Gamecube had less games but had more good games bro

>gamecube had less games but had more good games bro

>3 half decent games
>rest is trash or also on PC

Which 3 are those?

back when Playstation had games..

Nintenbros still ass blasted and shilling to this day, the pathetic behavior is gut busting. Both GC and PS2 had lots of good games, but Nintenbros in typical fashion begin their revisionist history attempts and act like PS2 had no games.

Shadow of the Colossus
Katamari 1 and 2
Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3
Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2
Gran Turismo 3 and 4
Ace Combat 4
Sly Cooper
Ratchet and Clank
Jak and Daxter
Twisted Metal Black

But no good games right?
kek, my sides

Nintendo's failure was NOT to make contracts with multiple 3rd party developers, and NOT allow diverse (in genre, you fucks) games. Sony's success was ensuring a steady wave of ports, good relationship with 3rd party developers, and publishing of tons of 3rd party games.

It's the variety of games and good relations with 3rd party devs that made PS2 the legendary success that it was, and made Sony own the industry before 360 entered the stage.

Will Nintendo ever fully embrace the 3rd party thing though? Remains to be seen.

>also on PC

So you mean exactly no reason to not just get it on PS2 like almost all of us did.

ps2 made gaming cool. suddenly we could ps2 at girls homes without it being canceraids by nerds like unreal tournament2k4 was. Playing bust a move or bomberman with chicks was the best.

I think ps3 never captured that that well. it's now reverted back into nerd territory with all those lame AAA titles and no singstar or more casual games.

>aslo on pc

yeah like a year later.
