The great debate

The great debate

I played zelda in tv mode except when I was on business trips, but I like playing disgaea in handheld. I usually play mario kart with friends so tv is a must. I don't really see the point of tabletop mode to be honest, but if some people like it, good for them.

Handheld all the way.

Handheld mode for the most part. TV mode if playing multiplayer and tabeltop if playing multiplayer while out and about. One isn't better than the other. I prefer always playing in handheld if I'm by myself.

Handheld mode all day every day. TV mode when it runs out of charge.

Tabletop for plebs only

trashcan mode

>Being mad mode

I prefer playing games like Shovel Knight and World of Goo in tabletop mode. But for the most part, I use it as a handheld even for games like Zelda. TV mode only gets use if I'm playing MK8D with friends

playing your switch on your tv is like playing your phone on your tv, retarded,

I only played in handheld mode on the first day when I bought it. out of curiosity. since then it's in TV mode

am I the only one?


you're mentally challenged

No. You have to realize most of the people posting on this board live with their parents and probably only have some shitty Dell laptop and no tv to hook it up to.

not as mentally challenged as switch owners

TV Mode: 90%
Handheld: 10%
Tabletop: Never

>Switch version of BOTW is forever the reason BOTW's dual screen support was cut from the WiiU version
>Having to gimp the game on your previous console so it doesn't play better than the version coming to your new console
I will never not be mad.

I used to think Wii U gamepad in bed was comfy, but goddamn Switch in bed is the comfiest thing imagineable

I play TV mode very rarely because of how impressive handheld mode is.

I hope you realize this occurs with all console games. the gimped version is the console version.

Boo hoo, pathetic little Wee U owner LMFAO

>Having to gimp your previous hardware because otherwise it will look more competent than your new hardware
No, this isn't an industry wide behavior.

So how will you be playing the upcoming Splatoon 2? Handheld or TV?

Meh I mostly use pro controller since the wii u gamepad is over expensive and not so comfortable.

I don't understand why someone would play games in bed. I can understand listening to music or something but when I'm in bed I don't want to use my eyes for shit.

>so goddamn mad that a console that's been out for four months is doing well

Hows that Ps4Pro doin? All those checkered 4k 30fps games?

Hows that 900p Xbox One doing?

haha ebin Sup Forumsro xD

It'll be good for 2p Sanic mania at a friends not much else that handheld couldn't do

Handeld>>Tabletop>>>>>>>>powergap>>>>>>>>>>>TV mode

Switch is a Handheld, no matter how may euphemisms or mental gymnastics some use is a freaking handheld with shitty battery life.

Maybe not amazing but significantly better than their previous releases, without the need to make the non 4k PS4 or 360 look worse.

My TV's a shit and won't let me do direct Audio via headphones.

however, I bought a charging stand, so I can do Tabletop mode without a need to remove it to charge it.

no it's not. fact

Handheld the majority of the time. Tabletop for the rest.

Enjoying all those "remasters" of games that came out 8 years ago on last gen consoles? You must be really happy to have purchased Call of Duty 4 two times in a decade

Right now mine is in dust collecting mode, and it will probably continue to be until October 27.

This, I haven't even taking the dick out of the box yet,


Where is the "None of the above" option?

Dock too

Switch has Bluetooth?
I play my Vita and use my HT, can I do the same on handheld mode?

Nigga I own a gaming PC, Vita, 3DS, and WiiU not a PS4 or Xbone.

But the PS4/Pro and Xbone/S/X haven't had to intentionally gimp releases on their previous hardware in order to make releases for their current consoles look appealing. The Switch has done this one two occasions already with BOTW and Pokken.

>using the greater than sign

Are you retarded?

not clicking the thread, you edgy cunt

There's nothing wrong with switching to a bigger screen if you will have the TV all to yourself for a while and don't want to have to deal with the battery at home. While it is a handheld it's the kind of handheld I've always wanted with an option to put it on the TV whenever I deem necessary.

>The Switch has done this one two occasions
On two occasions*

who /TV + Pro Controller/ master race here?

>tabletop over TV

Not with the fucking output for charging being under the console it ain't. If I carried some legos around to free the space then maybe.

But the Switch was made to get shat on.
It only exists so that I may open threads and laugh at people who got one.

I'm not saying that is wrong, hell when I play MP with my brother on MK we play on the TV but the "real experience" can only be fully enjoyed as handheld.

I love the Switch but using it on TV is just a plus not the main catch.

HT? The controllers connect wirelessly using Bluetooth.

Home Theater.

t. person who is 'totally secure' in their choice of console

I played the entire BoTW on TV. Played Mario Kart 8 exclusively in handheld mode though.

Didn't play any other game and my Switch is gathering dust at the moment until odyssey comes out.

>Switch is gathering dust at the moment until odyssey comes out.
>Splatoon is a month away

shit taste

you should play Mighty Gunvolt Burst, it's good shit

Tabletop mode with a pro controller if I'm trying to get comfy.

Handheld mode most of the time since it's the epitome of comfy

TV Mode when playing local multiplayer or playing an online game

Tabletop mode when out of the house and you don't feel like holding the Switch

>caring about esports shit with a bad single player

Saw that in the shop, is it made by the MN9 guys? I don;t want to give them money.

Not made by Comcept.


When you can't use the TV you use the Tabletop

When the little shit runs out of batteries you use the handeld while charging

it's not Comcept, it's the Gunvolt guys who made it.

and I'm not kidding, the shot customization feature is legitimately amazing

But i need to forward my money towards "give me your Cash" Bandicoot

I dont even feel like trolling switch owners, I honestly just feel bad for them. They seriously think touting a logo, some baby/weeb games and one legitamately good game (mario) is justification to own this overpriced tablet.

