These three are suddenly transported to the last game you played. Post results.
These three are suddenly transported to the last game you played. Post results
You can pretty much watch any CS:GO video.
99% of Sup Forums has no idea who The Three Stooges are.
Let's be honest dude.
They should learn then.
Literally who?
>Rainbow Six Siege
Oddworld abes odysee. Through a series of bizarre coincidences and despite the stooges' inability to understand where they are or what is going on, they blindly stumble and trip through the meat packing factory where Abe worked.
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They would fight over the Praetor suit, Moe gets it and Curley gets eaten by a Cacodemon.
Thought I was the only one
It would take a 50 year old to know these guys
Why? Their stuff still airs on TV.
>All right, fellas, listen up, we're gonna hit the ground, pick up what we can and scram.
>But Moe, I don't think we CAN scram. Look at that circle.
>Yeah, it looks angry! Woop woop woop woop!
>Oh, now I see what you're saying. What are you, scared?
>*Slaps Larry in the face, pulls his hair out and pokes Curly in the eyes*
I'ma save that user the trouble.
Only 50 year olds still watch tv dude.
Legacy of the duelist, soThe Three Stooges play Yu-Gi-Oh?
>ehhh you just activated my trap card wise guy
I'm 23 and I have known who these guys are since I was 6 years old. They're absolute comedy legends. I also haven't watched TV in 7-8 years either. I have their entire DVD collection. Still just as funny to me after all these years.
What are their abilities?
I still have my vhs collection me and my dad used to watch 2 decades ago.
Classic stuff. I love The Three Stooges.
My dad's most favorite part in a three stooges episode was when Moe asked Shemp what a clock says and Shemp's response was "ticktickticktickticktick" and Moe slaps him.
Think that was the hardest I've ever seen my dad laugh, in my entire life.
I still love the episode where they're chased by the police into an Art School and pretend to be students when they start throwing clay around and they hit this old guy in the mouth with it. The old guy is saying something but to this day, I still have no fucking clue what it is, it sounded like gibberish.
Can't forget the court episode when larry pulls off that wad of gum from Moes noes and stomps on it, screams loud as fuck, beating his chest and moe slaps the shit out of him. So fucking stupid, I love it.
Considering Sup Forums's definition of "adult" is parroting RPGCodex is that really surprising?
"Well it was like this mr court."
"Address the judge as your honor!"
"Well it was like this my honor..."
"YOUR honor not MY honor!"
"Why not? Dontcha like em?"
"Let him continue, the court understands him."
"Thanks courty you're a pal."
pretty much perfect fit. Crazy antics from start to finish.
goblin techies
cool reddit humor brah
River City Ransom
Well shit, little changes except a lot of infighting. They already have a blue-eyed motive with trying to save a school.
"HEY FELLAS, I found this book on how to do that flip thing!"
"Gimme that . . . you imbecile, that's just instructions on how to use a washing machine!"
"That one fella did say 'bleach' when he hit the bricks."
"Why you-" [various slaps and drum noises]