I believe creators shouldn't be paid for their hard work because I'm a jobless poorfag

>I believe creators shouldn't be paid for their hard work because I'm a jobless poorfag.
>I rather do enjoy trashy, garbage mods instead of high quality, well made mods.

Give me one sensible reason why you're against paid mods.

Other urls found in this thread:


All the quality of life, item mods, things representing armour or creatures from other games, those are all gone. That's why.

I wouldn't give a shit if whoever is holding the paid platfom wasn't taking way too big of a share

And what's wrong with that?

If the mod creators are ok with it what's the problem?

Fuck off, Todd.

>bethesda games are always buggy and full of issues on release
>some of the most popular mods are the ones that fix all the problems
>those mods go paid, Bethesda gets a cut
>in a roundabout way you are now basically paying Bethesda to patch the game

You're literally financially incentivizing them to release broken and barebones games, because they make money off the mods that fix that

Minecraft just implemented this system for the Win10 and mobile ports.


we already have high quality mods without paying
just keep it to the first meme arrow, the 2nd one is garbage

I refuse to pay for a mod if Bethesda gets anything more than a zero percent cut.

If the mod creators are ok with it what's the problem?

Why do you care where the money go?

I'm against anything involving Bethesda.

I wouldn't give a shit about paid mods as long as they are something like Wyrmstooth huge mods that add new content and are supported. I dont want to pay 5 dollars for a mod that adds one thing and if it breaks the modder doesn't have to do shit.

>doing mods is work
>being paid for mods in no way will encourage people to half ass it if not worse to have more mods for people to download
>implying that doing something out of passion is worse than doing something just for money

>i believe a publisher should leech off of modders' work by taking their content and selling them for a commission

Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies.

>why do you care if this actively makes the game worse


>If the mod creators are ok with it what's the problem?
he just said why
instead of paying 60$ for a game and modding it to be good, you will pay 70+ dollars for the same quality of game
>Why do you care where the money go?
because he is smart consumer, unlike you

>I'm going to build my computer
>and then I'm going to install a botnet on it to run games
>then I'm going to download an oppressive DRM client so I can play these games
>now because they couldn't make their game right I'm going to now pay this third party $5 for minor features
>by trading out my cold hard cash for a currency only usable within their cash store
>through THEIR oppressive DRM client
I mean, you've already sold away 90% of your freedoms, but you might as well draw the line before you hit 95%

>Things that take time and thinking
>not work


it encourages lazy devs since they can make money off the backs of modders trying to fix the broken shit these companies slough out for quick fedrev nots.

>paid mods = higher quality mods

Is that what you think?


hard to pay for shit when you're a NEET

>>doing mods is work
Yes, actually. Modelling, scripting, sound work, etc. are actual labors.

Go away Todd

>implying something needs thinking to be work
>implying there's something that does not take time
Typing this shit still took time, no matter how small, and a little bit of thinking. Does that mean that posting on 4chins is a job? If so then we are all doing it for FREE.

>Why do you care where the money go?
Because it's going out of my wallet

Why would I want to purchase inferior products and then pay to have them raised to mediocre?

That should be the case yes. The market should weed out the garbage, low quality mods since no one/very few people will pay for them. It will force the modders to put more efforts in their product to attract people.

I'm against paid mods due to Bethesda and Valve taking way too big a cut. Also against shit like armor sets costing money. I'll pay for gameplay and complete overhaul mods any day though and hope this encourages it but I have no trust in Bethesda.

>hard work
>six year old game is getting giant enemy crabs

I would pay you not to do that.

actually this is a win win situation if you think about it, developers getting paid for some mods means there will be more and better and bigger mods available, you can still pirate the shit out of the paid mods to get them for free

>honestly thinking people are smart consumers
the #1 paid mod with be a katana weapon pack. they won't even have unique animations, just reused from the base game.
if not that, something equally lazy and half assed. people don't buy quality products for anything, they buy whatever seems cool and isn't enough money to make them care what they are wasting it on

Maybe if Bethesda makes a hugh quality mod where I can adopt a squad of cute loli characters to fight with me I'll throw em some coin.

