What the FUCK was his problem?
What the FUCK was his problem?
Speed force
dude evil just because lmao
He couldn't become his hero, so he became the anti-hero
His very existence hinged on the Flash killing him so he tried to make Flash's life as shitty as possible until then just to be a dick
He's from the distant future where most if not all the super heroes are dead. He obsessed over The Flash to the point of wanting to become him. So he studied the accident that made Barry into The Flash until he could replicate it.
When trying to be a Flash didn't work out for him, because he was really bad at it, he lost it and grew to really HATE Barry. So he became a villain.
TL:DR He insane.
Barry shit his own pants, it was HIM
He really hates the Flash.
>confusing Zooms
inb4 Black Manta posting
Wait that's Zolomon?
I thought he had those red eye covers?
You called?
He hates Flash literally just because
He hates Flash because history dictates that he has to become a villain that the Flash kills
Nobody here knows what the fuck they are talking about.
Imagine being the biggest flash fan you can be in the future and love barry with a passion that you replicated what made him into the flash successfully.
You run back into the past after he died to carry on his legacy only to see in the flash museum. That the identity of the person flash hated the most Reverse flash was none other than you.
Reverse flash was a complete asshole thought and though. and hated Barry.
Now that you have learned this. YOU HAVE TO BECOME REVERSE FLASH. Or you cause a paradox and make yourself not exist because the reverse flash is you.
Start to actually hate Barry because his very existence gave you no choice choice in life other than to become this fucking monster of a person or dispensary.
So actually start to Hate flash and want to make his life miserable like he made yours.
THAT is reverse flash.
Stupid but I suppose it validates the hatred.
>Calling Zoom "Reverese Flash"
they are the same person right now
My IQ dropped a few points after reading this post.
What am I reading?
Which Zoom is this supposed to be?
really? thank god i stopped reading anything after 52 happened
>Second panel is 100% exposition
I hate that fucking panel
Zoom just recently got himself Manhattan'd, joining the ranks of Owlman and that guy who sits on the Mobius Chair for knowing too much. Currently there is no Reverse Flash now that Zoom is dead again.
>genetically engineered to be smart
>anti-social, most likely autistic
>parents favored his younger brother
>his oneitis didn't reciprocate his feeling and had a boyfriend
>future self starts fucking with time to get back at anyone who wronged him
>all his fuckery makes him the Flash's most hated villian
>his entire being becomes Zoom after realizing what he's going to do
He's basically a giant /r9k/ baby, but super smart
>after 52 happened
52 was shit and got rebooted into something's that's actually good. DC Comics are dominating sales, now, while Marvel is too busy digging it's own grave with it's SJW bullshit
if Rorschach gets to call some mainline DC hero a pussy, it may just all be worth it...even then he really should stay dead, like actually dead, no comics dead
It's Reverse-Flash, I'm not sure what he's saying. I think he's trying to fuck with you
Did he accidentally snap his neck?
>be from the 35 century
>Idolize the Flash
>get super powers and become Flash of the 35th century but a villain because you're an asshole
>get busted by time traveling Flash
>go back in time and learn the Flash kills you
>go insane and HATE Barry Allen and want to destroy him
>You can't kill him or you'll cease to exist
>but you can fuck with him
>kill his mom to ruin his life
>Barry preserves though
>REEEEEEs internally eternally
Imagine if Black Manta could time travel and you get Reverse Flash aka Eobard Thawne.
Just a total asshole.
Literally what was his problem?
Why do I always read it as
>Aquaman's black
he's been called Reverse Flash and Professor Zoome and just Zoom since like the silver age.
tried to murder Barry's waifu
He doesn't like Aquaman very much
>tfw Black Manta was my favorite character in the old Justice League cartoon
>Soon a character DLC in Injustice 2
Hell yeah
No, he intentionally snapped his neck. The Justice League kicked him out after that shit too.
Yeah but Barry seems shocked that he killed him like he didn't intend to do it.
no, look closely at his eyes and mouth, that's a determined declaration
Nowadays its because Aquaman killed his dad but only because he killed Aquaman's dad first and Aquaman actually intended to kill Manta.
But in previous continuity, there was no stated reason other he just fucking hates Aquaman. He's lied repeatedly about his motivations. He's lied about being a black supremacist trying to establish an undersea nation for black people, he's faked being autistic JUST TO FUCK WITH AQUAMAN AND KILL HIM.
He murdered Aquaman's infant son and taunted him over up until the new 52 for like decades.
the purest hatred I have ever seen.
Jesus Barry you madman.
complete ASSHOLE
have they ever ran a plotline where Barry runs into the future, becomes Eobard and is sympathetic and distraught over the inevitability of becoming his own worst nemisis?
What the FUCK was his problem?
