Red dead on pc
Looking good
It's good tho
>7 year old game
>runs like a Powerpoint slideshow
I didn't know they were porting it to the Switch
looks playable to me
Finally, the long-awaited Dobson Edition.
PC always win babyyyy
>silky smooth 3 fps
so this.... is the pc mustard race.....
give it a year and it will be playable 60fps 4k
like how botw is fully playable now
Drakengard 3 WHEN?
>PC Master Race
- waits for thousand of years to play an exclusive console game, the same time a sequel arrived. AYY LMAO
why? its been 15 fucking years
why cant pc emulate a fucking 15 year old hardware?
>past gen consoles available for literally $30-50
>I wonder if I should get it?
>nah, I will just wait for 10 more years and spend $1k on a PC to be able to emulate this shit at 3 FPS
PCfarts, everyone.
>drakengard 3 finally at a solid 15 fps
its would be a dream
But it is, the hell are you talking about, some people finished it on pc weeks ago.
>for literally $30-50
I like how the price magically keeps getting lower, soon it will be $5 according to Sup Forums.
>soon it will be $5 according to Sup Forums
>according to Sup Forums
>PCfart isn't even capable of using google to check prices
emulation is difficult, m8
Actually, not only I searched a lot but I recently bought one, in my country the average price of an used one is still 80 euro.
But let's say that it's completely different in your country, show me where you can find a working one with a controller at $30 when the controller itself costs around 20$.
Inb4 I won't because I hate you, not because I can't find something that doesn't exist.
>PC can do some something my shit brick can't lmao what a joke
why are peasants this stupid?
>PC can't do some something my 15 year old hardware can lmao what a joke
fixed that for you eternal toaster
you can't emulate on gaystaion whore? wow didn't know that
stay mad gayboi
why would i be mad when i'm winning lmao
Thanks for beta testing you cucks
that video is fucking atrocious and laughable and you're kidding yourself every time you deny the sad fact.
Holy fucking shit... I've waited literally my entire life for this day... Can I get a hella frickin epic bros...
>wants to play a game that has been out on a console for years
>has an option to buy a used console for really, really cheap to finally play the game he cares about so much
>proceeds to shitpost on Sup Forums instead
No, John, you are the stupid.
>wanting to emulate the inferior PS3 version of the game
Playing games on consoles sucks. It's like trying to use a hammer to drive screws.
This is what decades of piracy gets you.
>losers's last words
>its another thread where people think PC gamers haven't already played the games on their consoles and just rightly believe all games simply have more potential on PC
ITT: People who don't understand how emulation works
this, everyone and their grandma either has a 360 or ps3
If youre talking about emulating unpirateale consoles PC can emulate N64 just fine. It only struggles like crazy when dealing with high end hardware like the 7th gen sans Wii.
Emulating high end 7th gen exclusives are a fucking burden to the PC, you need a supercomputer to accomplish that. Wait 50 years or something before you can emulate TLOU on PC at 20fps.
>Wait 50 years
5 tops*