This. Everyone just assumes that paid = better, but we already saw with Valve's "experiment" with paid mods that that's clearly not the case. Even the sponsored modders who had months and months to work on their content only shit out some mediocre cosmetics.

The kinds of mods that really matter, the big ones that change the game, that improve the game, those are the result of passion and open-source collaboration. Those are not incentivized under a paid mod system, the simple get-rich-quick ones are. The only exception is when the developers themselves take the modders under their wing (ie with XCOM's Long War mod), but that is probably a lot more effort than Bethesda is willing to put in.

You're making assumptions based on half-assed ideology, the actual evidence is against you.

No one is stopping modders from releasing them for free.

I dont give a fuck about bethesda or skyrim but I do fear that this will be the new norm for all games.

I think that developers will another avenue to half ass their games on content and will just shill up a community to make mods.

Then as a consumer we would have to buy DLC AND buy Mods to get a complete game.

Base Game $59.99
DLC Season Pass $29.99
Mod Season Pass $29.99
Mod Subscription Pass $4.99/mo
All Content Pass $50.00

If we accept this now, this will be the future of gaming.

So will I be able to easily pirate these paid mods? I like Bethesda games but I refuse to buy another one if I can't get all the mods I want for free.

it is stupid, completely wishful thinking of the highest degree.
people think that the quality of mods will improve if they are paid, but the reality is most people are lazy as fuck and will do anything for quick money, modders included.
Plus you will end up with Lots of people who actually don't really care about the game or mods and are only making them for the money they would bring.

Just look at the minecraft modding community, they basically have trained themselves into liking paid mods with shittons of patreons and donations for mods and various mandatory, unskippable add websites just to even download most mods and as a result the quality of the mods is much, much lower than it was years ago when minecraft mods was in their height.
Like there even is modders who don't let their mods get used in modpacks or with certain other mods because they are worried that it will cut out their add revenue they would get from people downloading the mod directly

> mods
Outsourced dlc's

Wow so the concept is close to how any other businesses model based on franchises work. Do you hate McDonalds as well?

>instead of paying 60$ for a game and modding it to be good, you will pay 70+ dollars for the same quality of game

I don't mind if that will lead to higher quality content.

No one is leeching anyone.

The terms are clear, if the creators don't like it they can simply just choose to not develop content for the games.

Video games have no reason to cost money
They have no material cost

what half assed ideology, if people start getting money for something more that used to be free more people will start doing it, more people = new talent, new talent = bigger competition, bigger competition = forces higher quality in order to succeed, its basic fucking deduction

That IS half-assed ideology, you're theorycrafting instead of actually looking at the results.

>I don't mind if that will lead to higher quality content.
and this is how the video game industry went to shit
consumers with no standards what so ever.
>oh you only need 400 dollars for this mediocre RPG? well surely with the Modder Pass™ I will eventually be able to download mods that make the game good so I'm okay with this purchase, I just Todd and random modders from around the world looking to make a quick buck off people like me

yeah, during valve's attempt at paid mods you had several torrent magnet links and mega folders to the entire catalogue floating around in relevant places for skyrim modding

>implying money = quality

Same as expacks. They used to be pretty big because back then you needed a good reason to sell something.

Right now you can just sell some short bonus mission and 2-3 items for 5$ and be done with it.

>Chinamen get paid to make bridge as a buisness contract, ends up being Styrofoam coated in a veneer of concrete
>Chinaman wants to unify his lands so builds a bridge as a message of solidarity, lasts thousands of years and can be seen from space

See what the difference between doing something as a passion and something as contractual work is user?

