Is it ever a good idea to buy single-player games at launch for $60? Most games are like $20 a year after release anyways.
Is it ever a good idea to buy single-player games at launch for $60...
Not unless you want to do it. I've done that like 3 times ever, since the PS2 days.
Memes and spoilers. A year later, the shitposting will already have told you everything about the game, taking out some enjoyment.
But in exchange you get a properly tested and usually patched version for less money and the hardware required to run it also costs less.
literally no reason unless you've been waiting 10+ years for a game
Digital no, but some physicals have limited runs.
Always try before you buy, you'll know the answer on a case to case basis/evaluation. The question being "Do I think this is worth the price listed on the tag?".
Is the game multiplayer focused? Possibly, since the community will almost certainly get smaller with time.
Do you have a backlog? Then no.
It's not that hard to avoid the spoilers though
I avoided Sup Forums for months to avoid Persona 5 spoilers. I don't trust you guys for shit.
depends on the game and how much you feel like you need to play it
it's nice to get a game on or near launch and be in the conversations with everyone else
I personally rarely ever get a game for full price, usually wait until it goes under $30
but some games I get and that $60 price seems worth it when it is a game I am super hyped for
i bought persona 5 and dark souls III on launch because I just couldnt wait and don't regret it at all
if you can wait, then wait, you'll save some money
but if you see everyone playing and talking about it and you really want to join in then go ahead
>tfw Sup Forums spoils P5 for you so you anticipate a plot twist but it never comes
turns out Mishima isn't really Igor
I don't buy games from big publishers at launch unless it's something I well and truly want. If it's from a smaller publisher and/or a very niche product that appeals to me, I'll grab it at full price out of a desire to not be Part of the Problem if a game I like should ultimately fail at market.
$60? It's more like $80 with launch DLCs.
That happened to me with Apollo Justice. Played the whole game expecting it to end with the last murder victim being Edgeworth
I've spent $190 on Destiny 2 already and I have no regrets :^)
Maybe if it's some niche title and you want to see the developers put out similar titles in the future, then yeah.
Otherwise no, especially if they're a AAA company.
Pirate single player games
Buy Multiplayer/Co-op games
>all the single player games I bought on steam for less than $7.50
Man imagine paying $30+ for games like Spec Ops: The Line that, while great, don't -personally- think it's worth $30-40.
Some more niche competitive multiplayer shooters will die too soon after launch to be worth it after. Titanfall 2 is an example of something I regret not buying at full price (ended up pirating it because ded game)
>Is it ever a good idea to buy single-player games at launch for $60?
no. never was.
I got it for $1 and I'm still not sure if I like it.
I bought NieR Automata for $60 on launch.
I don't care because I don't want to wait 1 year for a game that will be inevitably spoiled and I enjoy supporting companies when they do make a good game.
I rarely buy videogames so spending $60 on Bloodborne, GTAV and MGSV weren't big deals for me. Only poorfags complain about this shit.
>jewtendo games costing $20 one year after release
>liking multiplayer games this much
I never knew this was a worry for some people, let alone a deal breaker. I primarily only play single player games because I like playing games from time to time. Online multiplayer games don't interest me as they're mostly shooters, I want a unique experience. Local co-op I like.
It's almost never worth it.
I only do it before pirating it to see if it's good.
Thanks to gog I can get all the old stuff I want for dirt cheap.
Never pay more than 36 bucks and 63 cents for a computer game.
Adjusted for inflation
can we round it to 40$
It's just a guideline friendo.
Can we round it to $60?
TLDR: Sometimes, yes.
Complicated question that depends on how much time and money you have, what kind of games you like, whether you enjoy talking about new releases with your friends and other social aspects etc.
I only buy games from studios/creators I absolutely trust at full price now, but I also have an infinite backlog going back all the way to the NES, including a lot of time-sucking JRPGs that are just interesting enough for me to want to finish them. Don't get my started on the ancient computer games I'm still poking around in.
And since people are talking about multiplayer games, it bares mentioning that not all multiplayer games are good on release, some of them don't really pick up until they get patched properly months later.
I definitely prefer pirating games to see if they're decent before buying, and I generally don't buy games that aren't DRM free, though Breath of the Wild made me toss my principles to the wind, even picked up a used WiiU (man is that thing a shitty console.)
>be as cancerous as you possibly can
I only do so with games I'm really excited for or games with limited releases. Last one was Gravity Rush remastered which I wasn't necessarily hyped for, but it was only $30. Phantom Pain was the last $60 game.
I imagine RDR2 will be the next one.
its not moralfag time
He isn't. That's a shill.
morals have nothing to do with it, just a question of supporting or not supporting the industry which you are clearly dependent on considering that you're still willing to pay for the games that you can't pirate.
it depends on the game.
any open world dlc fest i just wait for complete version to hit 10-25 or so, you get all the addons and all the patches and play the game all fixed up the first time. games that get minimal or no dlc i'll wait for a drop to 35-40. sometimes you find games that are worthy of buying on day 1 but its really rare.
i wouldnt care if the gaming industry were to die
we live in a world where people will happily pay for unfinished products, i dont want to be in this
Yet you still pay for multiplayer games since you can't pirate them.
i only buy these games to play with my 1 friend
if i didnt have him i wouldnt have bought them, and most of the time i buy the games off g2a
>single-player game
I only pay full price if I like the dev
the higher full price is, the more I have to like the dev
So you buy the games on the gray market so as not to benefit the developers, yet you still rely on them making games for your entertainment. You also steal single player games directly because it's easy to get away with and there's no downside for the consumer.
You are parasitic. Like a cancerous growth, living off of an otherwise self-perpetuating organism, sucking away resources and giving little to nothing in return.
>You are parasitic. Like a cancerous growth, living off of an otherwise self-perpetuating organism, sucking away resources and giving little to nothing in return.
>waiting a year
You've only got so many years before you drop dead. Is 40 bucks really worth waiting an entire year to play a game you're looking forward to?
If the creator of the series is worth it, yes. Learn to formulate your own opinions. Don't come here asking rhetorical fucking questions you fucking shit.
Again, morals have nothing to do with it. I'm not even saying that there's necessarily anything wrong with being a parasite. Just making an observation.
the fuck is happening in this webm?
costume started running out of oxygen/deflating
that man who works on suits realizes and trys to help him
security think its some rando trying to mess with suit
After a year games are $0 because they are cracked.
>Pikachu starts deflating
>staff member panics and tries to rush it off stage
>security guards attack the guy because they don't realize he's a staff member, but realize their mistake immediately
If you want to support the devs for what you feel is a job well done then sure. The better a game does financially, the happier publishers are and the less likely the devs will get shit over making a product that didn't make any money so yeah, those early sales help them out when it's all said and done. Beyond that, not really. I'd only pay $60 for a game I gave a substantial amount of fucks about out the gate.
i payed the full price for dark souls 3, because the first few weeks of a souls game when people don't know how stuff works and still try out new things are usually the most fun.
95€ (70€ base game + 25€ dlc) is still fucking expensive for just a single game.
Ah thanks.