Do you think that this game is going to split monster hunter into two versions like how it is with frontier?

Do you think that this game is going to split monster hunter into two versions like how it is with frontier?

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It depends on if World meets Capcom's expectations, which are probably ridiculous.

No, its a mainline game And it's gonna be great

There's just no way that Capcom abandons the portable market. Even if World ends up selling incredibly well, they would know that they can still capture a retarded amount of Japanese sales by putting out a portable series.

I see World as a move to try to rescue Capcom's failing home console game market. Their console games aren't selling as well as Capcom wants them to, so their solution is to put Monster Hunter on consoles as well. They're not retarded enough to stop the portable games though. X and XX were already made by different guys, so there's no reason they can't have those two teams continue working in tandem.

then why is it not named monster hunter 5?

It doesn't really make sense for that to be the title, especially if their goal is 1) global launch 2) appealing to newcomers. Number resets happen with series all the time. MHtripleX is likely how the handheld series will continue. MHW will likely follow the DLC upgrade formula. Probably won't see the number 5 ever.

Because Capcom wanna sell to the west.
And if they put 5 in the title, normafags are going to think that they'll have to buy MH 1-4 first. the same thing happen to the newer Asscreed.

They already confirmed they scrapped the MH5 title in favor of World. It's very obvious that MHW=MH5, not just from that confirmed statement, but with how many new mechanics have been introduced.

The changes aren't experimental, they're grounded in bringing the series to be a less cumbersome experience. This doesn't cheapen the hunt, but makes the superfluous aspects an afterthought. No one plays MonHun because they like gathering, or farming meat, or wasting time in menus. All changes thus far are tweaks to unnecessary tedium. The hunt will still be thrilling. It was obvious from the gameplay trailer.

It originally was, they just changed the name so newcomers wouldn't be put off thinking you had to play the others first or something. It happens with most series.

Unless they call a potential new handheld series MHP5 which is likely, not like nips are unfamiliar with that name scheme

I t looks like Lost Planet but with Monster Hunter.

>suppose to be less anime moves
>has the 2nd most behind the gen games
>mounting is legit 2 times longer with barely any way to fail and no diminishing returns
>preplaced traps
>monster vs monster engagements are blantant "COME WHACK AT ME WHILE I DON'T HIT YOU" moments
I'm scared

Probably this.

Honestly, I really don't have much faith in Capcom pulling anything off considering their track record as of late. It's probably for the best they either get bought out or sell off their IPs and close their doors.

Capcom is absolutely not going to stop making portable MH. It's the only thing keeping them alive whether they like it or not. If World does well, they'll make a team that rehashes it for some extra yen. They're one hundred percent working on "MH5" (I know MHW was originally called MH5 in development but that doesn't mean there won't be a "MH5") on 3DS that keeps things exactly how they are now with the few usual additions.
Capcom only thinks about money and two MHs means money.

I would have skipped the next one like i skipped them after playing 4 for about 70 hours, bretty good game if not for a real console release. I'm old.

>monster vs monster engagements are blantant "COME WHACK AT ME WHILE I DON'T HIT YOU" moments

This might be replacing stamina fatigue, Anjanath never ran off to get food in any of the demos.

if two MHs means money then why not give us three MHs and release XX on the switch or ps4 in the west

if they are going heavy into the whole ecosystem shtick there is literally zero percent chance of them removing fatigue

XX is coming to Switch

For now, no interest can come to any other MH so that it doesn't compete with itself. First make MHW as popular as possible to grow a fanbase, then stealth release traditional MHs with little advertisement just so that the small following in the west who actually search shit finds out about it.

Realistically, it probably won't.
Some things to keep in mind:
>MHW has a budget much higher than any "normal" MH we've gotten in the past decade or so - logically, they'd also expect more sales in return
>MHW won't be on any handheld in Japan which means a HUGE part of the audience that normally buys MH and plays the games is getting abandoned. No chance all of those will switch over the PS4. There are a mere 4m PS4s sold in total in Japan
>Lots of people on the PC will buy it on grey market sites or wait for Steam sales
>The average PS4/Xbone owner just doesn't buy niche games like this, they buy FIFA, Call of Duty, GTA and such. Consider that even Bloodborne sold rather poorly given the massive PS4 install base and that game is a lot less niche than MH

If MHW could get some that 'hard game' sthick, it could sell quite well, perhaps Bloodborne numbers and beyond. Another possibly million could be sold on the later PC release and then they can release a downscaled version on Switch, which could take in a couple million or more. So about 5-6 lifetime.e sales across all platforms might satisfy Capcom.

Realy makes you think


I fucking bet Projared would defend flexing if MHW had it. Dude is such a sellout.

They're still making handheld MH titles. No one's getting abandoned.

Based on how Nintendo treats Capcom IPs and how Sony treats them. We know the following.

Nintendo + Capcom = Saving games or stability
Sony + Capcom = Downturn or Spectacular failure

Leave it to Sony to make Monster Hunter a flop.

