Who was in the wrong here?

who was in the wrong here?

both for being at a speedrunning competition


I'd really appreciate it if you'd stop shitposting.

chibi was being an autist
mustache man probably could've worded that better because while autismo deserved it, it made everything really uncomfortable

They both were, but at the same time, they weren't.


Chibi for being an autist and inviting himself onto the couch
Caveman for not telling Chibi to fuck off at the start

he would really appreciate it if you let him fuck your boipucci

You for coming here and asking the same dumb question every time reddit is slow.

What's the deal with speedrunning? They don't run at all!


And why is he called Caveman, anyways? Hey buddy, I think that age ended a while ago!

I don't care about your thread or even know who that asshole is i'm just posting this as a test for a storytime thread. please ignore me

Caveman for being an omega male. Yeah, yeah, say what you want about Chibi being "autistic", or whatever it is you faggots meme about these days, but he DOMINATED the room.

will we ever go back?

Man Lisa was such a QT. Scott should've left everyone else for her.

>I told him to be quiet because he was a fucker
caveman is /ourguy/

Him being a gay furry doesn't even have anything to do with him being in the wrong. Caveman had NEVER MET chibi before this, and he sat on the couch without asking.

the autistic furry invited himself to the couch when nobody wanted him there and wouldnt stfu about trivial shit nothing to do with the run
i think it would have been more mean if the runner went "why are you even here? who is this guy lol" instead of just telling him to be quiet

So Santa's favorite helper confirmed for squirrel.

>who was in the wrong here?
Chibi. He wouldn't shut the fuck up the entire time with his cringey jokes.

I'm pretty sure he had good intentions (just extremely autistic), but this event was mainly about mustache man speedrunning Tomba, and having terrible couch color commentary was likely ruining his concentration.

I don't know how these events work, or whether or not Chibi was chosen to be THE commentator (if that's an actual thing with these events), but it was tremendously unnecessary and distracting.

Of course, everybody is wrong for attending this stupid """"""""competition"""""""" in the first place

caveman admitted chibi was correct so there you have it

>Chibi. He wouldn't shut the fuck up the entire time with his cringey jokes.
He had been doing it for every run prior. This was a Tomba run, imagine how bad we was on the Bubsy run three slots prior.
