Post your top 5 most played games of the last decade, other people judge you

Post your top 5 most played games of the last decade, other people judge you

kys my man

RoS made it good I swear

World of Warcraft is my #1, for sure. Had like 250 days played just on my main before I quit.


Starcraft II
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition
Garry's Mod

darkest hour: europe 44-45
red orchestra 2
Unreal gold
half-life 1
call of duty black ops 1

>Darkest Hour
Your taste is already top quality. It almost compensates for your playtime in Black Ops

Blops 1 is an underrated gem in a shit franchise.

TitanFall 2
Gravity Rush 2
Neir A
Ratchet and Clank
Fallout New Vegas on PS3 :^)


>Half Life 1
the actual fuck
did you manage to get that much playtime out of a linear, singular-ending, offline FPS that only takes around 10-12 hours to complete on fucking hard? I liked the game, don't get me wrong, but how the hell is it up there when it's only good for 1 or 2 playthroughs before you get bored?

World of Warcraft
Dota 2
Fallout: New Vegas

Replace titanfall2 with csgo and it's literally me.

Not him, but probably mods

i firstly discovered half life 1 when i was a kid and falled in love with the game. i literally played the game at least 1 hour per week, and for a fucking long time.
gotta say that i also played the game numerous times in different difficulties in the past 3 years, counting the blue shift and opposing force expansions.

Pls no bully
I played HG like fucking crazy when I was 11, I'm not sure how much but it's up there.

>Monster Hunter 3U
>Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
>Persona 4 Golden
>Pokemon Y (Nuzlockes)

Fallout NV
Fallout 4
In order of time played.

the good:
titanfall 2
I guess left for dead 2
the awful:

good taste all around

good taste except csgo
I must admit I too have at least a thousand hours in pokemon if you add up all the games. My vice was Black 2 though

WoW (rip)
Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen
Megadimension Neptunia VII
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition

>tfw started another run of ddog but I have no rc to purify cursed items early on because I can't shill my pawn in the now-dead general anymore

OP, does the game have to have been released in the last 10 years? Or is it just the games we've played the most over the last 10 years?

Probably latter.

WoW is 13 years old.

DotA 2
Titanfall 2
Killing Floor 2
Company of Heroes 2
Left 4 Dead 2

Rome Total War
Medieval 2 Total War
Modded Minecraft
Hearts of Iron 3
Dark Souls

I spent 3k hours on Med2 in a single year. Now t a total of 6.2k. Slightly lower on rtw.
Probably have 1.8k on hoi3 and 2k in das1

Unhealty & unholy amounts of hours on mineshit


In that case, my most played games since 2007 are:
Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium
Fire Pro Wrestling Returns
Super Fire Pro Wrestling Special
Super Fire Pro Wrestling Queen's Special
Ultra Street Fighter IV

in that order

Lets see.. last decade?


Warcraft 3
Rome Total War
Fallout Tactics
Spy vs Spy

Halo 3
Dark Souls
Garry's Mod
New Vegas
Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time

Not him but...

>Half Life 1
>Offline FPS

Deathmatch, Co-Op, mods, ect.

>all these fuckers posting but nobody replying
>more time in starbound than in terraria
pretty good taste, how is gravity rush?cyka blyat
thoughts on MH4U? aigis best girl 4 was trash

Gravity Rush 2 is literally a direct improvement from 1 in almost every way. Only thing I could complain about is the forced stelth missions

Mass Effect 1 (26 characters max level). I don't like ME2 and sometimes I play ME3.

Grim Dawn (Actually I don't love this game but is the only viable option right now, Diablo 3 and PoE are shit)

Dungeon Defenders (1000+ hours)

League of Legends (Play this shit since closed beta, I have that shitty Rammus skin. Quit last year.)

Skyrim (500+ hours)

>4 was trash
I can't hate it, the vibe and music is way too good
I like it alot, the new monsters are great and the IG is way too fun, my main problem is the hardware. 3DS is the bane of my existence. I've been trying to emulate it but I can never get it to work properly and reluctantly play on the actual 3DS

Fallout 4
Fallout NV

>Dungeon Defenders

I put like 150 hours into this, how could you do 1k?!

We know it's you Todd

Dark Souls
Call of Duty Black Ops 3
Fallout New Vegas
Killing Floor
Payday 2

TF2: 254 hrs
Killing Floor 2: 160 hrs
Dirt Rally: 155 hrs
BF:BC2: 150 hrs
Witcher 3: 120 hrs

Steam stats.

Not him but you could play that game in a window and just leave it open all day. It was probably a lot of grinding xp/coins.

