home for all time was 1.2 MB/s on Battle.net

Hey thanks, I changed to Denmark and now I'm downloading at 1.2MB/s. Didn't know you could do that.

I pay $90 a month for 1MB/s download speed tops in a non crowded time.


>tfw 800bytes/s on a torrent with over 10 seeders
>downloading game from steam
>max is 7mb but usually only get a steady 2mb

With my laptop wired to my router I get it on most torrents. I don't know what your issue is

Canadafag here
For like $60/month, Teksavvy gives you like 50Mb/s at least

Most of my city (Copenhagen) has access to 10 MB/s via fiber, but in my particular neighborhood it's not yet rolled out. Plus, we have a shitty deal with a cable provider which prevents other ISPs from utilizing the infrastructure, meaning I'm stuck with 2 MB/s as well despite living in a Northern European capital. Le crap.

why do slavic countries have soo fast and cheap internet? is it a way to counterbalance their shitty health system?

New infastructure. If you only started building network infastructure 10 years ago its bound to be fast.

What said

In addition to that piracy in our case. There were several dozen ISPs in our city competing with providing fastest connection to local storage servers with pirated shit on them, because international internet was expensive and slow as fuck since the telecom that held monopoly on that was a shitty communist relic.

Are you guys aware than you can change the steam server you're downloading from in the options? Sometimes it makes a huge difference. Choosing a server more distant than your current one might even improve things.

Oh fuck me man, its down to pathetic speeds again.

I've been downloading at 1 MB/s (which is my max speed) this morning and throughout yesterday for the games I bought. Maybe you just need to try a new server.

>overpaying this much when you can get 300/300 for the same price

So far I've tried Finland, Denmark and Frankfurt and the speed keeps falling under 300kbps no matter what.