
Prime is canon, stop being retarded.

Whatever game you like is canon and whatever game you don't like is non-canon because canon doesn't fucking matter because this videogame isn't real and it lacks the substance that makes it useful in everyday life so stop talking about that shit like it matters

also stop acting like it makes a difference who publishes or develops a game, copyright laws didn't exist until the late 1800's and every fucking public domain variant of Little Red Riding Hood is still considered Little Red Riding Hood and it would literally be no different today if jews didn't brainwash you, AM2R is a real metroid game, deal with it you virgins.

when the noncannon is better then the canon

Both are great fuck off

Why would they say it isn't?

Shitposters would find any reason to complain about the prime games

*blocks your 100%*

>Beat it again in but this time in 'hard'

Didn't even die once.

Just curious if this is a known technique, but is the minimum charge beam a known thing for Prime? I've never seen anyone talk about using it before.

That way you hit once with the normal beam and let go for the minimum charge beam and repeat until dead. You can stun lock just about anything and it kills everything stupid quick. It kills chozo ghosts so fast that in some rooms, their dying animation bugs out and they become invincible and do a weird dance before fading out. It also greatly increases the rate of fire for the ice beam and turns it into best beam until plasma.


That's cool. The only trick like that I ever use is the missile spam

Wow, this thread is dead compared to the last one.

I don't feel like they can keep pushing the Prime isn't canon thing for too much longer if Prime 4 takes off.

That said I hope other m gets wiped from canon.

But they're not pushing Prime isn't canon. Did you even open the image?

Now with more color palettes!

Parallel story or side story, whatever you want to call it, it's not canon to the main story. It's a cop out either way and besides a few minor inconsistencies, it's stupid not to include it as part of the main line of Metroid games.

>Grow ray is canon

haha no

AM2R just copypasted sprites from zero mission, wat a bunch of hax

no it isn't, stop being a PRIMEFAG

>muh am2r is a romhack meme again

fuck off shill, SR looks like shit.

He didn't say it was a romhack, he said the developers were hacks. Big difference.

The Zero Mission sprites were used as a base, but they are clearly edited.

fuck off am2r shill

>AM2R devs are hacks
>made a game that's better than anything nintendo has shit out in the last decade


>being paid to support a free game that was made for free

full retard nintendo shill.

If Prime is not canon 4 good games we like escape the Other M timeline.

so plagiarism?
>took them 10 years to copy paste? cant they even make their own sprites?


I think I vaguely recall Sakamoto trying to pass off the Prime games as not canon in an even older interview. I could be making that up.



This, good god.

I only ever found it useful for the wave troopers. Everyone else dies faster with fully charged shots.

There are lots of original graphics in AM2R. There's much more graphics that were borrowed (not copy-pasted, but edited like the Samus sprites,) the plan was to gradually replace every borrowed graphic with an original one with each update to the game. The borrow graphics were to get the game out in time for Metroid's anniversary, since the game was functionally complete otherwise.
v1.2 was going to replace the graphics for the Golden Temple, but Nintendo DMCA'd it before it could release.
And if I had to wager a guess, I'd say the majority of the 10 years was spent programming the engine and designing the map.

Man how far did they dick you to shill that copy pasted game?

is fucking shit, admit it, but wow of course you won't, autism is terrying thing

>Inexperienced faggots do a "remake" of a game

>"I-Is good guys better than the real deal!"

>Game hasn't come out, Nintendo is working on it, more content, more assets, new sprites, new mechanics

>"is s-shit guys, d-do I fit in yet?"

holy shit you faggots are insufferable

AM2R is one of the best games I've played in years, quit trying you stupid shill, everyone has called out out on what a huge turd you are just stop.

Am2r is shit.