>what half assed ideology
the ideology that "it costs money so it's bound to become good"
what are you, some commie from 1920's USSR that just came to america? capitalism doesn't work that way at fucking all
all you get is a million different snake oil salemens and maybe one guy making quality work at a snails pace. and that one guy who makes quality stuff use to do it for free, now he has to go through some bullshit mod store

if they were good customers, they wouldn't have bought Skyrim

and when money are involved, jewry practices will also be involved. paying for non professional work is a flawed concept, donation for those is ok

why did betheshit approach the skyui guys about monetizing first? it's because this entire thing is a scam to fuck the consumer out of as much money as they can. the message betheshit was sending is that they want to ship uncompleted and unoptimized games then charge you more money to fix them. it's nothing more than a greedy scam

desu after fo4 i'm never playing a betheshit game again anyway so they can do whatever they want

The Great Wall of China can't be seen from space, user

>His main source of income is selling mods

it used to be able to

Don't care. its a better structure than a styrofoam bridge.

>ripped mastersword and hylian shield from smashbrawl
>it's blatantly offset ingame
>didn't fix normalgroups
>normal and specular map missing
>it costs 5 dollars and there's no refunds

As if Google Playstore and even Steam Store isn't full of ripped asset flips and other scams.
Sure there are some good mods for these games out there that would even be worth paying cash for, but that's what donation buttons are for. Do you really want piratebay littered with skyrim mods?

enderal exists, it's better than the base game and it's free.

>buy cheeseburger from mcdonalds
> $60.99+tip
>here you go sir enjoy!
>alright cant wait
>walk out of mcdonalds
>unwrap sandwich
>top bun is ripped in half / mangled
>no pickles
>cheese is a different color than advertised
>pssst hey buddy i got an extra bun you can have here.
>heres some pickles
>mcdonald employee steps out from the shadows
>you owe me $7.99+reparations for that stranger fixing my product

To this day I still think pay-mods can work but it was done in the most horrible way possible. It shouldn't been used on a pre-existing game, it should had quality control so that your mod would have to be more like an expansion to even think about getting that $10 price tag and lastly only trust worthy people who actually know how to mod beyond "I added a bucket to a table" could have access to the feature. If you are going to pay for something then it should be noteworthy and as bug free as possible. Not made by some random guy who did it as a joke.

Paying for hard work is welcome but the thing is that it gave access to any retard willing to use the feature. I still think it could work but the way it was handled and design made it worst than fucking greenlight. In fact while I think the idea can work I don't think it would ever be able to with Steam, it is only something 3rd party like the Nexus could handle and of course if Steam doesn't get their green they wouldn't give a fuck anyway. So while I love the idea I don't think it ever should be a thing when it comes to Steam.

I hate Ark but a guy did get a job for basically modding a whole island if I recall. Shit like that makes me happy though Ark itself is still a shitty game.

the chinese are not all one people. the han didn't build the great wall and even then the wall was worthless. chinese "people" are the biggest meme around

>I hate Ark but a guy did get a job for basically modding a whole island if I recall.
They added it in as official DLC, but Lo and Behold, it was buggy as shit due to missing or misplaced collision meshes and other missing polish. It was also naturally incompatible with any update in that it didn't ever get the new monsters they released. Shit's not been updated since its release.

its funny you are accusing me of making asumptions with no proof but you are doing the same thing, i am against paid mods and will never buy one, but i am 100% certain this will produce at least a single mod that wouldnt have been made otherwise, and i will pirate it for free

They aren't 1 single people but the building of the great wall was a deliberate attempt to unify as many as they could behind a single goal. And it worked for the most part, solidifying the Qin dynasty.

Modern cay chinamen run each other over with lethality, because just harming someone is more expensive than outright killing them.

What money being end all be all to a society or medium will breed.

Not sure if that an issue with the mod or the game as a whole. Ark in general is extremely shitty. They "fix" everything that didn't need fixing while ignoring all of the bugs that may as well be intended at this point. I don't even play the game and I never will. I know enough about it from second hand anger than any review could give anyone.

t. fat fuck amerishit

It encourages to make better mods, but it depends on how many people are there to buy.