I don't think DC is creative enough to pull it off.
No because that's a retarded idea
Zoom sounds cooler than reverse [hero]
Is this from the comic series where a not!Superman turns into a homicidal monster because he literally cannot turn off his powers and goes crazy from hearing all the suffering in the world?
Time travelers are assholes.
Yes. Irredeemable is the comic.
>Reverse Batman
>murders his own parents for their money and dedicates his life to being the ultimate master criminal
That's pretty much Owlman of Earth 3.
So Hush?
a poor show
superdad is one of the best reads I ever had
Poor Mirror Master.
Comics are so retarded, holy shit.
>barely prevent a murderer from murdering again by killing him
>kicked out
JL can go fuck itself.
fucking kek
I thought Owlman's parents shot by police while trying to rob someone but that might be Prometheus.
>comics are so amazing, holy shit
Shit is good but gets 2meta4me I mean fuck man.
I haven't touched any of the newer Animal Man stuff, how does it compare?
I love when people underestimate the Rogues because they look goofy and job to the Flash all the time
Post the page where Boomerang kills that rookie speedster.
I'd argue they're a match for Batman if they writers don't pander to Batfags and give him plot armor.
I can't tell if this is retarded or brilliant.
I think you have your facts messed up I don't remember that ever happening
Suicide Squad vol 1 Issue #1
Someone explain the black manta hype.
No, that wasn't his motivation. Huge spoiler to follow. His powers scared the crap out of everybody, so he never felt loved. In order to find validation he tried to become the greatest hero ever, and it was good, but along the way he made a decision that cost a lot of children their lives. It was honestly not his fault, but he felt like it was and he was afraid that people would be afraid of him again, that and how rude some people were lead him getting disillusioned with being a hero. Thankfully he got a sidekick that pretty much unconditionally loved him like a father, but one day the sidekick discovered the secret and looked at him with fear, so he went full evil. In for a penny in for a pound.
He has a crazy autismal hate for Aquaman that was never explained and does a bunch of retarded petty schemes to piss him off
He once tried to move a bunch of rowdy black people into Atlantis to make Aquaman look racist
He once pretended to have autism so that Aquaman would cure him and let his guard down and he could get a cheap shot in
Just so we're clear, Sup Forums, there is Reverse Flash and there is Zoom. Reverse Flash is Eobard Thawne, this character, and Zoom is Hunter Zolomon, a different character. Reverse Flash is a massive cunt, Zoom is a crazy psychopath.
This Flash is also Barry Allen. Where Zoom tends to match up against Wally West, a different Flash. Wally West was the Flash in the Justice League cartoon.
I like Manta too, but if he's in Boon will probably have him as the 9th character
They changed it, he now has a backstory. He went from "Ahab from the whales perspective" to "Ahab vs Ahab".
>He once tried to move a bunch of rowdy black people into Atlantis to make Aquaman look racist
Zoom's been called Reverse Flash before
Thawne has also been called Professor Zoom, as opposed to regular Zoom, who is Zolomon
Because why should this shit be simple?
>Implying it's not another ruse
Why's it so hard to believe that the nigga just really hates Aquaman?
Remember when you had to cancel your eighth birthday party because you got really sick?
It was simple until the TV show happened.
You had two Reverse-Flashes, but they went by their own identities more often than not.
Prof. Zoom for the first, Zoom for the second.
Then the third guy was just Reverse-Flash, no added moniker.
>the third guy
DC pls
Hunter Zoom based himself off Thawne
Really good
But depressing as fuck
>thawne went back in time to make a girl retarded because she said no when he asked her out on a date
>killed Flash's girlfriend on their wedding day
He's pretty pycho desu.
Remember the time he became a fishmonger, only to murder his customers and burn down his shop after Aquaman came back?
He removed her boyfriend from existing first
THEN he made her retarded
Most recently, he killed the leader of an international terrorist organization and proceeded to move all of their plans and resources towards killing Aquaman.
Mother fucker retcon'd his own brother just to speed up his creation. The bitch be trippin.
Remember when Luthor started the Everyman project giving people super powers. Then when a scientist told him he was incompatible so he shut it down causing this to happen.
Reading this threads reminds me why I stopped reading comics so many years ago.
I'm losing brain cells here.
>Not enjoying villains who really really really hate heroes.
Then why are you reading Sup Forums?
DC comics have always had a humor and absurdity to them..
Irredeemable was good shit, the main tech villain had a pretty interesting take on the arch-villain/super hero relationship.
Remember when Luthor became an omnipotent god bringing joy to the universe with the only caveat being that he had to stop hating Superman?
And he said no
user comics are supposed to be fucking stupid.
I mean DC's most recent publishings is a collab with the fucking Looney Toons.
Don't forget his Lois Lane robot.