I'm about to delete this game from my PC

I'm about to delete this game from my PC.

I'm 30-40 minutes into it. The characters are morons bumbling around like dipshits.

Wouldn't be surprised if this shit was an Anime Saw where Zero is just trying to teach these misguided adults to appreciate their lives more. Then of course lo and behold you have faggots who end up getting each other killed for one half-assed justification or another to give a shitty message about human nature.

If this is supposed to be the tip top of visual novels I hate to see the fucking worse. Glad I pirated this, don't want to waste my time waiting for a Steam refund.

And apparently the other two games have time travel shit in it? If the writers can't do a simple death game, I don't expect them to pull off one off something difficult like time travel

Not even Jupiter can find a worse OP

>30-40 minutes
Wait how far into the story are you even? There is one death that happens early on but there's a plot reason for it, and although you don't learn the specifics of this immediately it's pretty obvious that there's more going on to it than just "people killing each other"

Zero's motives are very complex and 100% selfish

Where you walk into the numbered door for the first time. Everything about the game just feels bad so far.

So, Jigsaw?

>Wouldn't be surprised if this shit was an Anime Saw where Zero is just trying to teach these misguided adults to appreciate their lives more. Then of course lo and behold you have faggots who end up getting each other killed for one half-assed justification or another to give a shitty message about human nature.
Could not possibly be further from the truth actually. Like what you wrote here has absolutely nothing to do with what is actually going on.

>it's a baby casual can't handle what is actually a very strongly paced story and gets hung up on preconceived notions of anime tropes episode


>So, Jigsaw?

b-but jigsaw isn't selfish! in fact you could say...he's never actually killed anyone.

makes you think.


Great post OP, now pick Ally.

Yeah you caught me buddy, I never actually played 999 and have no idea what I'm talking about or why I'm in a thread about it. In fact I don't even understand the English language and am just pulling responses from a little book I have next to me in my room.

I never knew a video game could give you insight into an anonymous stranger over the internet.

i dropped it the moment i knew i've made every choice that will normally get me the true end (it was a blind walkthrough), but it doesn't actually give you the true end until you get a couple of fake ends first, then go back and remake the same choices, i'm not setting through the same stupid shit again

But you only need one other ending to get the true end and there's a good reason for that.

If you were to only play once and see the true end you would not have enough information to appreciate it or have things make sense. There is important plot information that is kept nearly exclusive to several of the endings.

Pass the axelavir, Bro.

The Fanfiction.net tier writing and dialogue killed it for me.

Is this game worth the $30 if i've never played a visual novel before

>Ever buying digital anime CYOA books: now with even worse pacing issues

999 is pretty entry level. So are things like Steins;Gate, Ghost Trick, Hotel Dusk, and Ace Attorney, though Steins;Gate has no gameplay in it at all.

Just emulate the ds version.

>entry level
You really don't need to use this term you know. It implies that after reading those series, people who enjoyed them will want to move on to more "advanced" VNs, like Majikoi or Symphonic Rain, when those VNs are just different genres that may or may not appeal to the same people.


what bothered me the most is that it was the first time i nail true end conditions naturally, if the true end is locked behind an insane combination or the conditions not available at all i'm up for it, but don't make choices available to only give you "you made the right choices but you won't get the true end yet"

He can't understand you, stupid! He just got done explaining that.

Eat one of those ADHD pills that keeps you calm so you can play a game for longer than 40 minutes before putting it down.

But there's a legitimate reason for it. I agree that having that happen sucks, but it's also fairly easy to just skip back through to the new content. It takes less than an hour on the DS version and is instant on the remake.

Sorry I have no patience for shitty writing.

So how are you posting?



You know that you're all SHITTers, correct?