Is Steam winning?

Is Steam winning?

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>5 years ago was 10 years ago

Did Luluco ever get any good doujins?

Can you finally buy seasons and store them locally or is it still only streaming?

Oh, so this is the anime that one reaction image comes from.

Trigger fighting game when

Even if they allow the media file to be played with custom subs and your own player, it's still shit if they're not allowing non-normie shows.

no its crunchyjew

Is this why nyaa torrents died? Fucking jews.

Daily reminder that Trigger only makes meme anime and they will never reach Gainax levels of quality and hype.
People literally only watch their shitty shows because they are still waiting for the "next Gurren Lagann, this time for realz guys"

Fuck user why did you have say that i can still remember it like came on yesterday.

GL wasn't even that fucking good, get over it.

>It's a cute inoffensive high school girl
>...but with a twist!! :D


Buying an MP4 file
Buying an MP4 file that you have to open a client to watch
Buying an MP4 file with DRM that you also have to be online to watch

>buying anything
lol enjoy your idiot tax

And their meme anime is more fun than most other shows

>Paying to watch anime
What's next, music?

I don't even like anime because it ALWAYS veers towards TOO weird and stupid and I can recognized it's winning like a bitch

Didn't they just change their address and get back to it?

Fun is a buzzword used by ADHD ridden kids that clap at flashy explosions



Gainax is FINISHED

The owner of the original site was a pussy bitch who thought he was going to be arrested so he told it down but some dudes from Sup Forums and Sup Forums made a new site using the backup off the old one.

>paying for a license to stream a single show

>1 million dollars

If they can't afford this kind of loss they deserve to be finished. Sell an IP if the war chest is really that barren. Or just cut down the amount of meals the animators get per day to 2, and water down the gruel.

>paying for me to slap ur goddamn shit
do it faggot

>Or just cut down the amount of meals the animators get per day to 2
you mean to 0


>Oops, sorry! An error was encountered while processing your request: This item is currently unavailable in your region

Gainax has been dead for at least a decade. Al the talent left for either Khara or Trigger, or other studios. They haven't done anything worth watching in forever.

Its just me or is anime becoming popular again? Steam sells anime, Amazon an exclusive anime stream service, Netflix is funding anime projects, more and more anime.youtubers are popping up etc. Feels like a resurgence


>paying to stream anime
>streaming anime

So that's where this is from

Is it good?

why do anime posters amuse me even though I can never be one myself u cool assed cluck

>giving gaben money so that you can watch a low quality stream rip of a show and between steam and crunchyroll taking cuts the studio will get maybe a couple pennies

might as well just stick to pirating

It's great and it's not a full-lenght series so it can be watched very quickly. It references every other Studio Trigger anime though, so it's better to watch it with prior knowledge of them.

when steam says "buy" do they mean
>you have purchased this animu, now here are the files as if you bought a game
>lol crunchyroll streaming
and if the prior is there like drm or could you just watch that shit (of course there's drm but worth an ask)
why do I even care I just torrent all this shit anyway

It's a fun little anime, episodes tend to be short so it won't take too long to watch them all.

you're paying for a rip of a crunchyroll stream, that's it

Streaming only.
The best part is that you don't even "rent" then indefinitely.
>Note: After the rental time has expired, the video will remain in your Library for up to 48 hours but will not be playable without purchasing a new rental period.


I liked that Subaru Car commercial.

Wow that's stupid. I thought you were actually buying the series. To think I was actually considering purchasing this. Anybody know a better place for me to watch this adorable looking shit? No I'm not gonna bother torrenting it

>No I'm not gonna bother torrenting it
What's the difference? You'll still be using your bandwidth either way. Besides, they're shorts and HorribleSubs are basically just CrunchyRips anyways.

That's for rentals. I don't see anything indicating luluco is a rental.

Stream it from somewhere like Kissanime then.
Torrenting or buying DVDs is the only way to actually "own" a copy.

>Luluco costs 4,42 euro bucks
>is a 5minute anime

>Maid Dragon costs 4,42 euro bucks
>is a 20minute anime

Explain this shit

I'm pretty sure this actually is for buying, not renting.

the time you waited for me to respond you could've already downloaded it. anyway just go 9anime or any other streaming site

My mistake.
I just assumed that was the case after digging through the FAQ.


