You are trapped in a room with DSP for 24 hours. The room will fill up with nerve gas...

You are trapped in a room with DSP for 24 hours. The room will fill up with nerve gas, unless DSP is able to beat the last game you played before the time is up, you are allowed to coach him on the couch, but not play for him.

What game is it and how fucked are you?

The last game I played is longer than 24 hours so I guess I die.

>Etrian Oddyssey 3

I'm pretty much fucked my dude.

MGQ paradox, if he can pick whatever difficulty he wants then even he can do it as the lowest difficulty basically removes the combat entirely.

I feel sorry for the poor fuckers who started playing Morrowind recently.

You are dead as FUCK if that is you.

>Rain World

I am already dead. There is no a shred of hope.

>Metro: Last Light
I'm pretty sure he could beat it. He's probably decent with shooters

>Persona 5 on hard

>Bravely Default

Nice knowing you, Sup Forums.

I'm fucking dead

Fire Emblem 7. I'm fucked am I?

>GTA 2

I don't even care whether or not he could finish it, I'd just kill him myself and then enjoy the next 24 hours.

I just played boxboxboy which is super short and all of the solutions can easily be told to him. I would bet that he would somehow still fuck it up.

Rush until you can first destroy a crystal then get bad end.

Xenoblade is impossible for me, however. Maybe with cutscene skipping.

>Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War
Fuck me he won't even beat the prologue.

Hollow Knight isnt too hard
I think I'll be fine

>SMT 4: Apocalypse
Is he allowed to use my NG+ save file? If not I don't think even I could pull it off.

Dishonored. It could be done if he can play on easy, but I was on hard. Might be fucked.

>Payday 2


I emphatically let him know that he can kill The End ahead of time and narrowly spare my own life.

We are talking about the guy who got stuck on Bayonetta's first level for 10 minutes because he didn't saw the area's wall being destroyed to continue forward.

>Metal dick rising revengeance
I'm fine as long as he keeps playing and sets the game on easy

>Mechwarrior Online

If he just has to win a round then we're sweet. If he has to win one in every game mode/map or hit tier 1, then I might as well just shoot myself now.

>f1 2016
I-i don't think this game has an end state?

I'm dead because you can't "beat" Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Oh well, at least I'll die happy with the knowledge that DSP died with me.


Bayonetta is kusoge anyway

>hollow knight
probably fucked.

>Star Road
Well fuck.

If we count multiplayer games:
>Magic 2014
It's not so bad, he would be able to finish the campaign if I could tell him what to do.

If we don't count multiplayer games.
>The Evil Within on akumu
Guess I'm fucking dead.

I know he ragequit it already. Can he play on easy? It's basically a different game on easy.

>Metroid Prime
I should be fine.

>emulated Crash 1
might as well fucking strangle him myself

I'd love to see him fight Matador.

>dota 2

he can win a match in 24 hours I'm sure, eventually the horrible peruvians will be on the other team

I'll die knowing I helped rid humanity of two wastes of space.

Melee. If all he has to do is get to the credits, he can beat Classic mode without too much difficulty.

Judging by his skillset I think I know just the game

Monster girl quest

How many people got assblasted about this "right way" existing?


>binding of isaac antibirth
It could work since beating the game technically is at Mom

Kotaku got butt mad with the game playing on easy.

I don't think Warhammer End Times: Vermintide has an end state. Assuming it means to just complete all the levels it's possible though.

>Old School Runescape

What exactly would be the conditions for "beating" OSRS? I know you can speed run to having all f2p quests complete in a few hours (even though I don't know how so I'd be fucked trying to guide him), but if I need to get him maxed or wearing a quest or diary cape in under 24 hours then that's just virtually impossible.


Well fuck

>Environmental Station Alpha
Just gas me now.

>Metroid Prime 2
If I don't tell him to get all the health upgrades, he'll end up dying repeatedly.

What do?

Blazblue Central Fiction
So like, the story mode? Just fast-forward I guess

Nobody. Having a game with a ton of difficulty options but one "true" setting is the best way to do development.

Unknown. I was previously 100%ing Super Mario World, in which case I would be totally fine.