People made whole custom campaigns in warcraft3 and you want to pay for someone making a patch?

Steam tried this and look how well that turned out. How is this going to be any different?

No offense but even as a supporter for pay mods I find that extremely retarded. DLCs didn't make games better, they make them worst with the excuse that you just need to pay $10 more or for the season pass on day one to make the game decent as intended. Greed never made anything better, reason why cars still mostly use dinosaur blood as fuel though engines that run on water already exist.

If pay mods were to exist you may get one or two extremely good mods with more thought put into them as they would be less of a hobby and more of a job but overall nothing will really change. Only people who were willing to make the mods in the first place would make anything decent. People who make mods with the only goal of getting pay will try to bypass everything possible so the cash to time ratio will still be worth it to them. The point where the cash is no longer worth the time they will just bail.

Do you think Take Two took down GTA mods because they want to monetize them too?

>why do you care where the money goes
Because I earned it you NEET SOB. I don't want to waste my money on shit that people happily made for free just because Bethesda are greedy fucks.

>high quality, well made mods.

Hahaha you are dumb as shit senpai

Who still plays Skyrim? Or that total shit that was fallout 4?

Also this whole idea that it is all for he modders is bs. They only get 25% after having put in most of the work. I understand it's better than nothing, but I think a 50:50 split would have been better.

Because capitalism has no place in human society anymore.

>cheese is still wrong colour
>can never be fixed by modification
>this is somehow acceptable

Fucking McDonald's

It's still funny as fuck.
>An armor that was used as a fucking advertising of paid mods
>It's not a proper armor, just one piece covering everything
>Doesn't even have a special model for inventory like every in-game armor and most of mod armors do
>The model even covers the fucking stats in inventory
Jesus Christ, it's like they didn't even check it in-game before releasing it.
It's a perfect summary of paid mods, half-assed, too expensive for the amount of content given and only looks cool in the store page while in-game it's fucking terrible.

>amateur modder
>makes a small something in spare time
>tests to make sure it works with all his favorite mods
>loves the feeling of making something cool and releasing it

>"professional" modder
>makes a small something on paid time
>rushes it out the door to make bank
>has nightmares about refunds


I, for one, don't believe developers should get any money for mods and/or fixes they didn't care to make out of laziness.
Shitting out a half-baked game and then receiving money from other people doing your job for you is a shit practice I'm not willing to support.

Might be so, but buying mods is optional, you are not entitled to get free mods.

I think a lot of people's anxiety about paid mods, myself included, comes from the idea of transforming what is essentially a single player standalone product with an extraordinarily dedicated fanbase into some sort of sales platform or extended universe product a la Star Wars or Marvel. However passionate the modding community for Bethesda games is, I don't think Bethesda modding tools or IPs are flexible enough to establish a diverse secondary marketplace of quality content. Especially one which is constrained by IP laws. The best it can hope to be is licensed fanfiction. And I don't think I trust Bethesda to know what's worth licensing.

Themod creators have always been able to get paid. They could set up a Patreon or their own webshop or whatever.

This thing instead makes Bethesda a platform holder that also makes money every time the modders do. And that's silly.

>Developers shouldn't be allowed to make more profit out of their product

Nobody's entitled to free mods, sure. And amateurs should definitely be encouraged to sell the products they can't possibly support with the paltry share they'd get from the proceeds.
Next you're going to say modders aren't entitled to their hard work because it's derivative, then you'll tell me modders should be paying for license from the developers to modify their games because it's their IP and no one should have the right to repair or reverse-engineer anything.

Please die.

Not if it means resorting bullshit practices, no

Developers aren't entitled to profit

See here's my problem.

I don't MIND the prospect. The problem is Valve and Beth just so far haven't been able to really push the idea out without problems. The initial backlash, and immediate problems with selling mods on Steam is well remembered.

