Jesus Christ...I picked up DR4 during the Steam sale despite knowing the changes. I figured "hey, worse comes to worse...

Jesus Christ...I picked up DR4 during the Steam sale despite knowing the changes. I figured "hey, worse comes to worse, I had fun with the other DR games".

Nope, right in the first 5 minutes they fucked everything up (Visuals, Frank, gameplay), even control-wise it feels like ass. I have never seen a sequel from the same studio feel so radically different, and these are the same people who made DR2 and even 3. Hell, it almost feels like the entire thing was outsourced to a random chinese company.

What the fuck Sup Forums? As someone who loved Dead Rising 1 and 2 to death, this legit makes me angry.

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I dropped it because of how they handled guns. It's retarded, the franchise deserves to die for it.

You know what the worst part about DR4 is? The first chapter where you're confined to the mall is where the game peaks. It sets up a mystery with absolutely 0 worthwhile payoff. I still had fun with the game as an action game but as a DR game its terrible.

Honestly with DR4 it felt like they had 0 budget to go on. I say that because at first I thought the reason why they rid of psychopaths intro and death cutscenes and other shit was because they wanted to be focus tested and safe in marketer speak, but I guess they didnt have the budget or there was an exodus in CV. I also wonder if the reason why TJ didnt return as Frank was because he was part of the actors strike.

What's wrong with the guns?

Theres no reloading and you toss them after your finite amount of ammo is gone. Maybe im just autistic but it that ontop of the combat being lame with nothing in the world like items in shops killed it for me.

But... that's exactly how they handled guns in the first DR

I hope you refunded it, you piece of shit. Don't give leafs any money or they will make dr5 with that reporter bitch as a main character

tfw my favorite series is once again kill because Capcom outsourced it to a bunch of incompetents.
2 was pretty good, almost as good as the first imo. 3 wasn't as good but still okay.
Been hearing terrible things about 4 though.

2:OTR is the best in the series

It was awful back then too, it was easy to look over because the games concept was fresh.

>not firing until 1 round left

Guns were shit for the most part anyway, you either took a decent melee wep like the katana or sledgehammer or just cheese the game with lmao triple booked mini chainsaw.


>expecting anything good from leaves

Mass Effect was good?

Yep, I refunded it. Too many other things I want to get.

>Visuals, Frank
stuff you could have easily seen by even looking at the game
you have no one to blame but yourself

Deadrising 1 was the only good deadrising, crafting killed the entire point of the series.

Wait what, I'm pretty certain that's how the first two games did guns.


I don't think anything else needs to be said. Fuck leafs.

Dead Rising 2 was a much better game than the first one.

Fun fact dead rising 1 was made by capcom production studios 1

Dead rising 2 was handed off to capcom Vancouver and had work put into it by the original dev team above

>Dead Rising 2 was announced on February 9, 2009, confirming earlier rumors of the game's existence, as well as a viral video for the game. The developers Blue Castle Games now know as Capcom Vancouver worked with Keiji Inafune, the original Dead Rising producer and Capcom's former global head of research and development, along with other original Dead Rising team members.

So surprise surprise 3 and 4 have had no input by the original team and are complete capcom Vancouver productions.

If dr2 had a semblance of fun, it sure as fuck wasn't because of crapcom Vancouver

The franchise is dead due to them being cheap outsourcing fucks

I completely disagree, even game mechanics withstanding, I am curious why you think so I would enjoy hearing your opinion and others on why Deadrising 2 is better than the first one.

This and Andromeda are the first games that have so much detracting aspects to them that I don't even want to pirate them, not even to check them out to see if they'll interest me. I remember being excited as fuck when they announced DR4 and it got even better knowing that FRANK. IS. BACK. for that first trailer. Then FRANK. IS. BACK. for the second trailer. Then, the third trailer and on and on. They kept on regurgitating the same shit over and over again in all the previews, interviews, stage demos and trailers. FRANK. IS. BACK. CRAZY WEAPONS. WOOO BACK TO THE ROOTS BABYY. Then, I find out not everything can be picked up. Then, it's revealed that psychos aren't back, they're replaced by maniacs that apparently serve the same purpose. Then, I find out maniacs don't have cutscenes or stories to them, they're just in their respective areas until you happen upon them and fight. Then, I learn that even the timer is gone because apparently the fanbase hated that. When the fanbase criticised that decision, it was ignored.

With every single preview of the game, my hopes for it just kept on dying little by little. Thankfully, Capcom had the decency to at least port DR1 to the PC. Dead Rising is merely dead now and I hope they never make another game in the series. I'm content with DR1, 2 and OTR.

Fuck, I'm mad now

One change alone made it much better. The survivor AI wasn't pants-on head retarded like the first.

>That bit with the window spray

Okay, I will give you the survivor AI it was better, but is that really enough to overpower the atmosphere, setting and overall game mechanics from the 1st? It's all opinion of course and I will always think the 1st is the best but that isn't to say there are some things sequels did better.

dont give western developers money for their garbage games, refund that ish bro! At least the game wasnt full of diversity and vritue signalling a first for a western company.