Zero Escape: The Nonary Games

You'd think that it's a visual novel and it all he would have to do it mash whatever button he has to, but there's fucking puzzles. If he only has to complete one, then I might have a chance as just telling him the solutions would be somewhat easy. However, if he has to do both, then he'd probably whine and complain how hard the puzzles were in the first one, and or alt tab out and check twitter or some shit crashing the game. If he's makes a joke about how we 24 hours, rather than 9, I'm choking myself to death.

Does the nerve gas come out of a vent? Can I inhale deeply near that vent to die faster? I want off this gay ride.

>Not specifying difficulty

Nigger as long as it's not that long you'll be fine. Turn to easy mode

>Megaman Battle Network 3 Blue
I'm fucked, he would probable get stuck in the bubbleman section

He could be good at games if he wanted to you know.

>Tokyo Xanadu

rip me, I guess?

>dawn of war

Just put on east, spam marines and attack move

>Europa Universalis 4

Easy, have him play as Ottomans, there's no way he'd manage to lose all his territory before the game clock runs out.

>summer lesson
Well I'm fine, you literally can't lose, just do really fucking poorly

>I'm choking myself to death.
You'd just shift back to the start of the game and get stuck in a time loop.

I recently played Metal Gear Solid for the first time. I don't think I did well at all (I got "Elephant" rank at the end if it means anything). After watching a montage of DSP playing it that someone linked to me, I don't think I did too bad. I'm sure this is something every shitty player has thought at one point or another after watching one of his vids.

He has to get to second base

>Xcom Long war on Brutal difficulty with a lot of second chance options to make it harder

RIP me

I murder him straight away and wait for the sweet release of death, knowing I made the world a better place.

With broken mechanics it can be finished in 4 minutes.

I'd think even Zero might have some pity for me.

>Cave Story
Should be easy enough, but who knows the bounds of his shittiness.
Especially if he chooses the chicken ending.

>The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

I might actually make it, guys.

>Hind flight sim with the most advanced controls enabled
The game's campaign could probably be binged in less than 12 hours but DSP would be physically incapable of taking off

I played Metal Gear Solid 3 again after having not played it for 5 years and I got "Panther". I'm not sure if that's good or not but watching DSP is a good way of making me feel like a God in comparison.

Just rush the objectives, fast travel, and spam the topmost chat option when needed

>Monster Hunter 1


If you abuse experience exploits in Xenoblade you can beat the game in under 10 hours.

Persona 3

Just kill me now. He can't even beat Nyx on Easy.

You can cheese the whole game with Spiritmaster+White Mage and 3 Dark Knights.


So he just has to beat one card game or complete the story mode?

Thank god the bots are easy.

He couldn't even beat Bloodborne after grinding to hell.
I just brain him with the controller and try to enjoy myself with the game before I die.

Panthers are fast, stealthy animals, so you probably did very well.

Elephants aren't known for speed or stealth, though. So I guess the game's telling me that I'm slow and clumsy.

>Super Smash Bros.
Not a problem. Just set it to very easy, 5 stock, unlimited timer.

Total War Warhammer? I mean if I get to coach him. I think I can coach him to the short campaign goal pretty well. Unless he doesn't listen

Resident Evil 4. I think i'm OK because I know all the tips and tricks ;)

how do you beat hearthstone?

Uninstall it

But Morrowind is easy

Oblivion, im dead i guess

>Cave Story +

Mama mia

>Metroid Prime 2
I'm pretty sure I'm good. I beat prime 1 100% in like 8 hours. I haven't played prime 2 in a while, and even though prime 2 is a harder game overall, the difficulty comes in finding upgrades to make your life easier. I know where a few are and can point it out to him.
Actually, I wanna see phil play metroid prime now.

>Darkest Dungeon
Haha bye


you uninstall

hotline miami

fuck we dead

Fuck, that was close

What would happen if DSP replied to this thread?

user Must Die Mode: Phil must beat Hell.


last game I played was warframe so I guess I'm fucked

>ARMA 3 on hardest difficulty

>Persona 5
>Going to die either way
>Have to suffer a full 24 hours of watching DSP attempt P5 before dying
Jesus that's brutal.

>mass effect andromeda
just skip the side missions and dialogue and I'll probably be fine