The problem with selling "high quality" mods, is that you have to both market them as ACTUAL quality and not just garbage like Steam did, AND make sure the program you use to aquire set mod is CONSUMER FRIENDLY AS FUCK. Because I think the idea could work, it just needs to be handeled in a precarious way. Folks will always have a negative reaction to the idea on paper because mods have been free since the early 90s, which in a gamer's timeframe is like since the beginning of time. If Bethesda really cares about this idea so damn much, THEY need to make sure everything is friendly on a consumer level, and that the mods we could buy are actually going to feel worth the, say, $5 we put into it to grab it, and not just someone some asshole could make on his own.

there are plenty great mods out there that are incomplete or broken because the modder didn't have the free time to finish it.

>modders should be allowed to break copyright and make profit out of someone elses product
Don't like it, don't buy it
They are, you just don't HAVE to buy anything if you don't like it.

adding to my post.

I mean if Bethesda REALLY wants to do their Creation Club I say bring it on. I wanna see what mods these "professional teams" ACTUALLY make first.

Because it's obvious that they want to make it a walled garden where only the people they approve of will get modding tools in the future.

Aside from that, paid mods can't use copyrighted assets. Sony and Microsoft still have file size limits on DLC, so you won't see any substantial mods coming out for it. And because it goes through Bethesda, they get to decide how they want to chop it all up. So big compilations of weapon and armor mods would be sold more individually to ensure maximum profit.

Overall it's just not anything that modding can do because of regulations, which put a damper on creative freedom. Should modders be able to get paid? Sure, absolutely. But we already had avenues for them to do so. Patreon and other donation platforms they could have set up. But they got into the mind set that they needed to become 'official' and made the worst deal they could for a shit amount of money. If they want literally pennies for their mods while Bethesda rakes in money for doing literally nothing, they I don't see why I should support them. They were obviously too stupid to live.

>They are, you just don't HAVE to buy anything if you don't like it.

>developers are entitled to your money
>they just aren't entitled to your money

This logic is sound

Because it's deceptive, jew-y and defeats the entire point of the existence of mods, which are by nature and origin, unofficial modifications to a game

Paid mods already exist, and they're called fucking DLC. Just fucking package and sell it as DLC instead jumping through all these fucking hoops to nickle and dime consumers on other peoples' passion projects

I mean for fucks sake, i can just pirate the goddamn mod anyway if you are forcing my hand here

This guy knows what's up.

you're reading it wrong.
What Bethesda said was: "I believe Bethesda should be paid. Oh, and also modders, I guess"

>Scroll through thread
>Nobody has posted the QUALITY mods yet from Bethesda's latest scam

This. MC mod makers used to add code to their mods that would physically crash your game if it detected it was a part of a mod pack.

Hell they might even still do that shit because they're greedy incompetent entitled dick heads.

>QUALITY mods yet from Bethesda's latest scam
Because they dont exist.

here's a good pasta regarding the issue:
This is just another attempt to ease in the idea of paid mods which, in any shape or form, is still a terrible idea that isn’t in anyone’s interest bar the big companies pushing it. All the guarantees they give mean absolutely nothing when the other party consists of thousands of tiny players who won’t be able to hold them to their word. There’s lots of reasons for this:

– The foundation of modding is freely sharing one’s work and ideas. Mod interdependence is a good thing that should not be discouraged by giving people a stake in screwing each other over on who owns what and harassing others over wanting compensation. There’s enough modding drama already without adding money as a factor. Just look at the list of mods involved in any big mod and imagine the nightmare of giving every person in every team for every mod their ‘due’, or even figuring out who legally owns what to begin with.

– For those that want make money there have always been options anyway, from it being a good way to find employment in the industry or serve as a staging ground for their own projects. This nothing new. There is also no need to use the hypothetical of a handful of modders who might have genuinely profited from this change when their skills would translate to well-paying positions anyway, especially when the community as a whole would suffer for it.


What the fuck was that khajit with human hair and uguu eyes? Part of something else?