Look up the devs and producers for 1 and 2 and then for 4.

I like both in equal measure, honestly. DR1 had the best atmosphere, map, psychos, unlockables, plot and overall aesthetics but DR2 had better mechanics. Combo weapons were a good addition, survivor AI was much better, coop and guns handled better (or was it 3 that allowed you to strafe while aiming?). It also had more props and items in the game by virtue of being a sequel. If we had the ability to add these mechanical improvements to DR1, it would be the definite best DR game.

I can agree with you for the most part up until combo weapons. To me Deadrising 1 was more about defending yourself against a horde of zombies and with the addition of combo weapons made backtracking and endless hording of shit craftable weapons to be made into better things. Having a knife in DR1 was a life saver in some scenarios but in DR2 made people look at this knife as something to be crafted, something so worthless to even use and I don't think that was the point. Crafting weapons is what lead us to DR4 a complete abortion of a video game.

4 was developed by a bunch of nu males with experience making shovelware lol

I think that the combo weapons in DR2 were just the right balance for that sort of mechanic. It was there so that more of the props and items had a use instead of defaulting to small chainsaws again and stuff. I never found surviving in DR1 to be that hard, in all honesty. The combo weapons in DR2 gave you a way to have some pretty good weapons even if you're in an area that didn't have a gun, antique or knife shop nearby. Plus, you always needed to find a workbench in order to craft weapons so I think it was nicely balanced.

Then, of course, the leafs takes that concept and pushes it to the extreme in DR3 by throwing game balance out the window. From the start, you can pick up a minigun, freeze gun and whatever the fuck else from your weapons cabinet of infinity. They take the survivors concept and make it so you didn't have to save them at all, just do a quest for them and unlock them so that they escort you instead.

Crafting weapons wasn't what lead us to DR3 and 4. Bad developers did.

>I have never seen a sequel from the same studio feel so radically different, and these are the same people who made DR2 and even 3. Hell, it almost feels like the entire thing was outsourced to a random chinese company.
Ever played Dark Souls 2?

Okay I can see your point, but thats exactly the point, bed devs tood one part of the game and fucked it all up.

>but thats exactly the point, bed devs tood one part of the game and fucked it all up.
Amen to that. Outsourcing was a mistake. For DR and DMC. Thank god they never got the chance to outsource DD as well.

Do you guys remember the faggots defending this shit during launch?

I totally don't agree with you. It plays exactly like DR3. If you didn't like DR3 you won't like this game.

Personally I think it's way better than the older games.

DR3 wasn't perfect by any stretch and wasn't anywhere as good as DR1 or 2, but it was way, WAY better when it came to controls, item variety, and combat compared to DR4.

Guns were shit, but I loved stocking up on pistols and headshotting crowds

This and Andromeda are emblematic of everything wrong with vidya today, and yet there is hope.

Both games were outsourced to god awful companies and fucked up everything that made the series good. Yet both games were critically and commercially panned.

No? Why are you making shit up?

You do have a point there. We know how EA responded to Andromeda's reception and hopefully that means some lessons were learned. We still don't know how Capcom feels about DR4's reception but I hope it effectively ends Capcom Vancouver handling any relevant IPs in the future. They're utterly hopeless.

Because you're blind as fuck then, boy. Because last december when this lump of shit was on the rise we started having our fair share of retards/""ironic"" shitposters/contrarian cunts/shills talking about how much better DR4 looks and how the removal of things like the time limit and survivors were a good thing.

This is what I am hoping. Capcom seems like they are starting to take a step back from outsourcing their major games to western developers, and taking away Dead Rising and giving it to a Japanese team would be really nice (Or at the very least, a skilled developer that isn't Capcom Vancouver. I have no faith in them at all after this shit).

It's dead. No idea why capcom outsourced it to begin with. MS isn't gonna give vancouver any more chances. Capcom is poor so theyre in a worse position than when they outsourced it

Can't believe this and mass effect turned into shit. Maybe I'm getting old

But DR4 way better than DR1. Dr1 is outdated as fuck piece of garbage, clunky with dumbass AI and timers. Stay mad. Your series are dead now.

What did he mean by this?

Chuck moves so stiffly unlike Frank in DR1 who moves incredibly agile and fluidly. The zombies in DR1 are a hell of alot more aggresive and unlike in DR2 you must either avoid them or kill them to get past them; in DR2 you can simply walk right past them.

That I don't like limiting my game experience with timers.

How was DR1's time limit limiting the experience? You don't get a game over screen if you fail the main quest.

I thought the timer was kind of fun desu. Made the 72 hours system work since other wise that would be pointless. Maybe its because it felt like time loop where you went back to the start with previous knowledge so you could be as efficient as possible.

I pirated and uninstalled right after the dream sequence at the start.

The worst thing for me was that neither the weapons nor the zombies have any weight to them. It feels like you´re pushing cardboard cutouts around.

How does the 4th game in a series end up having the worst graphics? How did they manage to do it?

What gets me is DR3 wasn't a looker either, but the art direction is at least semi-consistent outside the vehicles looking out of place.

DR4 just looks like a mess all around.