>OSRS - 1100 hours
>LoL - 900-1000 hours
>CoD MW2 - ??? hours
>Dark Souls - 400 hours
>Terraria - 350 hours

I regret nothing else more than the amount of time I've spent playing LoL, MW2 time was alright because it was probably the last time I had friends.

not a single game over 1k hours

do you even neet?

That was last decade. I played CS:Source and Day of Defeat for a combined 1k+, several hundred in BF2/2142 and over 500 in Warhammer Online.

Football Manager '12-'16

After that is a little more hard to call, probably between NCAA Fottball 13, MVP Baseball 05, Diablo 3, or Civ V

Starbound has improved since you last played it

Dota 2
Dark Souls
Halo 3
Minecraft (when it was good)
Oldschool Runescape/Runescape before 2010

CS 1.6

This is just off my steam. I've only been using steam as a primary platform for like 3 years.
>Star Wars kotor 217hrs
>Das 1 155hrs
>tf2 147hrs
>Arma 2 OA 120hrs
There's no telling how many hundreds of hours I've spent on skyrim, cod WaW, assassins creed 1 etc on my xbox and ps3

I would vidya with you if you dropped LoL for dota.

World of Warcraft
Arma 3 (no DayZ or battleground shit)
EU 4
Garry's Mod
Fallout NV

Insecure guy who plays what his friends tell him to

i played it in september, user, i don't think it has enough to warrant more playtime than terraria

th-thanks, but I dropped LoL about a year ago and I don't really want to touch MOBA's again.

>Heroes of the Storm
>League of Legends
>Guild Wars 2

look, Fallout 4 is a great game, and if it was released under a different name, in an alternate reality where fallout had never existed, it would be hailed as a fantastic game.

It just couldn't live up to the years of "le waiting for fallout 4 XDXDXD" memes. No game can. That's why we're never getting a hl3.

>Civ V

Lay it on me straight Sup Forums, am I a lost cause?

>look, Fallout 4 is a great game, and if it was released under a different name, in an alternate reality where fallout had never existed, it would be hailed as a fantastic game.
same about Diablo 3

That's pretty rude. I only have one close friend that even plays vidya.

Dorf Fort (Ballpark guess of maybe 500 hours)
Dota 2

Dark Souls series
Left 4 dead 2
Diablo 3
Guild wars 2
Bethesda Games (skyrim/f:nv)

1 (combined 1,5k)
2 (playing for over 10 years now)
3 (yes, 1k+)
4 (1,5k)
5 (500+h combined)

>WoW (upwards of 200 days played across 3 characters)
>Halo 3 (5300 games played + hundreds of campaign completions)
>Path of Exile (currently at 42 days on steam probably double that off steam)
>League of Legends (54 days play time)
>5th place is between CSGO @ 40 days, MW2 (unknown), and Oblivion (unknown).

I'm sure I'm missing something but ya gotta realize the past decade was middle school to 22 for me, dont h8 m8.

>Fallout 4 is a great game, and if it was released under a different name, in an alternate reality where fallout had never existed, it would be hailed as a fantastic game.
The story was laughably awful, the quests are all "go here and kill all these raiders/ghouls", removing all skills and dumbing down special and making the game into a SOLELY perk based system was a humongous mistake, the game looks hideous for the time it was released, the game runs like an piece of shit, it's buggy, there's no roleplaying at all whatsoever since you're railroaded into being military daddy or lawyer mommy who can do everything daddy can for some reason, the factions in the game act beyond retarded, too.
If Fallout 4 was called The Falling Out and was released by a brand new company called Bethisma everyone would shit on it even harder because it would be a poor excuse for a company's first game and it would've sold maybe a few hundred thousand copies. But since it's a Bethesda game everyone loves it and just goes "oh yeah it's buggy, it's a bethesda game, wtf did you expect" Bethesda is an extremely experienced company, the fact that they can re-release Skyrim several fucking times over (regular edition, GOTY edition, new gen edition, special PC edition, switch edition, VR edition) and release a steaming piece of shit that is Fallout 4 is a fucking travesty. They act like they just started making games when they have all this experience under their belt.

>Poe is shit...
Fuck off and die

Either normie underage or both


Super Smash Bros. Melee
Borderlands 2
Call of Duty Black Ops (Zombies)
Super Mario Bros. 3
F-Zero GX

based off your pic i thought you're gonna ask "what are some casual normie games"

>minecraft(when it was good)
m8 this explains it all

Hope it's alright senpais

Explains that I'm a rational human being that knows when something I like goes to shit?

If I cared about people's opinion on my vidya I wouldn't put Dota, babbys first fps or minecraft on the list at all.

In order:

Fallout NV
Team Fortress 2


Resident Evil 4
Metroid Prime
Dark Souls

Nuclear Throne
League of Legends
Pokemon Black

Team Fortress 2
Smash Bros Melee
Half-Life 2
CoD Black Ops 1