I see the whole Risen series on sale on Steam, but is any of it any good? I remember trying out the first Risen back when it first came out, but I also remember dropping it for one reason or another. For whatever it's worth, I enjoyed the Gothic series (1 and 2 + NotR), but don't really expect the Risen games to be just coypasted Gothic in a different, tropical setting.
Bump for interest
First Risen is "Gothic made right" in my opinion. I disliked first two Gothics for their clunky controls, interface and combat. Game felt too amateur to be playable for me and I always considered Morrowind to be superior to any Gothic title.
Risen 2 is considered crappy but I never played it.
Risen 3 is meh game, 5/10 or 6/10 - playable but there are better games unless you are starving for this type. Can be also called "Rolling Lords" since combat is best fought utilizing massive ammounts of rolls and dodges since blocks only save you from half of attacks. Wolrd is also cut into islands so actual gameplay zone is smaller.
I would get first Risen, tho. Its very solid and fun game. But again, I say this as somebody who disliked first two Gothics and everytime I voice this opinion, people on Sup Forums tells me to kill myself. Decide for yourself.
wait you can have shaved head with the main char?
The screenshoot is from Risen 3 I believe. And yes, you can have shaved head, once you join those demon hunters or how they are called. Pretty retarded if you ask me, why they actually shave their heads.
>First Risen is "Gothic made right" in my opinion. I disliked first two Gothics for their clunky controls, interface and combat.
im just asking because i was pissed the swamp didnt shave my head in Gothic 1 when i joined
Like usual. Everytime I say that Gothic is shit game, there are always Gothic defenders that comes and calls me wrong or worse.
No idea what they see in this game, really. Maybe atmosphere but every other gameplay elements perfectly ruin it.
He's actually right. It's where they obviously wanted to go, but they were always knee deep in story. Which is fine, but spending some time on the controls and animations was a good thing.
Especially the first Gothic. Gothic 2 at least had I-Frames to make up for the lack of solid combat, Gothic 1 was either "I deal enough damage to outright kill you" or "I don't deal enough so I get killed".
Look, I love Gothic games (at least the first two) but you are blind if you think they had good combat. Clearly that was never a top goal in the gothic series, but Risen changed that for the better... that is until Risen 2 and 3.
you have a shit taste and no one should listen to you
That's being melodramatic. Yes, the combat is far from good, but everything else is great and the RPing is real. The game has excellent characters and story too.
Saying Risen is better than Gothic is like saying Bioshock Infinite is better than System Shock
its one thing to not like gothic, its an entirely different thing to imply that RISEN is "gothic done right". Yea, what went so right about it? The dumbed down combat that gets rid of any sense of danger, or the lack of actual choices to be made. Or is it when the game turns into a linear jrpg 2/3 of the way through
>Gothic 1 was either "I deal enough damage to outright kill you" or "I don't deal enough so I get killed".
What is blocking. The combats based around learning the patterns of each enemy. so
There is NOTHING that Risen did better than Gothic except the graphics, which only a faggot like you cares about
Anybody who says Risen is better than Gothic just says so because "dude muh graphics"
Literally everything is inferior in Risen. It's boring, forgettable, dumbed down etc
I appreciate where youre coming from
Gothic is overrated
Actually, its the opposite. Combat is polished and improved, story is okay, exploration is present, stats/skills system is good - really, the setting is pretty much the same (closed small portion of world, away from "big action" and ancient eveil awakening with sole, no-name hero being the only one to stand against it).
I have absolutely no idea why you Gothic fanatics hated Risen. Maybe becuase it was not amateur shit and actually polished game - the one that devs originally had in mind but needed time to produce their little child.
Is it really that different from what was present in Gothic? You follow questlines in both situation anyway, in both games you could wander around if you wanted to.
And combat is much better, unlike this clunky shitty version of first Gothic.
I agree with this pic
>the lack of actual choices to be made. Or is it when the game turns into a linear jrpg 2/3 of the way through
as if all gothic games don't force you on the same exact questline after act 1
>the dumbed down combat that gets rid of any sense of danger
so you're telling me controls were made garbage on purpose to make combat harder?
So basically get Risen if I liked the Gothic games, but ignore 2 and 3?
You can get the third but only if you REALLY don't have anything else to play.
Risen 1 was ok
Risen 2 had godawful, tedious combat and generally, I forced myself to finish it, uninstalled and never looked back.
Didn't bother with Risen 3.
i am biased because i have been playing gothic since i was little, but gothic 1 combat is mainly "get 100 strenght as fast as possible" after that you are pretty much done if you have an ok weapon.
Never played Risen 2 but in 3 I was mostly rolling around enemies, utilizing ranged weapons or striking with sword and rolling away. Based on what people said about Risen 2 combat, I guess its the same.