You weren't trying before, but now you've just plain given up.

leave and take your nintendo paycheck with you.


but is shit lmao

why are you in denial

The only real issue with AM2R is the shoehorned escape sequence, and the queen's lackluster death if you don't powerbomb it. Otherwise it's really solid

You may be right. It certainly helps against some more skittish foes though like Chozo ghosts since you can stun lock them in place instead of letting them dash around.

You have to choose. Prime agees with all games except Other M, and Other M disagrees with Prime.
Either, you accept all games except Other M, or you reject all Prime games but get to keep Other M.

are you retarded

>I haven't played it because I'm paid not to and trying to get nintendo sales on their half assed insult attempt at the same thing

or you can stop being a dumbassed primefag memer and enjoy whatever and stop forcing a divide.

I've enjoyed every game from the original NES game to Other M to Am2r and disliked the primes immensely.

fuck off

>Calls someone a shill
>Despite clearly being hired by Nintendo to shit on AM2R

Alright look man I just lost my job as a caretaker and shit's rough. It's been two months with no new job in sight so far. I could really use some kind of employment. Can you point me in the right direction here? How do I apply for a job like yours? It's not directly with Nintendo right? Like it's an advertising agency? Do they hire Americans? I have no expectations for wages here. I can do below minimum wage even!

The latter was going to be fixed in an update, but you can't tell me that the escape wasn't hype as fuck the first time.
I'll agree that in retrospect it does feel shoehorned, but it was awesome the first time I went through it. And the fact that they subverted the end of it was great.

Fuck you, you piece of shit bats. I didn't want to complete my log book anyway.

Other M disagrees with every single Metroid game.
You can't use that as an excuse.

user do you want to talk?

Sakamoto is the one forcing the divide by making Other M not agree with canon, and then claiming that his game is the real one.

Other M doesn't agree with any game's canon.

>but you can't tell me that the escape wasn't hype as fuck the first time.
It wasn't. I was really confused all I did was grab a power bomb and blow up an unmemorable section. The Chozo mech was really silly, but it was a fun fight for sure. It was a real slap in the face when I made it with more than enough time to spare only for the meter to climb faster and faster.

Other M made every other game non-canon, so the canon is whatever you want it to be.

>enjoy whatever and stop forcing a divide

isn't that the opposite of what you are doing colossal retard

Metroid autists btfo

pic related is you (singular or plural, who knows) right there man

There is no reason to separate Prime from the canon if that's the case. The only reason excluding Prime has ever been a thing is because it disagrees with Other M. It agrees with every other Metroid game.

You're not making that up, Sup Forums made that up.
Or rather, Sakamoto said something that could be interpreted as Prime not being canon, and Sup Forums immediately took for granted that it was the case, and if you didn't agree then you were blind to Sakamoto's obvious hatred and jealousy of the success of the Prime series.

You know, a background helps a shitload for legibility.

IIRC the reason Prime disagrees with Other M is because Other M states that Samus never worked with the Federation after she left, right?
Someone pointed out that Samus never worked with the Federation ARMY again after she left, and in Prime she's working with the Marines.

So unless I'm forgetting something else, Prime actually agrees with Other M.

wrong person you penis slurping mongoloid.

It was a mistranslated interview. Sup Forums ran with it.
It was later clarified in a different interview.

Only if your browser shows a black background when opening images.

Not everyone uses Yotsuba B and most people open images inline.


just because some guy at nintendo says "it's canon" doesn't mean that other M didn't entirely remove it from the canon

either prime is non-canon, or other M and fusion are non-canon. I'd be okay with the latter.

Either Other M is canon, or none of the other games in the franchise are canon.

Here's what I don't get about Metroid fans

Why can't it just be enough that Sakamoto is or was stupid?

Why do people have to make up shit about what he did or didn't say about Prime? Why lie that he hates it? Why downplay his contribution on the 2D series? Why spread so much misinformation?

Why can't he just be some idiot who made poor decisions and made a bad game?

Because this is Sup Forums.

