What are some games that girls play?
What are some games that girls play?
Sims, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, connect-3 mobile games.
BLACKED.COM simulator
Normie girls play Nintendo shit, sims, party games.
Slightly less normie girls play blizz games (hearthstone, ow) league, random indie games. These girls usually were introduced to these games through bfs
Candy crush
Other shitty mobile games
the same ones that you do, faggot
Tales of Phantasia
Take up the Cross! Are you going to be a heathen all your life user? Take up the cross!
mobile kusoge and zelda (though they've probably never beaten a whole zelda game)
the ones where we dont run into faggots like you
jackie chan
dick sucking
I didn't think they do play vidya
Fun, non pretentious games
Then why doesn't any girl play this game with me?
You're not being yourself
yeah right
fuck that shit, i'm me all the time
girls dont like tripfags
you are a beta
mind games.
Any game with a ton of character customization and micromanagement
The sims, spore etc
I think animal farm series was also a hit
The Cock Carousel, when that gets boring they switch to Cuck a Beta Provider with the Tyrone or Jamal DLC.
that makes sense.
t. Chad
Single-player, narrative heavy games with a fantasy setting.
Coming Out On Top
Incredibly simple games most of the time.
Normie tier: Sims, Bejeweled etc.
Less normie tier: MOBA games or FOTM multiplayer games (Counter Strike, Overwatch etc.)
Tumblr tier: Life is Strange, Telltale games, BioWare RPGs
Girls you can talk to because they probably have similar mental problems as you do: Weeb games, MMORPGs
Crusader Kins II
Yeah no OK that's too obvious.
>Girls you can talk to because they probably have similar mental problems as you do: Weeb games, MMORPGs
Too close to home
>all the weeb girls i've known all had some fatal flaw
do I just need to lower my standards? it seems like they're all crazy/fat/autistic.
Who the fuck would want a Jamal? Have you ever seen an Arab in your life? They're all fat, greasy, slimey, stinky manlets. They're European version od Mexicans
Stop fapping.
Girls have no real hobby/passion and never transcend anything so they rarely feel passionate about something other than themselves.
I've hang out around girls a lot so I know my stuff : You talk cinema, music or vidya and it's always the same.
And if sometimes you find a girl who is cultured and has nice taste then I can bet on the fact that she was with a guy who previously showed her the good shit.
This is a free redpill for you betas.
Girls will always try to fit in, so they adapt to a scene/community everywhere and anywhere.
In my experience grrrl gamers like:
>Dragon Age/Mass Effect
>Life is Strange
>Ass Creed
>Telltale crap
>movieshit like TLoU or Uncharted
i played friday the 13th with one today
it was funny because she ended up ragequitting and i don't think my incessant laughter over voice helped
>t. friendless khv
No girl would take interest in that stuff if she didn't have problems.
Not being my gf or even just taking my virginity game
I know one that absolutely loves Neverwinter Nights 2.
Don't forget WoW
That pic seems so staged
Twister while drunk.
My sister plays mostly your usual mobile shit nowadays.
But she played a lot of Budokai 3 and RE5 with me and she also liked FEAR.
probably because it is.
>at restaurant
>see weird seating thing
>take joke photo
Anyone who plays MMORPGs deserves death, no matter the gender.
God I want to fuck this stupid cunt. Shes probably a size queen or some shit though, and I'm a manlet with a small dick.
small dicks are not sexy tbqh
More or less, some user claims he met her in Omegle.
>Sup Forums is too young to remember when mmos were good and even niche
You'd be surprised how many girls play CS:GO terribly
I know
Thats not here apparently though I wouldn't doubt she'd think that. Plus she has really big tits, like cow tits.
Who knows.
I've run into a shitload of girls on OW compared to most games. Almost all of them play mercy and use the imp skin
A bunch of them switched to Overwatch.
I swear to god, that game was made for the girl gamer demographic. Fucking Blizzard.
>tfw you'll never fuck what's left of her feminism out of her
>tfw manlet with big dick
>She actually got mindbroken and is now a member of the alt right
My girlfriend plays XCom 2...
But then she also plays Fallout 4, so I guess her taste is all over the place.
It's not lowering your standards if you're an autist too.
There's always one that likes a hardcore game just to appear quirky and different.
my sister literally only plays the sims
idk how she plays it for hours and hours
Mario Kart 64
Not yet, but she's now willing to listen to the right too and she's cutting down a lot of the SJW stuff.
Lot of girls in high school and an incredibly feminized guy only played Sims.
No idea why it appeals to them so much.
Good enough, all it took was her realizing her side literally eats their own with no remorse.
They already are.
And you know what? That's all I ask. I'm not asking everyone to agree with all my views; I just want them to actually be willing to talk and listen.
Still a manlet though.
whats the point if you have to get undressed first
I'd like a gf who simply doesn't care about politics, don't really feel like talking about all that depressing stuff with someone I love.
Ones with my heart. ;_;
Feminism and sjw shit is a fad.
>ywn see Lauren Southern and Laci Green les out
I laugh at all the folks saying they don't get why girls like the sims.
>its an interactive soap opera where they are in complete control
>they are in complete control over the characters/humans
It's not hard to figure out why they love the sims so much, seriously.
Girls are manipulative and controlling. It's just a thing.
You can whiteknight and call sexist all you want, whatever, but they don't make jokes about that constantly in movies and shows just to make a joke. That shit is an observation from someone who has had experience with it.
Everyone is manipulative and controlling to a certain extent pretty much, but girls take it to a whole new level.
Also, the sims is super fucking easy to play and understand since it's imitating "real life" with a few exceptions like magic shit thrown around and whatnot.
You have to be retarded to not get why girls love the sims honestly.
How small?
any crazy feminist chick I knew in uni loved getting facefucked afisted and shit.
thought it was 'empowering' lol
The "how many beta orbiters can i get while still sucking chads cock" game
Oh boy.
Reminds me of AJ.
5'10" height 6" when erect.
Wow, you grow 2 inches taller when you get hard?
I knew a girl that basically swore off video games because she got addicted to the Sims one night.
not sure if you're memeing.
5'10 is "average" male height and 6 inches is "above average" penis size. if you take care of your body, face, hair, dress decently, and don't act like an asshole or a retard, you are fine.
Not one night, don't know why I wrote that.
You dont?
>but she's now willing to listen to the right too and she's cutting down a lot of the SJW stuff.
It's all a marketing gimmick. She's seen the way the wind is blowing and is "rebranding" herself. She never really gave two fucks about the SJW shit either, people like her don't actually hold any convictions, they're just people pleasers.
Dude, you are literally the worldwide average, just pack on some muscle.
It's only shit when you are 5'5 and have a 3 inch dick.
Lmao just thought I'd include my height.
Under 6' is manlet status, I also have a smaller dick than my brother and my friends. Yes I've seen their dicks.
Nig. that isn't small that's slight above average, am i fucked is 5'8 and 5, time to kms tier is 5'5 and 3
You'll be fine
She should make other kind of videos if she really wants to please people.
Why would a woman need an escapist fantasy?
Everyone they encounter kisses their ass. They get free trips/vacations from men. Free shit all the time. New social circles every day.
They also never get arrested for drug use or any other crimes. They can avoid getting sued just by looking sad/pouting. They never pay alimony (rare exceptions).
They live 30 years longer than men.
Why would a woman ever be inclined to play a videogame that isn't a mobile game?