Sony paid Capcom not to let XX be localized in the West.

Yeah they didn't completely focus all their translation efforts on MHW, completely refuting your point

The fuck are you even talking about?

>Sony + Capcom = Downturn or Spectacular failure
Give one example

Sony paid for Switch not to get MHW, nothing about XX. XX is coming to Switch, a region free console, and it's fucking MH. You don't need much of a translation at all for it.


Resident Evil (Twice actually)

Here, have a second one in case you want to move the goal posts.

Street Fighter.

>Thinking a text and gear heavy game like XX is playable if you don't know Japanese.
Slap yourself Jaggi brain.

>Thinking a text and gear heavy game like XX is playable if you don't know Japanese.

nigger it's MH, you pick the weapon with the right stats and the armor with the highest defense until you get to endgame where you build a specific set, at that point you should at least recognize some basic kanji for the armor skills, and if you don't, go to kiranico or something, the items are even color coded for you so you know what monsters to kill for mats.

MH Worlds will flop on consoles but it'll be a gigantic success on PC
You heard it here first.

>Sony paid for Switch not to get MHW

>What is everything else.
Nigger, it's MH, good luck in playing it proficiently if you need a guide to look up everything.

rather, they paid for MHW to not come to Switch and also be exclusively released on PS4 in Japan, which is why the West gets the XBone and PC release while nipland doesn't

>it doesn't really make sense for that to be the title

Nips are super anal about insisting numbers on titles on main installments if they existed prior. they don't care how high the number goes.

Japan still getting handheld MH doesn't help MHW's sales in any way though.

Why else won't it come out on the Switch than Garck? The system is tailor made for Monster Hunter where it bridges the gap between playing with friends on the go, or online at home.

>new mechanics

where the new weapon then? every game that introduces new gameplay mechanics brings a companion weapon to demonstrate it.

what the fuck else is there besides some obscure stuff like item delivery corps and charm melding that you couldn't figure out without playing previous MH games? you pick gear and hit the monster till it dies

remember kids if you have legitimate grievances towards MHW you're just a jelly nintendo fanboy.

>Capcom is absolutely not going to stop making portable MH.

where's XX in burgerland then faggot? oh right never ever according to some suits.


MHW is releasing globally. There is no more fucking excuses.

I like gathering. It's important to the prep aspect of monhun that really separates it from other action games

If by "gigantic success" you mean PCMR buying three million copies when it drops down to $5 then sure.

I really don't see MHW selling more than 2 million.

is it really sony fault though i mean wasn't it just capcom being dumb and ignoring their fans like with sfv focusing on esports instead of providing single player content.

>ProJared said flexing was stupid and useless

How can a MH fanboy be so fucking pleb?

too bad the series is no longer catering to you :^)

Gathering still exists, the animations are just more fluid.

>What are knowing what skills sets an armor has, exactly what mats you need for weapons and armor, what are the requirements for quests, knowing the particulars for your Palicos, etc. etc

Die in a fire of Rathlos.

Being paid by Capcom helps

More like nonexistent

What are the two versions of Frontier? Why are their two versions and what's the difference?

>No one plays MonHun because they like [...] wasting time in menus.
Am I weird in finding the menu sounds, like, really satisfying?
Rattle clackclackclack CHUNK clack clack CHUNK KACHUNK clack tweedleedee whiff whiff

I do hope it stays in World, or at least any new sounds are similarly satisfying.

Capcom knows they can push out shit under sony's watch.


Sure, mounting the equivalent of yian kut ku looked easy. And it probably should be, cause it's fucking YKK.
But did you see fucking rathalos? That shit looked insane.

I hope the elder fights let the whole party get up there to topple them

>fell off amazon top 100 a few days after e3
>had to use a viewbot for their trailer so it wouldn't look pathetic
>only one ps4 game has ever sold over 1 mil in nipland
>tri on wii only sold 1 mil in nipland with 3 times as many consoles
It's going to be a catastrophic flop.

>paid by Capcom helps

he was paid to promote Ultimate 3rd, Ultimate 4th and Generations too but he wasn't afraid to be critical when needed. He is however in full blown shill mode for Worlds. Same for that Gaijin"I don't give a fuck about the fanbase being mad about no XX because i know moon"Hunter.

>Why else won't it come out on the Switch

Weak hardware and low install base when compared to the competition.

Realistically speaking this is exactly what will happen.

1-The game will be good and fun, a worthy MH game.
2-The game will bomb because japan is the main market and they are handheld freaks, and the west sincerely can't care less about MH, and thus selling poorly.
3-Capcom see that MHW sold like shit and took way too much effort and money to do.

From there it is three posible outcomes.

1-Capcom decide to use the PS2 assets once again and mainline go mobile for extra jewness like F2P and P2W, slowly killing MH.
2-Capcom decide to use the PS2 assets once again and mainline go only handheld having MHW as the last pretty MH game.
3-Capcom attempts to use the new assets from world and make new MH games that will quickly kill MH as they will also sell like shit.

