So what games do you play on your phone Sup Forums?
So what games do you play on your phone Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
dandy dungeon, age of procreation, mine road.
I used to play Sonic Runners but then they ruined it with an update last November and then ultimately just tore the servers down (And it was an always online game so rip)
Then Sonic Runners Adventure came out which was fun but I got 100% of the content in just a few days. Its also paid which sucks. And looks worse. And has no original music.
Right now nothing. I was playing Dead Trigger 2 but the slow grind bored me. Right now I am waiting for Destiny Mobile. Beta next week.
Been emulating SOTN-like Castelvanias.
Tetris and a Blackjack trainer
You mean metroidvanias?
Nothing, all of them are trash.
Where would you even play on a phone?
At work you work or at least have your desktop PC.
On the go you'd look like an underage kid, not to mention that trying to squeeze in 3-5 minutes of playing while waiting for the bus/train is just awful.
At home you have other, better systems for games.
I play Sonic Adventure on an emulator.
on your bed, before you go to sleep?
I play read the news, check the mail or browse 4chins because mobile games are so garbage that I'd rather do chores.
I don't work with a laptop or a PC.
I'm also not insecure about being on my phone in public because I'm not an autist.
I used to play a mobile version of CoD zombies but I can't find the apk anymore.
It's sad too, that game was amazing. I played so many hours on der rise.
lmao that square face. Disgusting.
psp emulator
Crusaders quest
Fire emblem heroes
FF exvious
Been playing CQ consecutively over 2 years now
>CoD zombies
You mean this one?
>no snake
I play gatcha shit, but I never spend any money.
Thats what they all say. You WILL spend money eventually.
BlazBlue: Burning Revelution.
Its all of the BB assets riped and made into an RPG, if you can belive that.
Some of the best gameplay on the phone ive ever played. And it dosent just try and emulate normal games to phones, it does its own thing.
Starlight Stage
O2Jam and DJMax Technika Q
Candy Crush because phones don't have buttons anymore.
None anymore.
Used to play a few on my old phone and the iPad.
Pic related was pretty boss.
I've been playing Star Wars Heroes for the last couple of months. I used to play Kingdom Hearts and FFRK, but I got burned out on them fast. Heroes doesn't update too quickly, but it's a fun enough game.
Cataclysm: DDA
>Owning a phone
>BlazBlue: Burning Revelution
Do you mean Revolution Reburning? Because there's a game by that name and it's a fighter, not an RPG
Why isn't there a smartphone company taking advantage of the untapped mobile gaming market by having a giant screen phone with discreet physical controls that slide out or something?
Why would I own a phone? What's the point?
Pinball Arcade, and that's pretty much it.
emulating sims2 on gba
>not owning an Apple iPhone 6s Plus 64gb
Fuck you, I need to talk to people sometimes.
>having internet connection
fuck off 1st worlder
Emergencies, gps, internet on the go.
I play my Switch
even the most social outcasts out there have a phone, you're probably only poor.
There is literally no benefit to owning a phone and I have the money to get any of it right now.
yeah that one. Its quite the RPG, but the gameplay is still a fighter. Hence the asset rip i mentioned.
These days.. just Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. Tho I will give Fate Grand Order a shot tomorrow.
Not him, but even the poorest of poor have phones now too.
This one village kid from Benin keeps sending me photos of his drawings because he wants to move to Europe and become an animator.
My friend worked as a volunteer English teacher in rural Nepal five years ago as well, and everyone had phones there too.
Anyone know if FGO will be available to play in Yurop? I've only seen info for the US release
What mental illnesses have you been diagnosed with?
>be driving
>get lost
>be driving
>flat tire
>be out in the world at all
You're right. As long as you stay close to your mother's nipples you don't have to worry about anything.
I know it's a bait or sarcasm, but come on man, have standards.
You'd easily be able to get hold of it once it comes out in the US anyway, but I suppose it's an online/mp reliant thing?
For emulators on android, is corecount actually important now? What's the best quadcore ARM CPU?
>no benefits
lol what are
>calling people
>internet on the go
>music player
>emulating old games
>actually good phone games
can i fix your post now?
>there is literally no benefits for me to owning a phone because i live in a basement.
true, bought mine for 60$
pretty much plague inc, little inferno and some 8-16 bit emulated game only
Right now just SNES emulators. Been replaying some of my old favorite RPGs. Thinking about buying a small Bluetooth controller
To be fair, if user has a ThinkPad with a SIM card, he doesn't really need a phone ever.
How is it a mental illness?
>not knowing how to use a map naturally
>not having spare tires
How does it feel being useless?
Emulators and pogo spoofing when I get bored
Been playing shitty MOBA clones because the people that play them suck balls and I can feel like a god.
Meanwhile I'm a silver shitter on PC
Stop pretending you go outside user.
You know
Mahjong mainly
neko atsume (where the fuck are the updates?)
Terra battle
It's pretty much random as to whether a mobile game is available in Europe at the same time as the US, there can be a delay between it being available between the regions.
Stop pretending people didn't live the same way they do now twenty years ago when people didn't have mobile phones.
Just need an Android phone with Joycon rails
>Stop pretending people didn't live the same way they do now
They didnt.
Fancy Pants and Mdickie games
Stop responding to it, newfriend. You're as bad as it is.
You can easily aquire single player games from other regions though.
I was just thinking whether the game might not be any fun if it was multiplayer centric or required local online service.
Only mobile game i play consistently is Minesweeper. It's kinda fun on a touchscreen
Yeah, but still. I mean, is it that engaging and good of a game?
I assure you I've gone to outside more times than you have. especially after you tell me about potentially having a flat tire, when that should be common sense to have a bunch of spares.
a shitload of hero gacha times
turing out the sao memory defrag game. pretty good waifu simulator
honestly ive enjoyed urbs the most. Busting outs map is not well designed and sims 2 conversation setup is offputting. i liked to read their reactions to "joke /insult etc."
None because I fell for the microsoft meme
They did. They just didn't waste as much time on the phone.
Who are you even kidding when being the one talking about driving and having flat tires.
You thought that user was me? What a fool you are.
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
But at that point he's just being purposefully obtuse.
What was that game where you were a sniper in a zombie-infested city? It was really popular on here for a couple of months.
As if that even matters.
>not knowing how to use a map naturally
>this outdated way still works so let me ignore the much better modern way
Do you ride horses too instead of driving cars?
I play card games like Bridge or Hearts on my phone. Cheating piece of shit AI
>bunch of spares
Yes fellow human and do not forget the numerous maps to be kept as well!
>Sup Forumsirgins are so out of touch with reality they think phones are not useful
True, but you shouldn't ever assume a tech elitist not to be.
Yes and everyone knows you need to have the trails memorized and extra sets of spare horse shoes shoved in it's ass just in case.
They're useful, but they're not necessary.
>he thinks that todays Sup Forums users are the same posters from 7+ years ago
>he doesnt know reddit has been mommy posting for the past 5 years
>im responding to a mommy poster
ima kms
What the fuck is mommy posting?
Don't forget to pack some extra fucking water skins in your satchel.
Playing tiny rails recently, it's comfy
Can't even use an emulator?
Computers are not neccesary either. Why do you have one now?
Please. Don't get him started.
To post on Sup Forums and play videogames, which is incidentally what this board on Sup Forums is all about.
It's fairly common to have a mortgage too. Why don't you have one, user?