>as if all gothic games don't force you on the same exact questline after act 1
I swear to god its like you never even played the game. Gothics choices come from the variety of ways that you can solve a quest. Look at the starter quest of G2 for example, you can solve it by working for the farmers for clothes, bribing guards, collecting herbs, buying a pass from the merchant, or by going around and swimming into town. Risen is completely lacking in this sort of emergent gameplay.
>so you're telling me controls were made garbage on purpose to make combat harder?
Are you stupid? Its not about controls its about the actual mechanics. It's like you havent even played the game.
>get 100 strenght as fast as possible
So you're telling me you really brute force your way until that point? like you gotta be pretty stubborn for that
I hate both Gothic and Risen, but even so Gothic is still miles ahead in terms of quality.
>Risen 1
A very interesting game that beats you with a stick the entire time. Combat is brutally unfair, there are lots of bugs and glitches, and the ending is one of the worst in gaming history. The up side is that the map is nice, the dungeons are A+ tier, and the setting is very comfy.
>Risen 2
A good pirate game with slightly less unfair combat, doesn't share much with Risen 1.
>Risen 2
A good attempt at going back to the non pirate theme but ultimately a mess. Graphics are nice but the world is squished into islands so every zone is extremely small, combat is far too easy, and the story makes absolutely no sense. A fun game to explore in but very little challenge.
If we are talking about starting quests, there are few ways to get inside town in Risen as well, same for ways to get out. There are also choices further in questline, until it narrows to differences based on which fraction you jined, despite following same road and ultimate goal. But same could be said about Gothic anyway.
>Risen is "Gothic made right"
You're taking the contratian meme too far, son
Risen 1 is basically Gothic: dull and boring version
Gothic gets memed so hard. They're actually terrible games.
>and the ending is one of the worst in gaming history
Worse than rocks fall, you die/lose all your skills and gear?
That's the Pleb way. Real men go the magicians way and take multiple dicks up their arse until they reach the last dungeon, where you're finally leveled enough to feel like a powerful mage. It's actually bretty rewarding if you can handle the hundreds of reloads
I'd rather play kingdom of amalur than this stale shit desu
Oh and one more thing before I go: are there factions in the Risen games, just like they were in Gothic? I really liked the mage factions.
You end up having to accept a quest to go find gear and a weapon that you NEED to use on the final boss fight and thus completely invalidates your character build and skill choices. Once you get that the fight itself is just a couple of QTEs and the game is over.
Sort of. There are two factions, but one of them is split in two, like how Old Camp had both the guards and the fire mages.
Also, don't play Risen in English. Don't. Really. It's fucking fanfiction.
Yes, there are factions, and I found the variety of mage factions throughout 1-3 actually quite ok. Never tried anything else, so can't talk about them
Bandits, Mages and Inquisition.
Bandits are supporters of original island governor and just want to grab all artifacts for money, failing to realize why Mendoza took control of the island in first place. They are your typical warrior/thief group, no magic.
Inqusition is about little magic mixed with staff combat. Funny enough, if you run into one of their groups and get captured before venturing into city, you will be transported into monastery and FORCED into joining them.
Mages are, duh, pure magic and actually right group to join plot-wise, but actual magic is inferior to normal weapons. Still, they are hardest to join - you have to smuggle yourself into city in some way, there prove yourself to be useful for local iniqusition officer (solving quests in their favor instead of bandits favor) receiving recommendation letter, which you have to carry to monastery. There you will be given choice of either training as mage or inquisition warrior.
I joined mages myself.
From what i remember there's no non-mage factions in R3 to speak of, if they don't mindfuck with voodoo, they can teleport or summon fire rains.
>I swear to god its like you never even played the game. Gothics choices come from the variety of ways that you can solve a quest. Look at the starter quest of G2 for example, you can solve it by working for the farmers for clothes, bribing guards, collecting herbs, buying a pass from the merchant, or by going around and swimming into town. Risen is completely lacking in this sort of emergent gameplay.
yeah the same stuff that happens in risen 1, maybe (you) didnt play the game
you also conveniently forgot that after all that shit the main quest becomes railroaded, just like gothic 1 where after all the shit you go on to join whatever camp you always end up being sent to y'berion following the same quest
>go to the bandits, finish all quests possible there, gain audience with the Don
>find your way into the city but side with Inquisition in all quests
>go and join the mages
The only correct way of playing this game and you will be swimming in skill points too.
Magic may be shit but it's fun, levitation spell from the first Risen may be the comfiest spell of this type ever.
Magic IS fun, yeah, but in actual combat I found normal sword to be superior. I guess I was more warrior than a mage anyway. And there was some ring or something, I cant recall, that gave me maxed sword skill anyway for shit and giggles. Normally thats bandits exclusive skill.
And yeah, thats the correct way - I was mad at myself later for NOT doing camp quests before I went inside. Pickpocket skill is highly useful inside the town.