Are you paying 3.51 to rent or buy it?

Looks like buy. Although you're still streaming it.

>Buy Space Patrol Luluco Season 1 BUNDLE
but season 1 is like 3 episodes

You buy the streaming license.
Its not a temporary thing.

As long Steam exists you will be able to get that thing streamed to you via Steam.

At least games could be played in offline mode if I have to. The only way that won't happen is if devs are assholes with their DRM of choice.

quality over quantity
maid dragon is ironic nuweeb trash


>is it rental
No. The purchases are permanent.
>do i get downloads?
No. It's a streaming service. It doesn't work if you are offline.
>How is the quality?
It's better than current CR streams but that isn't saying much. The video quality itself is definitely better than CRs video quality but the Steam Video Client is kinda wonky.
>Will i ever lose those shows?
They say that they will keep them up for those who buy them but eventually shows might become unavailable in the store for new purchases.
>Is torrent/direct DL still the best way to watch chinese cartoons
>Do i support the industry with this?
With peanuts. CR is running this program and they pay the creators to allow this but CR make far more money with this and their own site than the actual creators.

More like
>buying anime


better numbers than Battleborn

Best way to financially support a show is to buy the R2 disc. And then feel free to download the blu ray R1 rips. Best of both worlds.

What does it all mean?

It's really fun but you need to be into a lot of recent anime to fully appreciate because they reference a lot of stuff.

Still, great characters, nice love story, and generally quite fun.

Kill la Kill was already better than Gurren Lagann kid.
And Luluco better than P&S.

It's a license to legally own and stream the show. It's good for shows that'll never get official release on BD in the west.

If you liked Panty and Stocking it's a similar style of fast paced humour and somewhat similar visual style.

You will enjoy part of it more if you know Triggers other works (namely Kill la Kill, Little Witch Academia, "Sex, Violence and Mach Speed" and Inferno Cop).

Why does this look like a shitty Western attempt at anime despite being the real thing?

>Nyaa died because the owner got cold feet and now the cartel are sweeping in to claim what they can get their jewish fingers on
>And it's still fucking streaming shit
Worst part of nyaa dying and getting replaced with the backup is all the magnets with little to no seeders. Torrenting something at 720p takes forever.

Kill la kill was a retarded trainwreck.



>tfw can't completely hate Crunchyroll because they were literally the only people to sub a show I wanted to watch when all fansubbers had given up on every permutation of it ever


Space Patrol Luluco is very cute and funny, but it's very reference heavy with Trigger's other shows. It's best to watch it after having seen Inferno Cop, KLK, and the LWA OVAs to fully appreciate it, though by no means is it required to enjoy it. It also takes like a maximum of two hours to watch it all, so you can knock it out in a single Saturday evening.

no but theres a lot of lewds of her on /i/


>pirating anime

>the only way to get more obscure or older anime is using muh secrit autism trackers and maintaining ratio

CR is the reason why they gave up though
Why spend your time subbing something you like when CR shits out a below average script one hour after jap broadcast?


>this looks nice
>season 1
fuck this shit

I like artstyle and I like description. Still not buying it, fuck jevvs.

>actually watching cancer anime


There's literally one season and there probably won't be a second one you retarded dingus

>supporting anime

>every episode is 7 minutes long
Gaben dares to charge for this shit lmao hes not even the guy that directed it

>steam finally does it

there are a bunch of these

>t. cartel

so this means gog is getting all the 80s and 90s series?

>Caring about other people's tastes in anime and getting butthurt over it
You probably spout shit about "meme anime" and "forced animation" too, don't you?

Nah, they gave up long before CR

>Yatterman vintage gets two episodes then dies due to lack of interest and difficulty
>none of the other shows touched
>three episodes dubbed and then dies to lack of interest and difficulty

I only hope that the second season gets continued. I need my dumb children's show animu.

>using pantsu
>which is down 75% of the time
Fuck off back to Sup Forums stallman shiteater.

Made by westaboos.

I'd use Pantsu but everything there is a shitty mess.


i just think most anime is cancer and sucks shit