Back on the day I was a N64 kid so even when I own a PS4 right now I couldn't be less bothered for that game, If something I don't see myself buying another game for it what's left of this year.

Tabletop is underrated

You're correct that it's a handheld, but that doesn't somehow make TV mode bad. The Switch is a handheld that displays in 720p, and can be hooked up to a TV to display in 1080p. Anyone that says different is wrong or trying to shitpost.

>720p ever

>Justifying this

>They seriously think touting a logo

> some baby/weeb games
Which Switch games are baby? Zelda, MK, ARMS? All of those games are legit more difficult than the first party playstation fare. Give me an actual explanation as to how they are "baby". Keep in mind your critique should focus on gameplay and not aesthetics. Go ahead pleb, I'll wait.
> one legitamately good game (mario)
Mario isn't out yet.

I play exclusively in handheld because I rent a room and live off suitcases.

I didn't justify anything? I simply stated a fact that the Switch display is 720p.

I can justify it if you'd like though. The Switch is the highest resolution dedicated handheld ever released.

Tabletop mode no question. Maximum comfy.

I mean I was living with my mom until like 4 months ago.

Living with your parents is actually the best thing for vidya and shit. The only bill I had to pay was the internet, student loan, and car insurance. I had so much extra money to build a decent computer, nice big TV, etc.

Now I'm paying electric, water, car insurance, internet, rent, etc. Living with parents is not a minus unless you are looking to get into a relationship. I'd go back to live with my mom so fast if I didn't hate her husband.

Before the Switch release, I firmly believed it would primarily be a home console and the ability to play it as a handheld would be secondary. For anyone who owns one, it's infinitely more useful as a portable since you don't have to have a TV to play it, but having the ability to connect it to a TV is really nice for specific games

aw shit xD

Tabletop only at work when I wanna play my boss in MK8D, sometimes at a party when we wanna play some drunk 1-2 Switch

TV Mode very rarely, I think I grew out of playing vidya on a big screen, but I love playing ARMS this way

Handheld mode 95% of the time, shit's wack.

t. person who is likely to believe unconditionally in the GOTY condition of unreleased games.

Honestly, who plays table top mode? I get that in theory you can play with multiple people on the go, but who is actually doing that?

Handheld mode is probably the most popular way to play. No one is using it exclusively as a home console.

I play on tabletop mode when browsing Sup Forums. It's works well if you're playing a game that doesn't require all of your attention span.

>grew out of playing vidya on a big screen

this is hands down the most retarded thing I've ever read

t. someone who thinks they can judge the mindset of strangers over the internet based on anonymous responses to their own anonymous posts

>No one is using it exclusively as a home console.
I do. and tons of other people. stop being so ignorant, retard

There's no debate, user. If you bought a console that is technologically two generations behind, your taste already doesn't matter.

Yeah, how awful of me spending my free time watching shit on TV and working on my hobby and finding the time to play vidya only on my way to work or before sleep

Switch is shit. Only reason to own one atm so far is zelda botw, and the emulation has better graphics/less stutter if we're being honest.

>better graphics
>less stutter
you're retarded if a Switch is your primary console. i'll play BotW on PC when it's stable and doesn't crash every 5 minutes. until then i'll be sticking with the Switch.

>If you bought a console that is technologically two generations behind

The Switch is a handheld though. It's essentially same in hardware capability as the Wii U, which was also roughly the same as PS3/360. A handheld performing at roughly the same (if not better) than the competition's previous console is above average historically. I don't know what the fuck you're smoking. Feel free to shitpost back at me with some hot non-facts.

To be fair nintendo states in their quarterly report for shareholders that they consider the Switch to be a home console and a continuation of the WiiU. And that the 3DS is still the handheld line flagship which will be replaced next year with something new.

I don't know why people think that Switch is the new handheld by Nintendo. They never stated this and all their financial reports clearly refute this.

I like my Switch but I will still buy their new handheld system next year.

Financial reports or not, it's still a handheld, no matter what they say. It's a battery operated gaming machine with a screen, speakers and controls. I understand why they're putting Switch as a console for now, but I think they're going to shift and call it a hybrid of both when 3DS finally dies in 2018.

The Switch is a continuation of the WiiU philosophy where you continue playing the console games away from your screen. To make it even more portable they decided to include the hardware into the "tablet" so that you can take it everywhere in your home.

The reason why the battery only lasts a short while is for this reason. It was never meant to be a true portable system. Read their financial reports it's not so full of marketing speak as you'd think and they clearly line out that they will release a new handheld flagship as a replacement for the 3DS next year.

I agree with you however that if the Switch gets too successful or if the DS/gameboy new handheld sucks they will probably keep the Switch as a plan B "This is totally our handheld"

>Rarely ever use the touchscreen and use only the controllers.
>Vita and 3DS are tablets

it's really not, if your pc has decent specs then it should run at the very least a little better with less framerate drops.

shouldnt happen near as often once your shadercache has taken in its first load-up. Been playing it all day and no crashes. Yesterday only two. Besides I heard of crashes happening on the switch too, even if rarely so maybe it's just your PC rather than the emulator.

>buys a tablet
>uses it as a home console

The stupid thing doesn't even cool itself properly. Those things will last 12 months with all the heat damage. Normal tablets don't generate that much heat, and all it has to cool down is a tiny fan.


I use it mainly handheld, but there's something so comfy about having it on it's stand while I have an idle joycon in each hand, occasionally aiming with the right one on zelda