Choose your poison Sup Forums

the skills were covered before, you play enough and you pick up some kanji knowledge of armor skills, barring that, you look up shit. would you really be changing armor and looking to get new armor skills that often that it would be a problem? mats are fucking color coded and don't even use kanji for a lot of monster names, making it even easier to know what they're from and what they are. Quests literally have pictures of what you kill outside of one or two mandatory gathering quests at the beginning of the game, which are the same as in X/Gen. Palicos gear is as simple as hunter gear, and skills are also pictures that explain what the skills and abilities do

no john, you are the casuals. if an actual fan and wanted to play the game, it would be easy to do so using nothing but past experience and a bit of intuition.

>MHXX stream
>Gaijin was shilling World in the comments and said to stop asking for XX to be localized
Fuck Gaijin, and the fact that ProJared said flexing is stupid is a fucking insult.

Oh right Monster Hunter that franchise known for needing only the most advanced of hardware platforms.

Did the Swaxe shot off anything new? Did the charge blade? The glaive is tailor-made to spam mount, sure, but all weapons can do that. Were there any new weapons in Dos? I'm a Tribabby.

I played an untranslated X just fine. All you gotta find are armor skills and mats which I do on localized anyways. Looking up a quest takes 10secs and I honestly believe you've never played MH or only played 10hrs max.

why is there always a PS logo in these threads? Are people going to pay FULL price to play the version with HALF the fps? Why?

Considering the hype in the west, It will more than likely do just fine. And at least half of the Japan players will buy it. Wii had a sales spike after MHTri came out. And of course it didn't sell as much as MHFU at the time but it didn't need to either.

Quit being dramatic.

They're gonna have to spend a SHITLOAD on advertising if they want to see it take of even slightly. It's got Normie potential as far as a big multiplayer fantasy game on PC and Playstation goes, but it'll be for naught unless they market like crazy.

>Mum hardware!
Shit excuse, especially with Monster Hunter where they value gameplay over graphics.

>Mum low install base!
Nintendo can't keep up with demand and Splatoon 2 has 700k preorders in Japan. It's going to be the 2nd game after Breath of the Wild to have a game to system ratio of +100% with how things are going.

Monster Hunter players used to worse. Don't be surprised.

4-Capcom slightly scales down the World assets and releases the game on Switch, instantly sells 3 million.

>I can stumble around like a retard just fine, so it should be easy for everyone!
Fuck off.

the game runs on MT framework, you could make it run on a phone if you really wanted to. It's Sony paying off Capcom, plain and simple

It doesn't need crazy marketing. It needs reasonable marketing with good catchphrases, otherwise it won't stick no matter how much they market.

Tri had a big marketing budget but was shit because it didn't have any message or anything memorable at all about it.

I mean, think about it objectively or rationally. Why pay 60 bucks for a 30fps version when you can pay the same ammount to get the Same game but with 60fps?

Capcom already confirmed they're using the full technology of the PS4 and Xbone to aim for 30 FPS. The Switch wouldn't be able to run the game if that's the case. Get fucked nintenig

>this set requires these parts gotten from [x]
>do usual MH shit
>somehow stumbling around like a retard
Fuck off.

Throwing money at advertisement is the one thing Sony knows how to do. But it will never top what Nintendo did.

You're completely right. Just look at fucking Dark Souls.

Generation 2 started Hunting Horn, Gunlance, Long Sword, and Bow.

>Aim for 30 FPS
>Something that was already easily obtained for all the Nintendo MH games.
>Where a few easily got 60FPS.

Based off of what we've seen of World, I doubt the Switch could've handled it.

>low install base
What are the Switch's total global sales? Compare them to the PS4 and Xbone and you'll see why Capcom jumped ship.
>Literally the seven people at E3 who were actually excited for World

Can't wait to play MHW in 720p with ps2 graphics on my Switch!

>Knowing what the moonrunes means without looking everything up.
>Having to have 20 guides open to stumble through everything reliably.
Fuck off.

>the hype in the west

what fucking hype? the fanbase is very splintered and tumulculous right now. even /MHG/ is just endless console war shitposting now.

>He thinks MHW graphics are the same as MH4U


I think that is the last MH ever.

devs thought world fit the name of the game better since it's more open focused. there are no loading screen between areas.

We can all disagree with if MHW is shit. But no one who isn't a retard can disagree with this chart.

Bring back Ironbeard!

>even /MHG/ is just endless console war shitposting now.
God don't remind me. This is why I've been avoiding MH threads lately.

how do you breath correctly without aid from someone else? Do you really have a mental deficiency that extreme that you can't learn things as they are given to you?

Are you trying to bring reason to consolites? Good luck with that.

The thing is that MHW looks expensive as fuck for Capcom so they are expecting a ton of money in return, but that might not happen.

hype =/= sells

Why would the capcom branch in japan care about localization for portable MHs
They know their audience is in japan. The sales say it all

>Resorting the strawmen