>Sakamoto says the Prime games tell their own self-contained story, and are therefore not relevant to the story in Other M

You're assuming lies and malicious assertion where there's really people trying to figure shit out and being idiots about it.

People make sense of things by constructing it into a familiar narrative. This is just people doing that with what happened with Other M.

Because a machine built of thousands of people misfiring and making a game that falls short of expectations, one where no one human being who took part in making the game is at fault, is too difficult for people to take in.


>you're assuming lies and malicious assertion

This kind of thing has happened before. Macross and Gundam fans both had deliberately mistranslated or falsified interviews meant to assail people who worked on both franchises. The people they were about were all idiots mind you, but people DID lie.

It just looked like that was the case again here.

Sakamoto can suck a dick, but I always considered the Prime canon as different from the 2D canon to be honest

Just like HD GTAs and 3D GTAs

Things honestly would have been fine if Tanabe had kept his hardon for Sylux in check and the "next" Prime game was a spiritual sequel set wherever in the timeline.

Making Prime a brand was a mistake.

Eh, could be. I can forget where I am sometimes.

>More Metroid Prime


If they had kept samus a silent protagonist, other m wouldn't have been that bad.

Nah. Still was linear. Still had braindead shit combat forced by the men on Nintendo's end forcing Team Ninja to use the sideways Wiimote. Still would have had the garbage narrative element of Samus deciding when she needed upgrades and not the player's skill.

Samus being a weak willed bitch was icing on the shit cake.

How does other m disagree with prime again? It's been a while since I played any of them.

Dobson impresses me how he keeps saying stupid shit again and again, like he manages to constantly top himself each time. How? How can someone be this unlikable

That's not even remotely on the scope of what's being discussed here.

Prime, Super and Zero Mission are my favourite games in the series because they're most open to sequence breaking and therefor have the most replayability. I prefer supers control scheme, floaty jumps, momentum and run button included, more than the gba games. Fight me.


Yes and Zelda is a Hack-n-slash.

Does it matter if they are Canon or not? Not like Metroid is story heavy

Prime is a FPS though. It's the most FPS to ever exist in fact, because even Doomguy doesn't shoot doors to open them.

>because even Doomguy doesn't shoot doors to open them.

I'm sure fiddling around in Doombuilder or something for a couple of minutes could fix that.

> Prime games are between Metroid 1 and 2
> Prime 4 ends with Samus being called upon by the Galactic federation to go to SR388
> The series is now properly connected to eachother.

Would be neat.

>doomguy fights metroid prime
>doesn't have any phazon beam
>just picks up the phazon from the puddles with his bare hands and throws it at MP

Doesn't metroid 2 have a reference to 'numerous galactic incidents involving metroids'? It would make more sense to decide to wipe out a species when one of them nearly destroyed galactic civilization.

>throws it
No, he'd coat his hands in the stuff and then proceed to punch the shit out of Metroid Prime

So I finally started playing Fusion after it languishing in my backlog for so long. And oh my fucking god I already hate it. I hate everything about it. The linearity and poorly written in-your-face story is awful. Why don't people complain about it more?

Are these guys really 100% missable? I'm pretty sure I found some of them really far into the game.

People did complain about it, but ultimately, it's not that bad.

It's literally proto Other M but gets by on a mix of good will from the past, legit solid 2D gameplay at its core, and the token that it's not voice acted so it's harder to tell she's on the path to becoming the wilty flower she is in Other M. Plus for some the fact that it was a 2D Metroid when everyone was panicking over Metroid Prime was enough to get it a pass.

The survival segments are great though, and the rails lower far sooner than Other M. It's a good game but it's a massive red flag for things to come in the series.

Does the prime trilogy work on the wii emulator yet?

They stick around if you're playing the PAL GCN version, but in NTSC GCN and all the Wii versions they vanish off the face of the planet once you collect the Thermal Visor.


Well at least that regional change made some sense.

t. Deviantart Sonic OC maker